
What the most difficult part of making a vaccine is?

For sure, not the synthesizing process. At least not when you already have the formula on your database.

The most difficult part is catching the patient and immobilizing it to apply the injection without hurting him.

Panda is a wonderful, calm, affectionate, and intelligent cat, but he never liked needles.

Not to mention that he has an astonishing sense of the dangers of his wild ancestors.

If I wasn't at my best, it would have taken a day and not a minute.

How I love you, hypothetical scenario processor!

Supplies are Ready, and the vaccinated cat is groggy, I bet he'll sleep a day.

In short, all set.

. . .

I know I have all the knowledge and design needed to get off planet earth. But you have to remember that it's going to be my first time in space! It's also my first time making a portal so far from the earth.

The first step is Xandar, then my other copys will go to Asgard, Taluhnia, Hala, knowere and finally Sirius X.

I'm going to spend a lot of time in space before I go back to Earth. And I don't even know what I'm going to do when I get back!

(Battery Status. . . 30 days remaining according to recent consumption.)

Okay, I was being dramatic, let's go, if not I'll never come back.

(Creating spatial copies. . . The energy of the stone absorbed into the environment is very low)

. . .

(Copies will have reduced durability and strength.)

But I already knew this would happen.

Now, more copies can concentrate on absorbing more energy from the stone anyway.

I put Panda on my shoulders (like a scarf) from my original summer. He clings to me, and sleeps, as usual.

The 6 of us sat down on the floor and began collecting energy from the space gem.

Each of us needs an average of 15% of the original energy of the space gem.

If you add it you will see that this equals all the energy of the stone.

I just hope no one desperately presses on that energy for the next 20 minutes. Because I consume everything during that time.

(Starting absorption.)

(0%. . .)

(0.5%. . .)

(2%. . .)

(5%. . .)

(8%. . .)

(12%. . .)

(15% creating spatiotemporal rift.)

I and my 5 copies got up and started creating the invisible portal in front of us.

The landscape of the populous and energetic futuristic city of Xandar slowly opens up in front of me.

Well, that's it for now. See you on the other side.