Anna looked at Joannie with amusement as Joannie continued to talk as if she was worried to no end about her.

Anna knew very well what Joannie was doing and obviously after living two live who would not.

She got up from her chair and went straight towards Joannie in light steps, Joannie was startled when Anna came towards her so she started to back off untill she stopped against the door.

Anna stopped right beside her and said in a low voice but it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, "I told you yesterday that if you stay away I won't do anything but if you offend me, get ready to face the consequences and let me tell you, they aren't good. So, my dear sister go find a way to deal with it."

Joannie wanted the company but she was also an A list celebrity because she needed a career to prove that she could do something on her own too, she used many different ways to climb up where she was now whether it be good or bad, legal or illegal.

But little did she know that Anna had collected all the footages of her getting scolded by the director, sleeping with the investors and killing or torturing her opponents too.

Even Ben didn't know about this because Joannie had won his heart by her innocent image only and he considered Joannie an angel who could never do anything wrong.

Joannie froze in her place when she heard Anna's warning because after looking into Anna's eyes it felt as if Anna could see right through her and discover all her secrets.

After giving a light pat on Joannie's shoulder Anna pushed her away, opened the door and walked away.

She thought that she had just let Joannie have a taste of her own medicine but what she didn't know was that the coldness and ruthlessness her voice contained earlier had scared the hell out of all the employees and they had made a silent vows in their hearts that they would never dare to offend or betray their boss in any way.

After Anna went away all the employees ran towards their cabins to complete the changes and make the best report as if their life depended on it.

Away from all this mess Anna had started working on finding a good spot for her own company, she had decided that although people knew that she was Halls Corporation's CEO she would hide her identity as her own company's boss so that she will not gain too much attention.

She decided to make her new company a financial one as its base and after it had reached it's peak she would start opening it's branches in all the other fields.

Although her family's company was at the second ranking it was only in the real estate field, while the C & S corporation was the first in all the fields.

While Anna was thinking about this she had one mystery that she could not solve and that was, Chase Smith, the cold and aloof CEO who hated women than anything else had come to talk to her in the banquet and talked as if he wanted to talk about random things and not business.

Even after thinking the worst case scenarios Anna could not get a conclusion, so she decided to leave and forget this matter as something insignificant and focus on work for now.

Little did she know that the person she wanted to ignore would stick to her like glue in the near future.


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Happy reading!!💖!!
