
I go up the stairs and find the bathroom door open and another door closed. The corridor does not have windows so it is dark, but no light comes from the cracks in the bedroom door. This is unlocked. I slowly open the door.

-Who's there? - Asks the boy playing games on the computer with all the windows in the room closed and the light off. I can hardly distinguish his figure. I really wanted to have night vision. Vision has night vision, all of Tony's protection robots have night vision, why not me? Ehr, let's focus on what's going on here and now, my artificial brain no longer has enough energy to operate on two things simultaneously.

- Your mother asked me to come and check your condition.-

-Are you here to convince me to go back to school? Go out into the world? -

-That's what I was asked- I answer honestly. He turns around behind a bookshelf, laughs and plays again.

-I should have imagined, I don't know how my mother managed to get money to hire you, but it was a waste of money.-

-Actually, it was just a glass of water and a bowl of water food.-

-So you are one of those super heroes that help every cat stuck in a tree they find along the way? -

-Hum, I would be happy to be described like that.-

-EZATELY! You do not understand! It's a perfect robot! - Um? Wasn't makeup enough? Anyway, that offended.

-I'm not a robot, I'm alive and aware. A super artificial intelligence.-

-That's what all the robots say.-

-Good point- The boy prayed again with my comment, at least I'm good entertainment. I can't prove he's wrong can I? I was programmed to think that I am alive, how would I know if I am not?

-They hurt me outside. Why should I leave and participate in this little game of society if there is no good place for me there?

-You are right, you need a long-term therapist, unfortunately I came just for today.-

-I'm crazy now! I'm not sick! You heroes are sick! -

-She said that she would be happy to be described like that, not that I'm a hero. I am a professional social worker and I recommend long-term therapy.-

- Will your therapist cure me of this? Give up. - He says holding up what should have been an arm, but there were tentacles in place.

-No, that cures that kind of things are doctors. But therapists can cure rassism and its aftermath in the mind. Make an appointment, it's worth it.-


-I'm not asking you to leave, just that a little ezercic would be recommended. What I'm trying to say is MAKE AN APPOINTMENT.-

-You don't want me to leave? Isn't that what you came here for?

-Was. Unfortunately, as a social worker, it would be against my rules to manipulate you in any way out of this room. Alias ​​distance studies seem to be more effective in your case.-

-So what's the therapist thing for? -

- Therapists are not just for the sick. They helped you to overcome crises and daily problems, to know yourself and to be happier.-

- I still refuse, I'm happy now.-

-It's your choice. If you are happy I bought my mission.-

-So get out.-

-Your orders, I just wanted you to follow my advice on classes to the teacher and the therapist. You can always be happier than you are now, if you accept help.-