Fix It

Damien's POV

Looking down at my beautiful mate, I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her in a hug. I inhaled her scent to calm my nerves a little bit. "Damien, what's wrong?" she intuitively could sense something was wrong.

"It's nothing big," I started. "Just some issues back at the pack house. There was a couple of rogues spotted on our lands, but as soon as our men got near them it was as if they disappeared into thin air." I felt Amber take in a deep breath.

She pulled away from me and looked at me with big fearful eyes. "R-Rogues? Why would there be rogues on your land? Have you had a problem with them before?" she started rattling off questions, pacing back and forth underneath the gazebo.

I reached out and caught her wrist gently in my hand. "Love, please stop worrying so much. We don't normally have issues with rogues, but there have been occasions few and far between. Nothing happened – no one was hurt and there wasn't any sort of battle."

"Yes but Damien," she reasoned, "Maybe we should go home and check on it. Do you think it is a coincidence that I just happen to be your mate and days later rogues show up on your land? What if they know who I am?"

Running my hands down my face in frustration, I walked to her and took her delicate face in my hands. Looking into her beautiful hazel eyes I spoke slowly and sternly. "Amber, my beautiful worry wart of a mate, please stop worrying yourself. I don't believe that it has anything to do with you, but I will reach out to Jeremy in a little while and let him know to be extra careful. You and I, love, in the meantime have things to take care of."

She put her delicate hands on mine as she smiled slightly, "Ok, but you have to make sure to get a hold of Jeremy. And what do we have to take care of?" she huffed.

I continued to hold her gaze with mine, knowing that she might break it once I tell her what I have to. "Amber, I know you don't want to, but we have to talk to your father."

She pulled back and turned her back to me, trying to walk away, but I quickly reached out and grabbed her. Pulling her to me, with her back to my front, I spoke, "Ahhhh no ya don't. You can't get away that easily."

"Damien! Let me go!" she squealed as she struggled in my grip. The more she struggled the tighter my grip got on her. Bending down, bringing my mouth to her ear, I whispered, "Never Baby girl." I moved my lips to my mark on her neck and placed a gentle kiss on it. I could see the goose bumps forming all over her skin.

Amber stopped struggling against me and leaned into my hold. "We don't need to talk to my dad…let's just go to our room," she said as she brought her hand up to the back of my head, pulling it further into her neck. I kissed her neck again but cut it short as I turned her to face me. "Amber Rose, you know that I want nothing more than to take you to our room and have my way with you until you are screaming my name over and over for everyone to hear, but that won't happen again until you speak with your father. I know you think I am being mean, or inconsiderate, but I am only doing what I think is best for you. You NEED to deal with this and figure it out one-way or another. Your father is probably the person that loves you most in this world besides me of course. And if we do have any trouble lying ahead of us, it will be helpful to have someone on our side. More specifically, someone that will do just as much as I will to protect you."

She started shaking her head with watery eyes, I assume trying to keep herself from crying. "Damien you can't be serious." She whispered.

Placing a kiss on her forehead, I sternly expressed my feelings to her. "Princess, I am more than serious. You can be mad at me all you want, but one way or another you will speak to your father tonight. This has to be done. You cannot keep running away from your feelings. We have so many pressing matters that need to be handled that I cannot let you keep wallowing in your anger. Trust me, I understand being angry. I also understand the damage that holding onto that anger can do. I don't want that for you."

Shaking her head up and down a few times, I barely heard her words as she muttered, "Okay, fine."