
Amber POV

"Because you, my little kitten, are my mate." Damien says with the most serious look on his face. I look into his eyes for any sign that he might be lying to me, any sign at all, but I cannot find one. I take a minute to observe the man in front of me, more like a god.

This man looks as though he has spent his whole life in the gym, tan skin, hair as black as night, with emerald green eyes. Wearing a black t-shirt that shows off all his muscles along with a pair of grey sweatpants. If this man is my mate, hell he could kidnap me a thousand times and it would still be OK with me. I take my hand and run it through his hair as a gaze into his eyes, "But I was told I don't have a mate. I was told that I wasn't good enough to receive a wolf, so I wasn't good enough to deserve a mate either..." tears fill my eyes as I remember the words my mother told me since I was little.

Damien's face turned scarlet red hearing me say this. The veins in his temples looked like they were going to explode and he started taking deep breaths to try to calm himself down. "Who...who said this nonsense to you?" he demanded.

I sat there contemplating on what I should tell him. Should I tell him the truth that I am sure he already knows? "It was my mother. My mother and that asshole boyfriend of hers, Jeb. They used to beat me to try to get my wolf to show up, to come early, but my wolf never came. Finally on my 17th birthday, they decided to stop trying, saying that I wasn't deserving enough of a wolf, and if the moon goddess felt that I didn't deserve a wolf, then I definitely didn't deserve a mate." I sobbed the last statement.

Damien took me in his arms, bridal style, and started walking out of the office. "Where are we going?!" I asked. "Put me down!"

"I am taking you to my bedroom." Damien answered like it was no big deal at all.

"You...You are taking me to your bedroom? What...why are you taking me to your bedroom? Please put me down! We just met each other!" I begged. I struggled to get out of his arms, but it was no use. No matter how much I tried, he kept his hold on me and just continued walking. Finally I gave up on struggling. I laid my head on his chest and listened to the strong rhythm of his heartbeat. The beat of his heart brought a sense of calm throughout me and I felt my eyes get heavy. Before I knew it I was asleep in Damien's arms.

Damien POV

I carried Amber to my bedroom. It is not even a long walk, but she must have been exhausted. She fell asleep in my arms before we even made it to the room.  I laid her down in the bed and covered her with the blanket.

My mate became even more of a mystery the more I got to know her. Why would her mother try to beat her to get her wolf to come early? What would be in it for her? I definitely need to find out more information on her background, especially about her mother.

As I lay down in the bed next to Amber, she instinctively cuddles up against me so that I am spooning her from behind. I take a deep inhale of her scent, lavender and vanilla, and I just know this is going to be the best night of sleep I have ever had. I put my arm around her and place a kiss onto her head, then I close my eyes and quickly drift away to sleep.