The day we met....

Just kidding.

But he was not less than a Greek god.

Eric was standing in front of me, looking gorgeous as ever. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt with black sweatpants.

His hair almost covering his forehead. "Japanese anime boy look" like me and stef always call it.

"hey strawberry" he waved and I felt my ears hot. "may I come in?" he asked emphasizing the word may and I moved aside to let him in.

"do you want something to drink? Coffee?" I asked and he shook his head.

"water is fine" he smiled.

When I got him water, he was sitting on the ground near the sofa scrolling through his phone.

"w-why don't you sit on the sofa?" I suggested as he shook his head again and patted the space beside him.

*don't do that it's dangerous*

I sat down beside him leaving a little space between us. "hey Simon" he said and I almost had an eargasm. This is the first time he is saying my name.

"hello," I said slowly and he smiled.

*you could be in a Colgate advertisement*

"I'm eric"

*I know love, I know*

My mind seriously needs to relax.

"I know, I'm Simon," I said smiling.

"I know" he imitated me.

"so um, how did you find my number?"

"oh, right. One of my friends Laro gave it to me" "he said you go to nick's class."

"ah. I see" I said and looked at my lap not being able to maintain eye contact with him.

I wish the ground would swallow me. My face is probably redder than a tomato now.

"I'm sorry if I'm putting you through the trouble. But I have no other option"

"it's okay. I'll try my best to teach you" I said feeling a bit sad when he apologized.

"thank you. I'll do my best too" he said before moving closer to me a little.

*call 911 and tell them Simon is about to combust*

"so how do you want to do this?" he asked looking at me hopefully.

"I'll have to observe you first and then according to your flexibility I'll plan a routine that is easy for you to do." "How good are you?" I asked this time focused on teaching him.

"I can't dance to save my life," he said and I chuckled a little.

"I'm sure you're not that bad," I said trying to encourage him.

"Trust me, I'm the worst"

"why don't you show me your moves first?" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"you really want to witness it with your own eyes?" he asked and I nodded.

"don't tell me I didn't warn you," he said as he got up.

I selected a song that had beats that were not too fast.

"here goes nothing." He muttered under his breath.

A few minutes later....

Eric's P. O. V

After my "performance" ended I looked up to Simon. I am somehow on the floor in a very weird position because clearly, this is not how I started.

Simon looked like he would die if he held in his breathe for some more time.

Not being able to hold it in, he burst out laughing.

He clutched his stomach as he almost lost his balance from bending down.

"hahahaha aaahhha oh my god!!" He laughed as he wiped his tears.

I would have felt offended but everyone including god knew how horrible my "dance" was.

Simon was still laughing and I couldn't help but notice how cute he is when he laughs. When he first opened the door, I was surprised. He looked extremely adorable up close.

"yeah, I warned you didn't I?"

"i-I'm so sorry" he apologized trying to stifle his laugh.

"it's alright strawberry, so now do you know about my dancing skills," I asked and he nodded his laughter dying down.

"y-you're not that bad" "it's just that your body is stiff," he said and I raised an eyebrow?

Does he seriously think I can dance after watching that circus-like performance?

"you're saying that after watching me?"

"yes. I think you can do it if taught well and also you need to do some exercises in order to stretch your body" he sounds like he knows what he's doing.

"you're just stiff. You're not completely beat deaf." I was relieved a little. At least I'll make it out of the competition without making a fool of myself.

"alrighttt. So let's start?" I asked and he told me to sit for a while.

"um, wait till I decide on what stretches I should make you do"

He was listening to something on his phone, while I just looked at him.

*his skin looks so soft*

Wait? What?

He got up and I followed standing in front of him. He started showing me a few stretches. I followed his instructions obediently but some of them made my body hurt like hell.

He was slow and patient while teaching him.

"it's okay you can do it just try to reach your hands as close as you can to your toes." He spoke softly and I nodded grunting.

*I want to scream on the top of my lungs*

I was having trouble doing this exercise. "okay wait let's try this" I heard him say before he came in front of me attaching his toes to mine and extending his hands.

I tried to reach his hands and succeeded when he bent forward a little bit.

*wow his hands are so soft*


After completing all the stretches I fell backward onto the floor breathing heavily. I thought by playing sports I was flexible but man, this is a whole new level of flexibility.

I wonder how Simon does it. He's so tiny.

He went into a room, I assume is his kitchen, and came back with a bottle of water and placed it beside me.

"Have some water" he offered calmly and I took it saying a "thank you"

How is he not sweating?

"how do you do it? This is the hardest thing I've ever done"I said holding my side which was hurting a bit.

"I think it because I have been doing it for a while and now I'm used to it" he said and I mentally saluted him.

Simon's P. O. V

He was lying on the floor breathing heavily from all the stretches I made him do. I gulped looking at him.

The fact that I was talking to my crush so casually and making him do stretches made my heart beat fast.

When he showed me his moves I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He was very funny but he had a sense of beat. He was not completely hopeless.

*and he's sooooooo handsome*

Stop being so dreamy Simon.

He kept asking me how I could do it so easily when I told me that it was because I did it on a daily basis and am used to it.

He looked impressed and I felt happy about it. At least there's something I can do.

"so- uh you live alone?" he asked and I nodded.


"I never knew you were a dancer"

"um, yeah not many people know."

" why not? You should tell them. You'd be the coolest."

No one would think a gay kid is cool.

"I like to keep it to myself," I said trying not to sound rude and he smiled understandingly.

After having small talk I made him do a few stretches again.

"it's almost 6, I better leave." He said before getting up.

"thank you so much for agreeing to this Simon, you really are a lifesaver," he said before giving me a smile and saying bye.

After he left, I immediately called Stef to talk my heart out.

"stef, I'm telling you he really looks like an anime character up close," I said and stef laughed.

"what did I tell you Babyboy now date him quickly and make him yours," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"as if he'll ever date me stef, and we don't even know if he's gay"

"even if he's not he won't be able to resist you for long,Si," stef said and I just chuckled.

"we'll see about that, first I have to see what to teach him"

"alright, Babyboy. You decide on that and I'll go to the gym now."

"alright. Have fun. Take care stef"

"and si?"


"you're beautiful. Please don't forget that. I love you"

"you too stef. I love you" I said before hanging up.

Stef was really my soulmate. She always makes sure that I'm happy and is there to comfort me when I'm sad. She doesn't force me to do anything I don't want to do and listens to everything I share with her.

Sometimes I wonder what I'd do without her.

I ate the leftover salad that I bought in the morning while watching tom and jerry.

I changed into a loose t-shirt and pajama with fuzzy red socks before climbing onto the bed.

I fell asleep thinking about eric.

Eric's P. O. V

After coming back home my mom sent me to pick up my younger sister from her best friend's house.

I took a shower and went down my mom called us downstairs for dinner.

"you look quiet today honey" mom spoke and I pouted at her.

"that's because I spent an entire hour stretching today. My body is sore now"

"Is this about your event ?" she asked and I nodded still pouting.

"it's alright son, do your best, " she said as she ruffled my hair. I quickly ate my dinner and thanked my mom before falling on my bed.

Thinking about the event and my tiny dance teacher, I fell asleep