Long lost Uncle

Amber POV

Damien and I made our way into the living room. As we walked into the living room I took a moment to take in my surroundings. The room was cozy, very elegantly designed but with a masculine touch. Leather seats were by the fireplace, a leather loveseat across from them, with two leather sofas in between, creating a box you might say, but a very spacious box. In the center of this little area laid the most beautiful coffee table I had ever seen. It was hand carved; the design so intricate that you could tell whoever made it took their time. Carved into the wood, were wolves.

"Do you like the table Amber?" my fathers voice broke through my thoughts.

Refusing to look at him, I answered him quietly. "Yes, it's beautiful." Damien grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on one of the couches with him. It was as if he could just sense my distress every single moment, and he always did everything in his power to shelter me from it. Damien adjusted so that his body was snug against mine beside me, putting his arm around me protectively.

"Well I'm glad you like it. That took me over 6 months to make. I made it myself." My father seemed to beam with pride. When I shot a glare in his direction, he immediately lost his smile. I saw an expression cross his face that I had never seen before. Fear? Regret? Loss?

Not being sure what the emotion was that I saw flutter across his face, I decided to just not put on an act at all. I mean, let's be honest, I couldn't put on an act if I even wanted to. I'm a horrible liar and I wear my heart on my sleeve. But really, what is the point in living a life that is made up of lies and secrets? There's not enough time for all that mess, everything is much cleaner with the truth.

"Well, I'm glad that you could take so much time to carve such a beautiful table, seeing as you didn't even have time to check on your only daughter for over ten years." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

My father took in a sharp inhale of breath. "No Amber, that is not fair. You don't even know what happened!" he proclaimed.

"Well then enlighten me." I huffed. "Enlighten me why your only daughter was not good enough to make you stick around. Tell me why you left in the middle of the night never to return again. Tell me why you didn't want me! Why you didn't take me with you!" I felt like crying, but I had no tears left. I realized that turning my heartbreak into anger made it easier to deal with. The pain didn't feel like so much when I was angry, because the only thing I could feel was anger.

"Amber honey, is that what you think? You think I just decided to leave one night and never come back? You honestly think that I would leave you and be ok with not seeing you?!" his voice was raising. I couldn't tell whether it was because he was extremely angry or hurt.

I could feel Damien tensing up the moment my father started raising his voice. "Sir, you will NOT raise your voice to Amber." Damien growled out lowly.

My father turned to Damien so quickly, eyes full of rage. "Boy you don't tell me what to do! You may be an alpha, but I am the King! If anyone is doing the ordering around here, it will be me!"

Damien didn't even flinch at my father's words. Pulling me further into his embrace, he started growling lowly again. "I don't give a fuck if you are the King! YOU will not yell at AMBER, especially after you ruined her fucking life! This woman is everything good and pure in this world, and you don't get to treat her that way."

I put my hand on Damien's thigh and gently squeezed. Our eyes met and I mouthed the words, "thank you" to him.

My father was seething at this point. I could see he was having a hard time controlling himself, probably never being spoken to like that by anyone. "I will not be told what to do by the likes of you! You are – "

"Ashton!" a voice boomed cutting him off mid sentence. "You will stop this nonsense right now! This boy is your daughter's mate; he deserves at least some respect from you. Just because you are King does not give you the right to speak to him however you want, especially when he obviously cares so much about your daughter's well-being."

I looked to wear the voice was coming from and I gasped when I saw him. If I hadn't known that my father was my father, I definitely would have thought that this man was my father. I was the spitting image of him. Of course without the manliness, but the same eyes, same hair color, the shape of our face. He looked over to me and we made eye contact. I stood up but was still unsure what to do, but he took a few giant strides and came to me, putting his hands on either side of my face his eyes filled with tears. "My beautiful, beautiful niece, inside and out. I am so happy you have come, and I finally get to see you again! You have grown so big since I last saw you!" Bringing me in for a hug, he nearly squeezed the life out of me his hug was so tight. He continued, "I am your Uncle Adam, your father's younger brother by two years. But I must say I am so much smarter than he is!" he winked at me.

"Adam! This is a family matter, you can see your way out of here." My father gritted his teeth together. He was obviously annoyed at the fact that my Uncle Adam so naturally just came to me.

"Ha! Yeah right big brother! Just because you don't know how to treat people does not mean that I will be the same. You all may continue this anger-filled conversation later, right now I would love to take my niece and her mate for a tour around the castle grounds." He declared to my father.

"Adam! Now is not the time!" my father argued.

My uncle, sticking his hand out to Damien to shake his hand, "Hello, my name is Adam Markus West, I am Amber's uncle. It is nice to meet you." Damien took his hand and shook it, with an appreciative smile playing on his lips.

"I am Alpha Dami-" Damien started introducing himself but I uncle quickly interrupted him.

"Alpha Damien Lionheart. Alpha of the Moonstone Pack. Twenty-two years old and already known as the most ruthless Alpha in all of the United States." My uncle rattled off as if it was nothing. When I let my mouth hang open in shock, my uncle took his hand and closed my mouth. He chuckled, "Oh my beautiful niece, do you not think that I haven't been keeping tabs on you this whole time? It was so hard to find anything out about you while you were with that vile mother of yours, that is why I had arranged for your picture to show up in the stack of pictures that were to be shown to Damien here."

Damien looked as confused as me, flabbergasted. We both looked at him in disbelief and he let out a deep rumble of laughter. "Oh there is much to explain to both of you, come walk and talk with me." My uncle ushered both of us out of the room leading us to the outdoor garden.