comforting rain


Simon's P. O. V

"so you kissed?"


"made out?"


"held hands?"


"then what did you do?"

"we stargazed"

Me and Stef were currently cuddling in bed. Rain was pouring down heavily outside and the heater was on as we hugged the cold out of each other.

"stargazed? That's pretty romantic actually" Steffi said playing with my hair as I cuddled closer.

"it's not romantic. We're just friends. He probably thinks I'm one of his bros"

"is he that straight?"


"so all you did was talk and stargaze? Did he say anything else? Compliments?"

I thought back to the moments in the car where he called me beautiful.

"look at you turning red. Tell me Babyboy did something happen?"

"w- well there was this one time… actually two times when he complimented me"

" I seeee. What did he say?"

"he called me cute once and when we were in the car stargazing he called me beautiful."

"that's it. I can't wait to do your make up on your wedding."

I hit her arm and she laughed pinching my cheeks.

"you're over estimating this"

"nope. Watch him fall heads over heels for you"

"that would be a fairytale come true"

We talked and joked until we got tired and eventually fell asleep around 2 am. It was a cold night but I felt warm and happy as I drifted off to sleep.

We woke up late around 12 pm and decided to cook something delicious. Both steffy and I were well skilled in cooking. Steffy was also a very good baker.

"how about pizza?" steffy suggested and I looked into the fridge to check if there were enough ingredients.

"we're running out of cheese. How about steak?" I suggested and steffy nodded giving me a thumbs up.

" how about I shower first and we can start cooking?" she suggested and I nodded before setting up the ingredients on the counter.

I was cutting up vegetables when Steffi came outside tying her slightly wet hair.

"why don't you dry it completely. You might catch a cold. It's still very cold outside" I said and she just laughed sticking her tongue out.

"it's alrigjt si. Don't worry. Why don't you go shower now?" she said and I sighed before hitting her butt one last time and running away.

I took a long warm shower imagining the events with eric yesterday. It felt so good that I didn't want to go outside.

"babyboyyyyyyy, you done yet?"

"give me a second" I yelled before wrapping a towel around my waist and getting out.

I searched through the closet to find something decent to wear until I found a transparent black shirt of mine.

"oh, I remember you" I mumbled as I recalled the time I wore it during a performance.

It was a flowy black transparent shirt with little flower designs on it. It was a bit oversized and perfectly matched my performace that night.

I put it aside and dried my body and hair before putting on grey sweatpants and a plain lavender shirt.

"I think you should wear that."

"I think I should not"

"wear that to the next date and the boy is yours"

"it was not a date. And "the boy" is straight as a stick"

"you're underestimating yourself Babyboy"

"I'm not. Let's go eat pleaaaaseee I'm hungry" I changed the topic knowing there wasn't a slight chance where eric would consider dating me.

*what about the compliments then?* my brain questioned and I shook the thought off heading to the living room.

We had our lunch (which tasted like heaven) and decided to clean up the kitchen. Steffy baked cookies and I lazily sat on the counter scrolling through the phone.

I clicked a picture of steffy and decided to post it.

"If you're posting a picture of me baking I better look good" she said and I chuckled sticking my tongue out at her.

"stef baking <3 #sheissocute #jackisamazing" I captioned before posting and put my phone aside.

"it's funny how we use the titanic reference all the time and people think it's something deep" stef said putting her phone aside and closing the microwave.

"yeah, they probably think it's an inside joke. Or like half of the school they probably think we're dating" I said laughing and steffy chuckled removing her apron.

After a while we had some of the cookies and stored the rest in a cookie jar. It was around 3 when steffy left and promised to come back the day after.

I was alone now and kept switching through the channels when my phone dinged.

Eric_theninjaboy: hey strawberry

Simon_strawberry: hello 😊

Eric_theninjaboy: what are you upto?

Simon_strawberry: alone and bored. What about you?

Eric_theninjaboy: same. Hey strawberry?

Simon_strawberry: yeah?

Eric_theninjaboy: wanna come over?

My palms were sweating when I tried to reply to his message. Before I could type anything else another message popped up.

Eric_theninjaboy: come on, it'll be fun!

I thought for a while before typing out a yes.

Simon_strawberry: yes. Okay. Can you send me your address?

Eric_theninjaboy: no worries. I'll come pick you up. Be ready in 10?

Simon_strawberry: okay.

I was freaking out on the inside as I ran back and forth from the living room to the bedroom.

I sat on the bed a few minutes before gathering myself and pulling out a black tshirt and a black sweater.

I changed into them and styled my hair neatly to the side.

Eric's P. O. V

It was freezing cold. I wonder how simon's tiny body endures it. I drove quickly and reached his house within 10 minutes.

I knocked and Simon opened the door looking fresh as ever. His hair was neatly set aside and his skin looked clearer than my whole life.

Just how does he manage to look so cute?

"let's go?" I said and he locked the door behind me carrying the keys with him.

We were driving through his neighborhood when I noticed that he was blowing into his hands and rubbing his arms.

He must be cold.

"Are you cold, strawberry?"

"y-yeah. It's freezing. Aren't you cold?" he asked and I smiled before deciding to tease him.

"Yeah, it's freezing, right? My hands are cold as ice" I said and he looked at me with pity.


"d-do you want me to warm them up?" he asked hesitantly and I gave him my hand smiling like a creep on the inside.


He bought my hand to his lips and closed it into a fist before blowing warm air into my hand.

"is it okay now?" he asked in his sweet voice and I wanted to stop the car and pick him up in my lap.

"much better," I said smiling and he left my hand before looking out the window. I couldn't help but notice his flushed ears as he avoided eye contact after that.

Simon's P. O. V

Is he doing this on purpose?

Why does he have to do things that make my heart go crazy?

We reached his home and he opened the door for me letting me in.

His house was slightly bigger than mine and had a lot of greenery in the front yard.

It was warm inside and was decorated neatly with furniture.

"is no one home?"

"no. mom has gone for Christmas shopping with my sister" he replied and I nodded before setting the water aside.

"so what do you wanna do strawberry?" he asked plopping down beside me on the sofa.

"i- I don't know. What do you usually do with your friends?"

"We play video games or usually hang out. We're pretty boring."

"that is kinda boring," I said and he chuckled.

"what about you? What do you usually do?" he asked looking genuinely interested.

*I think about you and our married life together*

" I have Steffy over most of the time. Sometimes we dance, sometimes we bake, or sometimes we watch movies."

"Sounds fun," he said and I nodded excitedly.

"It is very fun. Y- you can come over sometime too"

"I would love to"

We talked for some time which consisted of eric mostly joking around and me holding my stomach laughing as kept imitating some of his teachers.

We moved to his room and he taught me to play video games which went over my head. How does one understand these?

"it's okay strawberry. These games are boring anyway"


"eric. Do you remember the moves I taught you?" I asked and he nodded sincerely.

"yeah, strawberry. Watch." He said as he played the music on his laptop and showed me almost all of the routine I taught him.

His body was still a bit stiff and I noticed how he perfected some of the moves very well.

"you have gotten so much better," I said clapping and he rubbed the back of his neck sitting down beside me.

"yeah, but I still need a lot of practice."

"don't worry. I'll help you perfect all the moves"

We fell into silence as the rain started pouring heavily outside. Something about the sound of rain made me want to curl up in a ball and listen to it repeatedly.

A slow song played on the laptop and I looked at Eric in surprise.

"you listen to this?" I asked and he smiled in embarrassment.

"Yeah. it's one of my favorite"

Eric's P. O. V

He giggled.

*That was the most ethereal sound I've ever heard in my entire life.*

" it's my favorite too," he said smiling widely and I felt my heart swell at the sight.

I got an idea as I watched him sway slightly to the music.

"hey, strawberry?"


"wanna dance?" I asked holding my hand out and he looked at me in surprise.

"y-yeah sure," he said after a few seconds and took my hand.

We stood up as I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his waist and intertwined the other hand with his.

*thank god for the cringy ball dance in middle school*

he placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me as we stupidly tried to dance to the music.

He looked flushed from head to toe as we danced.

"you okay strawberry??" I asked and he nodded a little.

"y-yeah just not used to dancing so close with someone" he said and I immediately withdrew myself from him.

"I'm sorry strawberry. Did that make you uncomfortable?"

"not really," he said, his voice just above a whisper.

We were still standing close to each other. The sound of rain filling out the silence.

"then, do you mind if I come closer?"

"no" he whispered as I took a step closer.

I moved closer until I placed my hand on his waist and he breathed shakily.

"Is this okay?"


I moved closer until his face was close to mine.

Simon's P. O. V

He darted his eyes to my lips and I could my feel heart beating faster as each moment passed. I closed my eyes as I felt him shift closer and soon felt a soft pair of lips on mine.

His lips were warm and gentle. He didn't move or forced me to kiss him back. He pecked my lips gently before moving back as I opened my eyes.

I could feel my body warm from the sensation of his lips on mine. I breathed heavily as I watched him scratch his neck waiting for a reaction from me.

I sat down on the bed fiddling with my sweater gulping from time to time.

My crush just kissed me. And it was awesome. And he kissed me. But why?

Why did he kiss me? I wanted to drown in the mattress below me as I watched eric look at me hopefully?

How does he expect me to react after he just blew my heart like that?

"strawberry.. please say something?" he asked and I looked up to him before opening my mouth and shutting it back as no words came out.

Eric sat beside me on the bed. Closer than he was before and I felt my heartbeat rise again..

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have. Forgive me-

"it was great," I said as he sat back down taking a deep breath.

"but. um- aren't you, um- straight?"

I asked straightforwardly and he breathed in before saying something that made my world go all the shades on pink and purple.

"not since I met you"