Hey guys it has been 3 years since I became army and i have loved every single member equal irrespective of having a bias but one day i unconsciously said something that i regret and i hope the person forgives me so here's what had happened

So I was chatting with one of my army friend and I was feeling dizzy and almost lost my senses I was feeling dizzy because I smelled alcohol no no don't get the wrong idea that I am drug edict it's because of my ear drop I had wax collected in my ear so it was paining and I went to an ent or otolaryngologist so he gave me ear drops and without knowing that I contains alcohol I smelled it and got dizzy so meanwhile i was chatting to my friend and she has sent me a famous meme from bts run ep 102 where Jin oppa was compared to rap line I seriously liked and and the way he speaks so fast it have always inspired me so my friend sent that meme to me and said "jin should debut as rapper" Or something similar I don't remember exact words and what she said was right but instead of laughing it out I said have u ever listened to V oppa rapping I wasn't in my senses so I don't remember what I was thinking that time that I said this to her but she felt bad why not obviously anyone would then she asked me if I am alright then I replied to he no I am feeling dizzy so she haven't said me anything that time and helped me get over the dizziness and then in evening I called her to tell something important that time she told me that she felt it rude she felt it attacked and as in past Jin never got recognized he didn't get proper line and didn't get appreciation so she felt it because she have felt same way being neglected and that time her words really hit me hard I really felt bad even I wasn't in my sense I somehow became biased to my bias and I felt sorry tho it has been a week since this happened I can't stop thinking about me ik my friend forgave me but will Jin oppa forgave me I really felt bad doing this but all ik now is I should think about others and stop being so biased to anyone I am so sorry and my friend thanks for helping me to know the reality hope one day Jin oppa forgive me.