After the banquet, I finished my night routine, I took out a formal attire for tomorrow and went to have a good night's sleep because tomorrow was going to be my first day in the company.

Next day, I woke up a bit earlier than usual and went for a jog. After, I got a shower and entered my room I saw my outfit torn into pieces and suddenly Joannie came in, "Oh!My!! Dear sister what are you gonna do now? Do you think by just wearing a beautiful dress in the banquet you will be successful and I won't interrupt you... you're nothing but just useless trash, keep that in your mind!! " .

After she said that I actually felt good that she was at least not hiding her true self. Joannie suddenly started shouting and throwing things, "Sister, if you don't want to go to the company just tell dad there is no need for you to destroy these valuable items!!!!".

May, Amy, Jason, Andrew, Alexa all came running because of the noise and saw the mess in Anna's room, although they didn't like Amy they treated Joannie nicely because the child was always filial and kind. Jason said with a hint of anger and dissatisfaction, "Anna what do you have to say about this?? We provide you everything but still why do you behave like this?".

May joined in, "Anna what have you done, baby? You could've just told us if something was wrong why did you have to create this mess?".

Anna knew that after she started to listen to Joannie her parents and grandparents were disappointed in her, and now she was determined to change it and make them proud of her.

Her gaze turned cold all of a sudden and the room's temperature dropped by a few degrees.

Everyone suddenly even felt hard to breathe, Anna looked up at Joannie and said in a low and cold voice, "Oh! don't worry I was not making a mess nor did I create this mess, why do you still have to pretend."

Before Joannie could say anything, Anna went in her closet quickly changed into a set of black formal attire with white heels and came out, she took out her phone and quickly sent her parents the CCTV from the mini camera she installed in her room because she knew that Joannie would do something like this.

While going out she gave Joannie a light pat on her shoulder and whispered, "Don't repeat it or you will face more harsh consequences."

She went to the garage took her white sports car and went to the office.

On the way, she contacted her assistant, Joy and asked her to gather all the directors and managers for a conference after she reaches in 10 minutes.


Author's note: This is a new volume. It will not include Chase because I will be writing about Anna's journey in the business world. It will be about 10 chapters long. Happy Reading!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤