Car Ride Part 3

"I'm not done with you yet princess."

I looked at Damien like he had two heads. "Damien no more." I mean seriously was this man trying to break me?

"What do you mean?" He asked looking directly into my eyes. He looked so confused I had to hold in my laughter.

"Damien, while you are absolutely amazing, you make me feel things that I have never felt before, I cannot go on! My body is already exhausted and we have to get out of this car sooner rather than later!" I started. "And besides…there is a lot more to me besides great sex and good looks." I retorted playfully.

He immediately wrapped me in his arms and sighed. Placing a kiss to the top of my head, he then sighed. "Amber, I am so sorry if I made you feel that way. I never want to make you feel bad or hurt. I just want to make you happy."

I pulled back a little so that I could look at him, and once our eyes met I explained, "Damien, you do make me happy. But there are more ways to make me happy then just to have sex. I am not complaining about the sex, it is amazing, but I will never be happy with just great sex. I want you to be my best friend, as I want to be yours. The only way for that to happen is for us to get to know one another."

Running his hands up and down my arms, he closed his eyes. He opened them and brought his face to mine. Giving me a light kiss he whispered, "You are amazing. Perfect… Lets get ourselves cleaned up a little bit and we can continue our game." We disentangled ourselves from one another and he reached into a hidden compartment in the floor. There he had baby wipes. Opening the wipes, he looked back at me. "Would you like me to clean you up or would you like to do it? I realize I haven't asked you before."

To say I was shocked at his question is an understatement. I mean I am used to having to repeat myself over and over with people to get them to listen to me, but it seems he does really listen to what I have to say, and he CARES. "I will, thank you." I responded to him as I held my hand out for him to hand a couple wipes over.

After cleaning ourselves up and awkwardly trying to get re-dressed in the backseat of the car, Damien sat next to me and pulled my legs across his lap so that I was sitting sideways. "So Miss West, tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" I asked playfully.

He looked at me with those bright green orbs curiously. "Anything and everything."

I took a deep breath and tried to think of how I could really sum myself up for him. Did you ever try to explain yourself as a person, like who you truly are? As I collected my thoughts I let out a sigh. "Well, my name is Amber Rose West. I will be 18 in three days. I was born in a small town where everyone knows everyone, but around the age of 4 we moved here to Stone City. I have never really been close with my mom, especially since my dad left. I mean even if you put the beatings aside, she is just a really shitty person in general.

I am definitely not a girly-girl. I never have been. I mean I guess when it comes to getting dressed I can be, but I've always been a tomboy at heart. I will pick playing a game of football or baseball over going shopping and getting nails done any day.

I have always done really well in school, especially since I like to focus and anything and everything besides my life at home. My favorite subjects are English and Biology. I have a 3.8 GPA. It's not perfect but still proud of it nonetheless.

I'm not sure what I am doing now being as school has ended and graduation was last week. I don't have the money to pay to go to college, but right now I don't really know where my life stands as it is.

And lastly, I guess my core values to live by are Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, and Courage. I feel that with those four traits, anyone can accomplish anything in the world. Integrity would be my absolute value to live by though."

There was a long pause. He just stared at me as if he was digesting everything that I just said. He smiled and slightly shook his head while adjusting himself in his seat. "I never really pegged you for a tomboy." He grinned.

"Really? After ALL that I just said, that is the only fact you are going to question?" I asked incredulously.

Damien started laughing. "I am sorry, I was still processing everything you said. I will have to say that you are very intriguing, and I cannot wait to spend our future only getting to know each other more and more. And as I said before, you are going to be my Luna; you can do whatever you want with your life, as long as it does not place you in danger. Oh and as long as it doesn't involve you leaving me." He grinned.

I reached over and brought my hand to his face, brushing my thumb on his cheek. "Damien, I have no plans on going anywhere away from you." I paused. "That is unless you turn into a cavalier jerk again." I pursed my lips.

Damien let out a sigh at my words, and almost as if it took him a minute to realize what my second half of my sentence was he looked flabbergasted. He instantly started tickling my sides as I yelled "Damien! No Stop! Ok OK!" gasping for air as I laughed my lungs out. There were tears streaming from my eyes from laughing so hard.

Damien made eye contact with me as he stopped tickling me. "Well I guess it's a good thing that I don't plan on being a cavalier jerk any time soon, hmmmm? My little Rose."