My Baby Bear


Grocery girl was nodding her head to the music as we drove through the streets. Honestly just being in her presence is peaceful. She's funny and laid back. Haven't met a person like that in a while.

"you've got good taste in music," she said glancing at me briefly before messing with the radio.

"thanks. You like k-pop too?" I asked before she smiled lazily.

"it's all Simon. He played k-pop every day until I was hooked. And the songs great too"

"you're lucky you're best friend likes k-pop. You should listen to the music my friends play and you'll refuse to know me" I said as he laughed out loud.

"guess Babyboy saved me," she said looking out the window. Part of me was itching to look at her face forever.

"College's starting soon," she said after a moment of silence.

"don't remind me," she said slumping into the seat.

"it's not gonna be that bad," I said as she looked at me as if I had horns on my head.

"not THAT bad?"


"well, how will you know... you have all those art kids in your class. In mine, there are just dumb bitches and not a single hottie like you"

I raised my eyebrow as she casually ranted about how annoying her classes were.

"and then that cockroach looking bitch goes-

"wait. Rewind. What did you say?"

"I said that the cockroach looking bitch-

"no before that-

"what did I say?"

"you said there isn't a single hottie like me"

"okay. And?"

"nothing. Nevermind." I said before focusing on the road as I felt her stare at me.

"ohhhh. You're the shy type" she said as I chuckled lightly.

"shy? Me?" I said as if asking the obvious as she nodded.

"I'm the least close to shy Steffy"

Steffy's P. O. V

"I'm the least close to shy Steffy"

Okay. Let me test that.


I stayed put until we reached my house. The rain was pouring lightly.

"wanna come in for a bit?"

"um, you sure?"

"Yeah, it's raining. Might as well wait until it calms down" I said as he thought for a bit before following me.

I reached out for the keys in my pocket as I opened the door while Laro… gulped?

Not shy he said.

"no one's home?" he said as I shrugged.

"Yeah. they've gone for vacation."

"you didn't go?"

"I don't socialize," I said as he skeptically followed me in.

I lead him to the living room as we sat on the couch in slightly awkward silence.

I turned on the heater pulling out the annoying hairband from my hair letting my slightly damp hair dry.

"haha… so.." I started as laro looked around the room before looking back at me.


"you got a girlfriend or two?"



"no... I mean. I don't"

"oh.. boyfriend then.." I said as I enjoyed his slight surprise at my questions.

"no. I'm single" he said resting his back on the couch.

"you're sexy," I said as he closed his eyes drying his hair.

He chuckled with closed eyes as I smiled smugly.

This plan is working good so far-

I felt a hand on mine and the next thing I know I'm being pulled onto his lap straddling his thighs.

Oh them thicc thighs.

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears as I looked at him in the eye.

"you know I wasn't kidding when I said I'm not shy steff," he said whispering in my ear as I grabbed his shoulders.

"good. I don't like shy boys anyway" I said brushing my hands through his hair.

"I'm going to be straightforward with you laro. I like you. You're smart. But I'm too scared and tried to put up with boy drama again." I said honestly without lying to him.

"you don't have to put up with anything. I'll be your partner in everything" he said pecking my lips as I breathed out.

"kiss me" I whispered as he grabbed my hips kissing me slowly making me finally feel his cold lips. The kiss was slow and not rushed as I kissed back with the same patient without rushing him.

I pulled back as he kissed my cheek before letting me go.

I hope laro doesn't break my heart.

Eric's P.O.V

Me and Simon were currently cooking as I watched him concentratedly ass different sauces and spices into the container.

"you're super cute when you concentrate," I said as he mixed the bowl of chicken with a spoon.

"you're not helping," he said handing me the potatoes and asking me to peel them.

I pouted taking the strawberries and washing them before peeling them carefully.

I huffed before looking at Simon and turning away when I saw that he was still not done with the dish.

I took the peeled potatoes and placed them beside strawberry a little too loudly as he flinched a little.



"Why did you have to make a sound so loud?" Simon asked with one hand on his hip.

He looks like a true mother.

"because you're only paying attention to the chicken"

"I'm paying attention because I don't want to ruin the dish." He said his voice a little loud this time.

"don't yell at me"

"you're yelling I'm not" Simon replied as he went back to cooking as I walked away to the living room.

i scrolled through my phone for a few minutes as I felt bad. I was being childish. I shouldn't have been so immature.

I played a few games as I sat thinking about how to make it up to Simon as I felt a weight beside me.

It was Simon.

He pulled on my shirt as I looked at him.

He opened his mouth and closed it back a few times as I looked at him as if trying to encourage him.

"Are you mad at me….



"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you," he said softly as I pulled him into a hug.

"not your fault strawberry. I'm sorry I was childish" I said as he hugged me back.

"still. If I was mean. Sorry"

Simon pecked my cheeks before I could reply and I liked how he was acting. He pecked my cheeks, nose, forehead while muttering a few "'m sorry babe" as I felt my heart would explode.

"b-babe?" I asked as he nodded shyly. "you like nicknames don't you?" he asked softly making me melt at his words as I pulled him into a kiss as he squeaked a little kissing me back.


We ate the dinner I had made as we watched a few movies on Netflix before deciding to head to bed.

"it's raining again," I said turning away from the window as I looked at Simon who was already looking at me.

"Yeah. but it's not bad. I like rain" he said making me snuggle up to him.

Eric was wearing sweatpants with a black t-shirt on as I thought of tearing it off of him.

My horny has always been acting up lately every time eric is close to me.

I pulled his shirt down exposing his neck while tracing his collarbones with my fingers.

Eric stared at me as I traced his neck placing slight kisses from time to time.



"Why have I been feeling so…. H-horny lately?" I asked feeling embarrassed at my question as eric chuckled lightly.

"if I may ask.. are you a virgin strawberry?" he asked as I flushed beet red.

"of course. D-didn't you figure out by now?" I asked as he got up pulling me to his lap.

"I kind of did. But didn't want to judge." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Well, to answer your question…"

Eric continued as he placed his chin on my shoulder playing with the hem of my shirt.

"it's because you've just started with your sexual activities…"

"I am the first person you've been sexual with correct?"

"yes" I replied feeling conscious of myself.

"So since you've just started .. your body is wanting more," he said caressing my hands.

"it's okay to feel that way strawberry. It's totally normal. Don't worry that little mind of yours" he said soothing me as I leaned into his chest.

"okay" I whispered as eric kissed the side of my head.

"Are you horny now?" he asked making my body feel hot.

"if I said yes.. what would you do?"

*we getting braver*

"what do you want me to do Simon?" he said placing kisses along my neck to my jawline as he lifted my shirt from the back.

"a-anything," I said as I pulled off his shirt in one go and flipped us so he was on top of me with my back resting on the headboard.

"I want you to tell me," he said lifting my chin making me look up at him.

I grabbed his hand and presses it into my groin as I begged him to make the feeling go away.

"make it go away"


"Make it go awayyyy" Simon begged pressing my hand onto his cock as I pulled back to take my shirt off.

Simon was panting and sweating a little despite the cold as I brought my hand back to his crotch grabbing him through his pants as he writhed and moved from the pressure.

I pulled him into a kiss as he moaned and gasped in between. His sounds were like music to my ears as he whined and moaned submissively making my ego boost.

I littered his chest in kisses and hickies as he pulled on my hair making me moan as I moved to his pants.

"may I take these off?" I asked Simon as he nodded in a hurry.

"words, Simon"

"take it off, s-soon!!" he almost yelled as I pulled his pants down revealing his black boxers as I pulled them off as well before throwing them in a corner.

I did what I thought would please him as I took him in my mouth as he moaned and gasped in pleasure. I held his hips down with my hands as he raised his lower half not being able to handle the pleasure.

Let's just say the rest of the night went with me pleasuring him and later trying to convince Simon to come out of the blankets and look at me.

Strawberry alone runs my world at this point.