
Wait...Did he just say cellar rooms?!?!

My feet were firmly planted to the ground and I felt as though I was about to faint. "Jeremy...if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you taking me to a cellar room?" I asked trying to search his face for a hint to the answer. 

Jeremy looked at me for a minute running his hands over his face, undoubtedly trying to think of an explanation that would suffice. "Ms. Amber, I was given orders to bring you to a cellar room upon your arrival here. I don't believe it is what you are thinking, as it is nowhere near a dungeon. I will take you down to your temporary room, and I am sure you will at least get some answers by the morning." Jeremy extended his hand for me to take as we entered the house. He gently took my hand in his and tugged me towards what looked to be a door to the basement. As we descended down the stairs, I noticed that the corridor was lit brightly, and there was no foul smell as if it was a dungeon. Jeremy opened a white door to the right and stepped inside for me to follow. 

My eyes took in the scene around me. Instead of finding a cell in a dungeon, it was a gorgeous bedroom, decorated elegant and simple. "What? Why have such a nice room in the cellar?" I asked Jeremy in confusion. 

"Were you hoping for something more gloomy? I can arrange to have someone take you to one of the jail cells if you wish..." Jeremy said playfully as he stared into my eyes. 

"NO!! That's not what I meant...I mean when you said cellar rooms I just assumed, and since I don't know why I am even here," I looked down to the ground, "I just assumed that I was going to be a prisoner..." I finished in a whisper. Jeremy then put a finger under my chin and lifted my head so that I looked into his eyes. " Amber... I know you have gone through a lot, and at the hands of your own mother at that, but this place is not bad. It is not my place to tell you why you are here, I am not even sure the whole reason myself, but answers will come soon enough. For right now in this moment, know that you are safe."

I looked into his eyes trying to figure him out. "But you said not to anger the Alpha, doesn't that mean that I should be scared of him?" I asked skeptically. Jeremy took a step away from me, "Everyone should take warning not to anger the Alpha, hell any alpha at that. I know you come from a shitty background, and I assume it won't be easy for you to just follow orders. So yes, I was just giving you advice so that you would have an easier time sooner rather than later." he walked away towards the door and stopped just outside it. "That dresser there has clothes in it for you, they should be your size. Also, the bathroom is right through that door, you can bathe or take a shower, you will find that you have all the necessary toiletries. I will not be back down here tonight, this door will be locked so you will not be able to exit this room. Someone will be down in the morning for you."

"Wait, does that mean the Alpha won't be coming down tonight?" I asked sounding a little too hopeful. 

Jeremy tapped his finger on the wall, "I assume that he will not be, but I cannot promise that he won't. Please try to get some rest." and with that he stepped out of the room closing the door. I heard a loud click as the door was locked.