Not Random

Amber POV

After finishing with our shower, we made our way into the bedroom. I tried to ignore everything around me as I bent down to my suitcase to pick out something to wear. Taking a deep breath in, I opted to wear my nice black silk camisole and short set with a matching robe to go over it.

"You are lucky you packed the robe." Damien said in a deep husky voice as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I will never get over the tingles that shoot all over my body anytime he touches me.

"And why is that kind sir?" I ask him with a big smile playing on my lips.

Grazing his lips on my mark, I could feel his smirk as he answered me. "Well because love, no one better see what is underneath the robe, but me of course."

I turned in his arms, bringing my hands around his neck and planting a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. "My gloriously cute jealous mate." I teased him. As soon as I finished my sentence, there was a knock at the door.

Damien motioned for me to go sit at the small table and chairs that was in our room. I quickly complied while he made his way to the door to gather our food that was being delivered. As soon as he shut the door and started walking towards me with the food in hand, the mouthwatering aroma that hit me made my stomach rumble. My eyes go wide as my mouth starts watering, "Oh my god! Is that steak I smell?!" I screech with excitement.

Damien stares at me with wide eyes and just bursts into laughter. "Well if I would have known you would get this excited about steak, I would have made sure I had it for you at all times." He kept chuckling to himself as he put our plates in front of us.

I look down and it is a perfectly cooked and seasoned strip steak with loaded mashed potatoes and Parmesan seasoned asparagus. I could not control the excitement that took over. "Oh my god Damien, this is my favorite meal!"

"Noooooo really?" Damien mock gasped, "I couldn't tell!"

I giggled at his smartass attitude, I don't think anything could bring me down.

I watched Damien cut a piece of his steak, and instead of shoving it in his mouth; he reached across and put it in front of my face. "Open" he ordered as he smiled brightly at me.

I complied, moaning, as I tasted the steak. "Mmmhmm…this is amazing." When I didn't hear any response from Damien, I looked up at him and noticed his rigid stance. His eyes were dilated and he was taking in deep breaths. "Damien what's wrong?" I asked full of worry.

"You can't moan like that. It makes me want to bend you over this table and fuck you until you fall apart screaming my name." he groaned in a deep husky voice.

I won't lie, his words made me clench hard. I could feel the wetness building between my thighs. Damien all of a sudden tilts his head up and sniffs the air. His eyes dart to me turning a darker shade of green. "Amber, if you don't contain yourself, we will not make it through this meal and I will have my way with that pretty pink pussy of yours."

My body started to heat up all over and I looked down at my plate. "What do you mean contain myself?" I asked meekly.

I felt his fingers gently lift up on my chin, making my eyes meet his glorious emerald ones. "Baby girl, I can smell your arousal, it is driving me and my wolf crazy." He let out a sigh. "Lets finish our meal, I'm sure it wasn't made randomly."

Now I looked at him perplexed. I took another bite of my steak trying to think about what he meant by his statement. When I couldn't figure out what he meant, I asked him, "Damien, what do you mean that you are sure it wasn't made randomly?"

Damien being done his entire meal already rested his chin on his hands. "Baby girl, we are in your DAD'S castle, you have an entire room dedicated to YOU, and you just so happen to be served your FAVORITE MEAL randomly? I think not." He scoffed.

Suddenly I lost the urge to eat. I pushed my plate to the middle of the table and looked away from it "I'm done." I muttered.

"Amber, what is wrong with you?" Damien asked with worry written all over his perfect features.

I let out a deep sigh. "Damien, I didn't even think of that. I don't want it. I don't want anything that comes from that man."

"Amber you cannot be that way!" Damien said exasperated. "You need to eat, and you cannot just not eat because your dad happened to make sure your favorite meal was served."

I jumped up from the table and turned my back to him. "Damien, I don't want it! I don't want anything from that man! He left me! He left me all by myself in that horrible place! With those horrible people!" I was yelling. The rage was growing inside of me. I noticed that the crystals along the wall all seemed to give off a red glow. Just as I was trying to take a closer look, Damien came over to me in quick strides.

He placed his hands on my arms and started rubbing them up and down gently. "Amber, I know you are hurt. I know he hurt you so bad and I cannot pretend that I can even begin to know how you feel. But for your sake, I think you need to listen to what he has to say." He pulled me in for a hug.

I could feel the rage turn to utter despair. The sadness was coming through, that was all that was ever left after the anger burned away. I let out a sob, and once the first one left me, I started sobbing uncontrollably. Damien picked me up and carried me over to the bed. Sitting down he sat me on his lap and hugged me tight. Whispering into my hair, "Amber, baby, talk to me."

Once my sobs started to slow down and I composed myself a little bit, I looked up to meet Damien's eyes. I could barely see his emerald eyes because I had tears filling mine. My voice small like a child I asked him, "Why didn't he want me Damien? Why wasn't I good enough?"

I heard Damien take a sudden intake of breath. He started to gently rock me as he caressed my hair. "Baby, no one could ever not want you. There has to be another explanation."

"Not one that will ever be good enough." I mumbled.

Damien picked me up and placed me in the center of the bed. He climbed in after me and lay down, pulling me to him. He wrapped me with his arms like a cocoon, my safety net. I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, which started out erratically, but was starting to steady now.

After a few minutes of silence between us, Damien broke the silence. "Amber, you know, you are the most important thing in this world to me now. I will never let anyone hurt you again."

"I know." I whispered.