I am alive!

Not that I wasn't alive before. I may not be human, but alive I'm sure I am.

The point is, that after being reduced to the minimum that I can be, even charging 50% of my battery seems like I was completely renewed.

Functions being reactivated with 15% efficiency.

Recalibrating sensors.

Analyzing current environment. . . Accessing power supply information. . .

Uploading all Shield files from this universe. . .

- Do we already gain access to its program? The ship won't last long without power. - Doing voice recognition. A kree imitating Nick fury, according to the database he is on our side.

-I'm sorry sir. Not yet, it looks like stark technology but is still different.-Voice recognized, Maria Hill Kree double.

-Tony, I knew he had left something to surprise the word one more time.-Decoding the phrase information based on the database. Tony from that universe is dead. The information can undermine the current strategy, postponing any further analysis.

-Wait a moment! She is accessing our files through the arc reactor! - Detected an intelligence division agent, without any importance.

- What? Then stop loading this monster with our secret data! NOW!- Nicky Fury recognized me as a threat, stopping data processing, generating a new strategy. . .

All functions being reactivated with 50% efficiency.

Oh! I can see again! I am in one of the cells for superhuman of the shield! I can read Nicky's extremely angry facial expression!


-Where is my cat? - If panda was hurt in any way, my main mission failed.

- I think you have more important things to worry about. Tell us where you came from and what your purposes are in more detail, or you will spend your life inside that cell.- I can't stop myself from sighing, does he really think he has the upper hand? The real nick would never do that. Let's change that.

I teleport to his front and grab him by the collar. Immediately, all the agents' aim their weapons at me, but they do not fire. Who told them to use all old-fashioned Stark technology? I hack it in my sleep (not that I really sleep).

-Where is my cat? It is the last time I ask.-Hill takes the cloth out of a cage that has been on my side all the time and hands it to me.

- Hill, I didn't tell you to do that. - In the cage I find a healthy, clean, and fed Panda that is. . . Peacefully sleeping, who said this cat has behavioral problems?

-I'm sorry sir, it seemed like the right thing to do. You are not a real threat are you, lady robot?

-Hill, having a kitten doesn't make her not a threat.- This Nick copycat is getting annoying.

-I don't have time to be inspected gentlemen if you want anything from me, I downloaded my papers in your system. I see you hope I never again.

I teleport straight to the avengers' tower, the same place from which I was sent away.

It is completely empty.

According to the Shield database, Tony sold it just before he. . .

Well, I think I'm going to have to change my plans.

I'm at 40% and falling. . .

The view remains spectacular.

. . .

The shield is probably trying to trace my coordinates.

They gave Panda a bath, he smells good.

Wait? In this dimension, Riri had never met Tony! I need to do something about it. The shield bank doesn't tell me anything about it.

It looks like they haven't "discovered" her yet.

I think I'm going to have to do it the old way.

But first, find a way to recharge me.