Puzzle Pieces

Damien POV

I feel like it has been ages since I have seen Amber. In reality it has been two days, but I can't live without this woman. I have no idea what is going on with her right now. Where she is, what those scum bags could be doing to her. My mind is going crazy with all the possibilities going through my head. I had been trying to mind link her for two days straight but nothing, nada, zilch.

I need this woman like I need air. Like I have never needed anything in my entire life. I can feel myself breaking slowly, inch by inch. But no! I cannot break! I have to pull myself together and go save the woman I love. There are so many unfinished lines to our story unwritten. We've only just begun!

My phone starts ringing breaking me out of my thoughts. I walk out the castle towards the garden as I answer, "Speak."

"Alpha…I did as you requested." Gianna began. After a long pause she sighed, "I pulled up whatever I could find on Gretchen. It's kind of odd though; I have no records of her parents, siblings, or really any family whatsoever. I looked back on her employment records, and it looks like she started working for you almost ten years ago."

My heart stopped. Ten years ago? As in around the time that Amber's father left her mother? What the hell could Gretchen have to do with all of this? That means whatever this is doesn't have to do with just me. Hell she worked for me before I ever even became Alpha…but that would mean…she worked for my father. That sick bastard must have something to do with this! My heart is beating out of my chest, so many thoughts and scenarios running through my head. "Gianna, what is Gretchen's address?"

I hear her typing on her computer, "Umm Alpha, she hasn't updated her address since she started working here, but there must be a mistake. Her address here is listed as the old abandoned servants quarters." The sound of disbelief is very evident in her voice.

The wind is knocked out of me as I process this information. Could anyone still live there? I don't even know because I never even go over to that area. No one ever does, as it is all dilapidated and creepy looking. I turn on my heels and quickly make my way back into the castle. I need to speak with everyone immediately.

"Gianna, I need you to have border security tightened up as much as possible immediately. Have everyone form a border around the entire pack house; I will be there as fast as I can with everyone that is heading here. DO NOT make a move until I get there or I give the go ahead." I quickly disconnect the call and mind-link Jeremy.

"Jeremy where are you?"

"Alpha we are about 45 minutes out from you."

"Jeremy I need you all to turn around IMMEDIATELY"

"Uh Alpha…what do you mean? I thought we had to find Amber?"

"We do and we will. I am rounding everyone up here now and we will be heading that way. Gianna just did some digging, and by what she found I am almost certain that Gretchen has Amber on OUR PROPERTY."

"What in the actual fuck? Are you serious Damien? Why don't you just send someone now? Isn't the sooner the better?!"

"Not in this scenario, especially since I have a suspicion that Gretchen has been working with David on this."

"David? As in David, your FATHER?!"

"YES, no we are wasting time! I need to go get the others and you need to turn your ass back around with everyone else and tighten up border security. I do not want anyone in our out of that property until I get there. If anyone makes it through the border, heads are going to roll!"

With that I cut the mind link and meet everyone in the office. Already sitting in the office trying to come up with a game plan, when I run into the room all eyes abruptly flash to me.

Todd is the first to speak. "Damien where have you been? We need to figure this shit out!"

As soon as I glare at him he stops talking and holds his hand up in surrender. I take a few steps towards him and straighten my back out. "We need to head back to my territory, I know where she is." I grit out as I start grabbing a few things, including a bag with a change of clothes in it and two handguns.

Adam takes a step towards me, "Are you sure Damien? You are sure she is there?" he asks in disbelief.

I don't even glance back at him as I respond, "I am 99% sure that she is there. Call it a hunch, or intuition or whatever the fuck you want to call it, but I know she is there, and I don't know why but I am pretty sure my father has some play into this as well."

"Excuse me?" Came Amber's father's quick questioning. "And what on earth would your father have to do with any of this?"

I turned to look at Amber's father, "I don't know how or why or what or when." I say through clenched teeth. "But I do know one thing, if he has anything to do with this I will enjoy killing that fucker myself. ANYONE who has anything to do with this will wish they never even knew who Amber Rose West was."

There was only one thing left in my mind as I took off outside, shifted, and with my bag in my mouth took off running through the night:

Amber I'm coming for you.