Car Ride - Part I

After enjoying each other's embrace for a few minutes, we made our way to freshen up and get dressed for the day. I made sure to stay a safe distance away from him as we were getting dressed so that we would actually manage to leave the room this time.

Being as it was a nice sunny spring day, I had gone through the clothes in my closet and picked a baby blue A-line sundress that ended just above my knees. It was breathtakingly beautiful especially once I paired it with a white sandaled heels. I braided my hair to the side and adorned my ears with Silver filigree earrings that had a matching necklace. Being as I never really like to wear makeup, I put a touch of nude shimmering eye-shadow and a little bit of mascara on with a glossy nude lip gloss.

After finishing my makeup I walked out into the bedroom just to have my breath catch in my throat as I looked at the heartthrob that stood in front of me. Wearing black dress pants with a baby blue button down shirt, he had left the top couple of buttons undone. His black hair was still damp from his shower and although it was messy it looked perfect as always on him.

I couldn't help but blush under his intense stare, looking my body over from head to toe. "You look amazing Amber." He breathed out. He took a step forward and took my hand in his, kissing the back of my hand. "Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yes, of course!" I answered.

We made our way downstairs and outside. There was already a black SUV waiting for us in the driveway. Damien led the way to the back of the SUV and opened the back door for me. "After you my lady."

I giggled at his charming behavior. Getting in the vehicle I scooted over in the back seat realizing that he was also coming in the back with me. He sat down next to me and rested his hand on my thigh. I gently moved his hand from my thigh and interlocked our fingers as I set them between us. "You better be on good behavior Mister, we need to get through one day with no funny business." I whisper-yelled at him.

He let out a low chuckle and I watched him turn and press a red button as he said, "Adam, can you please take us to the Elder's castle and roll up the privacy window?" As soon as Damien was done speaking I watched as the privacy window started to roll up created a private space for us. I looked at him questioningly.

He turned to face me with a beaming smile on his face. "Now we have all the privacy in the world Babygirl." He declared. "We have about a four hour ride to the Elder's castle. Even though there are many, MANY other things I would love to do with you, I think we should play a game."

I looked at him puzzled. This man in front of me who is feared by almost everyone that knows him is really asking me to play a game? "And what does this game involve?" I ask him skeptically.

"Just a game of twenty questions. If it turns into more than twenty questions that is ok too though. I want us to get to know each other outside of the bedroom." He winked at me. "I ask you a question and you need to tell the honest answer, and then it is your turn to ask me a question that I have to answer. We just keep taking turns."

"That actually doesn't sound bad!" I exclaimed with a huge smile on my face. "I would love to learn more about you Damien."

He moved our hands so that they now rested back on my thigh. I heart skipped a beat as I felt the tingles on my thigh. "Ladies first love." He whispered.

"Hmmmm…How old are you?" I asked.

"Twenty-Two." He answered. "What is your favorite color?"

"Green. Yours?"

"Yellow or Orange. What is your favorite season?"

"Spring. What is yours?"

"Summer. But you cannot keep asking the same questions I ask!"

"You never specified the rules." I said laughing.

"Why is spring your favorite season?"

"Well…I don't know. It's a toss up between spring and summer because they both remind me of life and happiness, but since my birthday is in May, I will always choose spring. Plus I like to be warm over being cold." I answered thoughtfully.

Damien placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed gently. Sparks flew throughout my body and my heart rate picked up. "Damien, you are supposed to be good."

"Hey Kitten, I never said I was going to be good. I just said that I wanted to play a game," he whispered to me.

"When is your birthday?!" I yelled out. He started laughing.

"It is in August. August 30th… What is your favorite flower?"

"Orange roses and White lilies…what is your favorite movie?"

"Oh that is a tough question. Favorite movie huh? Hmmmmm…. Boondock Saints…what is your favorite candy?"

"Mounds or 100Grand…But I have to ask you the same question because that is a must know!"

Damien chuckled at my response. "Reese's…how do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled with cheese…what is your favorite sport?"

"I don't really have a favorite sport. If I were playing the sport it would be football or baseball. If I am watching the sport, which I rarely ever do, it would be football…Do you prefer bacon or sausage?" he asked me as a smirk settled on his lips at the end of his last question.

"Such a dirty mind my mate has!" I feign exasperation. Truthfully he was hilarious. He couldn't keep himself from being like a horny teenage boy! "And what if I said sausage?"

He eyes flickered to a dark shade of green. He ran his fingers up from my knee to just below the hem of my dress. "Well then I would tell you that I could give you a giant sausage." He said matter-of-factly. Oh dear lord my nerves went haywire and a giant puddle made its way into my panties.

Damien put his nose up in the air and took a long whiff of the air. "Ohhhh someone is a naughty girl kitten." He said as his eyes changed to black. "I can smell how bad you want me."

"Damien…. we shouldn't. Not here, and I want to get to know you better." I set my lips in a pout. Damien pulled his hand back and sits back in the seat with his head resting on the seat behind him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes they had changed back to the green that I loved. "I'm sorry princess, it is so hard to control myself around you." He admitted.

I scooted closer to him on the seat I turned his head so that he was looking at me, "don't apologize, I love the fact that you want me all the time. I just…I just want to feel that you want me for me and not just because of the mate pull." I said to him. He stared deep into my eyes and the next thing I knew he had pulled me across his lap so that my legs were draped over his lap. "Amber you just have no idea how perfect you are for me. You have no idea how I was before I met you." He kissed my shoulder.

"Why are you so feared Damien?" I squeaked out.

"It's a long story princess. You haven't met my parents yet. My father has always pushed me to be the best and taught me there is never room for any errors. Showing weakness was never an option, and if I want people to follow me I need them to fear me." He shrugged.

I put my hand on the side of his face and caressed his cheek. "Damien you know that's not really how it is right? No one that fears you will ever respect you. Fear is fear no matter what. Respect is a mutual thing, and it needs to be built on trust. People don't trust what they fear."

It looked as though something might have clicked in Damien's mind as he became extremely silent. My heart started to race because I thought that I had angered him. "Beautiful, why is your heart going a mile a minute?" he asked me. I didn't know if I should be honest with him or not. Did I go to far with my honesty already? "Did I anger you by what I said?" I asked him.

He looked up at the ceiling of the vehicle. He let out a deep sigh and responded, "No my princess, you didn't anger me. Well at least not towards you. What you just said makes a lot of sense, being as I don't respect my own father very much. You are very smart Amber. I think you will make an amazing Luna." My head snapped to him quickly.

"A what…?" I whispered.

He took my hand in his and looked straight into my eyes. "A Luna. You are my Luna, my equal. You will rule my pack beside me. Not behind me or in front of me but beside me." He answered quickly.

My eyes started to water. I never thought in a million years that I would ever become a Luna, and I guess I didn't really put two and two together in these last few days. "But what if I don't make a good Luna? How am I going to be a good Luna if I have to hide because of my royal blood?" I asked nervously.

"Amber. We are going to find answers in a few hours, but it is not an option to hide. My Luna, my love will not hide from anyone or anything. We will take this problem on head on together."He kissed my forehead when he finished his statement.