Panda's day

So, variable Panda was added to this count.

Variable Panda wants to use the bathroom and play.

Super AI Maria is willing to fulfill all Pandas' wishes.

I am even equipped with the complete cat's care kit.

Atmosphere water condenser to have fresh water at any time. Checked.

Makeshift cat toy with the materials from the landfill (disinfected). Check.

Balanced cat food "stolen" from someone's house Check, but he is not hungry yet.

Eye drops for the panda's eyes, checked! But it's better not to apply now. We can be safe hiding in this little cave I dug. But if the panda starts screaming because he wants to avoid taking medicine, any collector within a hundred yards will find us!

Anyhow, there's nothing I can do, let's just play with him for now until he falls asleep.

Panda is a very charming cat, I just can't refuse.

The plan to save my life will be delayed some hours.

I shouted down the system's notifications because it did not stoop to yell about how this was against some protocols.

It is not like I am going to die!

Just that the survival chances will be nasty!

But I can't resist this cute furball!

You don't have any idea of how cute he is when he plays. I think it's very difficult to summarize his cuteness in words but let's try.

Despite being a cat with a calm personality, he is very energetic at playtime

He starts by waking up and stretching to scare off sleep. It's so cute when he stretches up, then forward!

Then he starts meowing at me to say he's bored.

With some antennas, a line, and a spring hanging from the end. That cat is the happiest on earth! He may be blind, but when it's playtime, he seems to forget about it. He starts jumping very high (which leads him to bump his head since he doesn't know where the ceiling is) and to run very fast, which leads him to bump his muzzle on the wall and sneeze, stunned for a few seconds.

After about 15 minutes of stalking play and destruction of the toy, he gets less crazy and I can start the second part of playtime.

One thing I practiced with all the animals in the shelters was commands. From birds, cats and dogs, teaching commands is good exercise for the brain against stress and they love to receive the reward in the end.

Panda was not as good as the others, but since I only have him now, I was able to focus and improve his abilities like never!

He knows how to sit, lie down, catch, jump, paw, come when his name is called. . . and I'm still working on rolls and stays.

Back in the animal shelter, he could merely sit and lie down, out of laziness.

But he has another strength, he's smart. He seems to understand pretty well everything I say and doesn't have any problem opening doors and solving complicated problems.

Maybe it has something to do with the mutation, but it's not like he could talk to me to prove it.

Wait, why have I never thought about this before?

I have to build a cat translator for Panda!

I am in the middle of a tech dump and have all the time in the world.

Why not?

It is a good excuse to delay my obvious failure.

Ha, I think I didn't explain my new plan to you. Panda distracted me.

Wait until I get Panda to be asleep again, then I will tell you everything.