It's cold outside

Simon's P. O. V

It was 6 'o'clock and the rain hadn't stopped pouring. Eric kept sending sad emojis making me chuckle.

The rain was heavy enough to stop us from going out and getting hit by the thunder. I sat on my bed covered in blankets as I admired the view outside from my glass window.

Even though I was a bit disappointed I was happy because the sound of rain comforted me and made my heart happy. I got an idea as I texted eric deciding that this is the time I have to be brave.

Simon_strawberry: don't be sad…

Simon_strawberry: I have an idea

I set aside my phone to go get the warm cheese sandwich I had made for myself. I checked my phone to see excited replies from eric

Eric_theninjaboy: what is it??

Eric_theninjaboy: tell me strawberry…

Eric_theninjaboy: strawwwwberyyyyyyyy

Simon_strawberry: well…

Eric_theninjaboy: yes?

Be brave Simon. Be brave.

Simon_strawberry: even if we can't go out.. we can still have a date..

Eric_theninjaboy: okay…. I'm listening

Simon_strawberry: all you need to do is wait for the rain to slow down a bit and come over.

Eric_theninjaboy: /(=°-°=)\ okay.

Simon_strawberry: just be here by 7:30.

Eirc_theninjaboy: can't wait strawberry.

I put my phone down rolling on the bed with my blanket.

After my freak-out session, I decided to gather myself and put some effort into the date I wanted to organize.

after washing my hands I tied my apron before looking into the fridge and deciding to make a delicious menu. I was thankful for the grocery shopping and Steffy had done the other day.

I decided to settle with grilled chicken and alfredo pasta. Afraid that eric would not like it I decided to lower the spice because eric is the kind of person who looks like he would even find a pineapple spicy.

After I was done cooking I set the dishes aside and decided to take a warm bath. I used a lavender and vanilla scented soap sample that I got for free after purchasing 15 strawberry scented perfumes.

Do not judge. Thank you.

I got out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel as I dug through the closet deciding what to wear.

After 15 minutes of trying on random clothes I had been trying to find for the past 4 months, I decided to put on an off-white button-up shirt with black skinny jeans.

I sprayed my strawberry scented perfume and decided to clean the mess in my bedroom.

I checked my phone and got a message from eric and chuckled at his silly texts.

Eric_theninjaboy: what do I wear strawberry?

Eric_theninjaboy: would you let me in if I wore a watermelon costume?

Eric_theninjaboy: because that's what mayah suggested…..

Simon_strawberry: wear whatever you want to

I bit my lip before typing the next message

Simon_strawberry: you're gonna look handsome anyway.

Eric's P. O. V

Simon_strawberry: you're gonna look handsome anyway.

I grinned as soon as I saw his message. Is that what he thinks of me?

Am I handsome to him?

I looked at the rain which didn't seem to calm down as I looked at my watch which displayed the time as 7:05.

I waited for 10 more minutes before saying fuck it and running out the door before yelling goodbye to my mom.

I got in the car as soon as possible and drove to Simon's neighborhood with excitement.

I reached his house soon thankful that it wasn't that far as I ran quickly.

Simon opened the door before I could even knock as he pulled me in.

"oh my god! You're wet already… I'm so sorry for calling you.. you shouldn't have come…. Oh god-

"strawberry.. relax," I said grabbing his hand as he led me to his….BEDROOM??????

*you're the light.. you're the night.. you're the color of my blood~*

Shut the FUCK up Christian grey.

He made me sit on his bed as he dug through his closet before handing me a towel and searching for something else.

"dry your head or you will catch a cold eric," he said in his oh so sweet voice and I felt my heart flutter.

He placed a black t-shirt which seemed a little too big for his size as he sat beside me.

"wear this.. you're shirt is almost drenched," he said pointing to my shirt and I nodded before pulling it off.

Simon looked like beetroot as I grabbed the shirt he handed me before putting it on and winking at him.

He looked to his side before looking at me and smiling shyly before looking back down.

I chuckled at his shyness before pinching his cheeks as he playfully pushed my hands away.

"so this is your room strawberry?" I asked looking around noticing how neatly set everything was.


"Is this where you sleep dreaming about how handsome I am?"


I looked up at him surprised as he stuck his tongue out teasing me.

"oh, you're teasing me now"

"y-yeah. I can tease too, y-you know" he said and I chuckled at his adorable actions.

"y-you know, I'm really happy you're here," Simon said as he smiled at me making his dimple appear.

"s-sorry that was so out of the blue"

"no, strawberry. I'm happy to be with you too." I said making him smile shyly.

"you look handsome today"

"t-thank you. You look good too" he said as I decided to tease him.

"Yeah. I look handsome no matter what I wear?"

He blushed a little before nodding and I pulled him onto my lap. Simon squeaked as I held him by his waist.

"you're so sweet strawberry. What do I do with you?"


"you're so sweet strawberry. What do I do with you?" he asked and making my heart race.

*do whatever you want*


"eat?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and I got off him clearing my head.

"i-mean. Let's eat" I said saving myself and he smiled before grabbing my hand as I lead him to the kitchen.

I took him to the counter making him sit on the stool as I set 2 plates with the food I had cooked.

I sat beside him as he ate humming and moaning about how delicious everything I made was.

We ate as eric kept cracking silly jokes almost making me choke sometimes. We headed to the living room to watch a movie as eric suggested.

The movie was about a girl making wishes on her birthday and eric seemed to enjoy the movie a lot. By enjoying I mean making fun of the characters and mimicking them.

He was a whole child when this side of him came out.

The movie ended and we both on the floor eric complaining that he ate too much.

"do you have any wishes like her strawberry?"

"y-yeah" I whispered almost embarrassed as he sat up straight with wide eyes.


"i-it's silly," I said and he shook his head before nudging my shoulder.

"tell me strawberry I won't jugdee" he whined.

"o-okay. S-so I have t-these few w-wishes I wanted to do w—with my…

"with your.... Boyfriend?"

"prince charming," I said correcting him feeling a bit shy.

"that's adorable strawberry. Come here you CUTE LITTLE THING" he said before hugging me tightly making fireworks flow through my body.

Hugging eric feels like magic no matter how many times we do it.

"Now tell me your wishes," he said before pausing.

"wait. I just assumed I'm your prince charming. I-I'm so sorry strawberry. I shouldn't have-

"eric. It's alright. M-maybe you are." I said and he grinned like a child.

"I'll tell you the first one f-for now?" I said and he nodded.


"um, I have always wanted to ….. k-kiss in the rain," he said softly and I got an idea.

"strawberry, it's raining now."

Simon looked out the window before realizing my suggestion and nodding at me as if indicating a yes.

"l-let's go this way," he said pointing to the backdoor as I followed his lead.

he leads us through the stairs and onto the terrace as we stood in the freezing rain.

The rain flow was normal but the cold was killing us both. We giggled at the freezing temperature as I held both of his hands moving closer to him.

Simon stepped closer as he smiled brightly at me. Even the rain couldn't dull down his adorable smile.

"can I kiss you, strawberry?" I said as he nodded making me bend down to press my lips against mine.

Simon's lips were warm as I kissed him. He smiled into the kiss as we kissed. The cold rain was making us feel fireworks through our bodies as we stood in the freezing rain.

Simon deepened the kiss at his pace. It was slow and compassionate and different from how we had kissed before. Simon put all his effort into the kiss as he wobbled when we ran out of breath.

We pulled away as Simon gave a wide smile as of saying thankyou. He pecked lips before dragging me downstairs.

When we reached inside I was wet from head to toe again. Simon was drenched too as his white shirt stick to his body making him look breathtakingly sexy.

He noticed me staring at his body as he grabbed a towel and wrapping it around his shoulders.

"i-I'll get you a towel too." He said rushing to the bedroom making me follow him.

He threw me a towel as I caught it drying my hair with it. he began digging through his closet again as he took out a few clothes and put them on the bed.

"wear these. I'll go get changed too," he said before I grabbed his hand making him turn around.

His nosed was already red and I kind of felt bad for suggesting to fulfill his wish while the weather was cold outside.

"let me dry your hair strawberry," I said pulling him towards the bed making him land beside me as I dried his hair with the towel I was holding.

After I was done I gave him my towel as if gesturing to do the same and he mimicked drying my hair. He was very gentle with his touch.

"you should get changed" he almost whispered and I nodded.

The towel fell off his shoulders making his shirt see-through as it was stuck to his body.

"do you have any idea? How hot you look right now?"

Simon's P.O.V

Why does he have to make me speechless with his words all the time?

I blinked snapping out of the trance I had just gone into as I put my hands in my lap not knowing how to answer him.

"no" was all I could blurt out as he smiled leaning closer.

Watching him up close with his shirt sticking to his body showing off his toned body was a beautiful sight. My mind wandered to places as his wet hair was pushed back showing off his face clearly.

Eric noticed me checking him out as he raised an eyebrow making me look away as he chuckled.

"like what you see, strawberry?"


I looked at him as his eyes traveled from my face to my body making me squirm with butterflies in my stomach.

I didn't move as he leaned closer and placed his lips on my cheek. He placed kisses from my cheek to the place where my cheek meets my jaw making me hold back a moan as no one has kissed me like that before.

He kept trailing kisses down my neck making me shiver from the proximity. He placed wet kisses on my collar bone making me moan as I held on to his shoulders.


"fuck you sound so hot, Simon"

I pulled him to my lips before kissing him with an urge to do something I had never wanted to do before.

He kissed me back with the same urge as he slipped his hands inside my shirt caressing my waist as I moaned into the kiss.

"Can I take this off?" he asked as his hands fiddled with the hem of my shirt as I nodded without a thought.

He gently unbuttoned my shirt before pulling it off and throwing it in a corner.

I felt very exposed as his eyes explored my upper half. I felt flushed as he pulled me closer attacking my neck again. Eric was trailing kisses from my neck to my chest as he pulled me onto his lap making us fall on the bed.

He kissed my neck planting a hickey before trailing down as he took my left nipple into my mouth making me moan loudly as I felt ashamed at the lewd sounds I was making.

I could feel the pleasure as his mouth explored my upper body making me moan out his name.


"a-ah eric!!!"

Simon's moans sounded like heaven to my ears as he lay there moaning and panting. I was gentle and slow as to not scare him.

I didn't do anything further than littering his upper body in kisses and hickeys as he gripped my shirt moaning out loud while being embarrassed at the sounds he was making.

"t-take it off too," he said gesturing to my shirt as I got off him for a second before pulling my sweater out. His eyes lingered from my arms to my stomach as he caressed my chest with his feather-like touch.

"y-you have a nice body" he breathed out making me smile and kiss his forehead.

Simon pulled me down taking me by surprise as he shyly yet eagerly initiated a kiss making me crave for more at the sounds he was making. I bit down on his neck making him scream out as he closed his legs.

Someone has got a soft spot, I see.

"We should stop, strawberry"


I got off him as he panted heavily covering his body with the towel.

"still shy, strawberry?" I asked as he turned away making me chuckle and hug him from behind.