
I wonder how you always arrive at the right time.

You will not believe what I just discovered. On this earth, Captain Marvel is half Kree and the original Captain Marvel never existed!

Bizarre, I was reviewing the shield information when I found her file. By the way, it's already been a week since the last time you were here, Panda has learned to sit, stay, lie down, paw, come, but no hunting. I suspect he is a Flekern. Unfortunately, a biometric scan would use more energy than I currently have. You know, I am very luck to be a robot, I were organic the TVA would have found me a long time ago. If I don't make a mess of future technology I can spend my life under their noses. And do you know what the technology of the future is? Myself! And the reactor I have to build if I want to survive!

Getting back to the subject, I have a plan!

According to shield she still responds to her old communication channels which coincidentally SHIELD does not monitor!

Why am I so excited about this? Simple, I have two functions in me that at first I swore were useless.

The first is. . . A Kree interceptor and communicator! (yes, I can speak Kree and a thousand more useless languages that only take up space in memory)

The second is an emergency recharge method, based on the energy emitted by Captain Marvel. Tony, you are a genius.

Now the question is, what do I say?

" Hey captain, here is a multidimensional very advanced robot from the future hiding from all time-lords and powerful beings in this and more than a thousand universes. Can I drain every drop of your energy until I find a better solution?"

Definitely not. Let us think of a better explanation.

WAIT, did I just send this message? WHAT PROTOCOL SEND AUTOMATIC MESSAGES WITHOUT MY CONSENT? Tony, I take back what I said, you're an idiot.

-Panda, come, little boy, we have to go, come. I think I just put us in an even bigger mess. - Panda comes from outside right when I speak.

-Very well, if we survive I will catch you a tuna.- I know it is a waste of energy to talk to a cat. But from a veterinary point of view, this strengthens the relationship between owner and cat. Plus it's anti-stress!

Did I just hear a kaboom? Because I am certain this is the sound Captain Marvel does when landing.