
Amber POV

I wake up and start replaying last night in my mind. It was amazing waking up to Damian between my legs. I don't know what made him wake up in the middle of the night and decide to devour my pussy, but I'm not complaining. Thinking about it is making my body hot all over.

The only thing I want to do right now is wake Damian up and have my way with him, but I know I have more important things to tend to. I would be lying if I said that I was not scared. Scared of hearing things that I don't want to hear. I was already broken thinking that my dad was dead out there somewhere, but this? Finding out that he is not kidnapped, or dead, or missing. He was only missing from my life. Fuck that hurts.

I stare up at the ceiling trying to build courage to get out of bed and get ready for the day. It's not something that I can hide from or just simply not do. No, I need to find out some answers about having royal blood and what this means for my future.

I feel Damian move next to me. He puts his arm over me and pulls me closer to him. "What are you thinking about love?" he asks me his voice still filled with sleepiness. As I think about how I am going to answer him, he starts to gently caress my arm.

"I'm just trying to build the courage to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I just don't know if I am strong enough for this Damien."

Damien sits up a little bit and rests his head on his elbow, looking down deep into my eyes. "Baby girl, you are stronger than anyone. You CAN do this, and you WILL do this. I put all my faith in you. And I will be here, right next to you, protecting you always."

My eyes start to gill with tears. I don't want to cry, but his words just hit me somewhere deep in my heart. I never thought I would have a mate. I had convinced myself that I didn't want one or need one. If anything I have learned over the past few days, I don't think I could have lived with out my mate. He truly is the most perfect man, at least perfect for me.

"Damian don't make me cry!" I scolded him. He chuckled to himself as he captured my lips with his. It wasn't a hot steamy passionate kiss full of aggression, but it was a sweet, gentle, intense kiss filled with just as much love as I felt for him.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes, "Amber Rose, you my everything. Don't cry baby girl, you are far too perfect to ever shed a tear." He whispered. Pulling me into a hug, he placed his face into my neck and breathed in my scent.

My eyebrows furrowed in wonder, "Damien are you stressed out too?"

He took in a deep breath one more time, and answered me directly, "I am stressed out for you. I don't like to see you upset, it makes me angry."

He made his way off of the bed and motioned for me to follow him. I did so without question, and we both made our way into the bathroom to get ready for the day. We didn't have time for another steamy session between the two of us, so we opted to take turns getting quick showers. I brushed my teeth while he was in the shower and vice versa.

After my shower I got ready rather quickly, dressing myself in a cobalt blue skater dress, with gold gladiator sandals. I put my blonde hair into a side braid as normal and only put a very little bit of eye shimmery nude eye shadow and black mascara on. When I was finished getting ready I walked into the bedroom and met a dark set of emerald eyes staring back at me.

"You Princess, look amazing. I want to bend you over right here and have my way with you right now." Damian said the last part under his breath, but I heard him. As I eyed him up and down I could help but think to myself how fucking sexy he looked himself. Dressed in all black, black dress pants with a button up black shirt, leaving the top three buttons undone. I could feel myself getting wet for him by just the sight of him. "Mm mm baby girl you need to control yourself or I really WILL take you and bend you over, having my way with you as I please." Damien growled.

"Well your choice of words doesn't help!" I said exasperated. I mean he could at least help me out and not act so damn sexy all the time. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door.

"Lets get this all over with. Today is going to be a long day I'm sure." I muttered to him.