Chapter 2

"Is there a God in this world? !"

When Zhou Qingfeng hit the enter key, the computer screen immediately turned into a space-time vortex wrapped in him. When he regained his footing, he found himself standing in a quiet street. The street signs and signs were all in English, but he was strangely able to read them all.

"Murdoch Avenue, 200th Street." Zhou Qingfeng looked around and said doubtfully, "Is this New York? It doesn't feel like it! Shouldn't New York be a super-bustling metropolis? Traffic everywhere, tall buildings ah! But these houses are only two or three stories high. They look like ordinary small towns."

The buildings around Zhou Qingfeng look ordinary and unusual. A street is full of rows of single-family villas, and almost every door has a car or two parked. It's about six or seven before nightfall, and if it's really the beginning of 'Wasteland,' it's August.

Calm down! Calm down! Take things as they come!

Zhou Qingfeng kept taking deep breaths, but his heart was still unavoidably nervous. To be inexplicably thrown into a completely unfamiliar environment, anyone will be dumbfounded.

After biting his lip to sober himself up a bit, Zhou found himself with a note in his hand. The note read, "Young man, here are the travel benefits for your life in the wasteland. First of all, you are 'linguistically literate'. You can read, speak, and read any language that is currently popular.

Second, you're 18 years old again. I have given you a healthy, strong body with unlimited potential, as much as possible to prepare you for the bad things that will come your way.

In the end, the development of the world will follow what you saw in the movie 'Wasteland'. But I want you to understand that movies are not reality. The more you change the world, the more things that happened in the movie, or didn't happen, will change for you.

Incidentally, if you want to live in this doomed world, you need to keep improving your own strength. The world is full of things that can strengthen you. Find them."

After Zhou Qingfeng read these words, the note turned into a group of glittering golden dust, forming a very pretend bility signature - God of mercy. Then the golden dust breaks down again and is blown away by the wind.

With a wry smile on his face, Zhou Qingfeng thought to himself, I seem to be in big trouble! The streets are quiet now, but in three days all the institutions of public order will be gone, and New York will be transformed into a bloody and violent helltown.

And that's not the worst of it. Three months into winter, the violence is getting worse. In order to compete for the necessities of life, the residents of the city can become extremely crazy. In the end, nuclear and chemical weapons made by human beings will destroy the world. That's when the real tragedy comes.

What should I do now? Find a way to escape! To live in the backcountry.

Wait, gather something to eat and drink first, otherwise it would be too miserable to starve to death on the way.

Wait a minute, just eating and drinking won't do! You need a car, or can you get there on two legs?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. A loose society is full of thugs and scoundrels. If you don't defend yourself, you will suffer greatly.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Even tigers take naps. How do you survive in a chaotic world on your own? Don't say that the problem of loneliness late at night can not be solved, can not walk out half a mile will be hit with a bludgeoning.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. There's no point in hiding and being a wimp?

At that time, Zhou Qingfeng came to understand that he had better join a powerful and orderly group, so as to have the greatest chance of survival and the least difficulty. As he was grimacing, he heard someone say to him, "Hi,

Victor, what are you doing here in a daze?"

A beautiful girl came up to Zhou Qingfeng with a big paper bag in her hands. Judging from the food and daily necessities in the bag, she should have just come back from the supermarket.

Angelina Lawrence, genius girl, nickname Angie, age 15, 1.67 cm, weight 57 kg, chestnut hair, blue eyes, C cup. Western girls grow up to be good!

She is the daughter of a family of three in the movie. She is lively, enthusiastic, energetic and has great curiosity about everything. She studied in a public high school, and her academic performance was very good. She was a self-reliant and self-reliant student, and she was a role model for all American students!

Constrained by the family's economic ability, Angie could not shop, travel and consume like a girl in the upper class, so she put her energy into making all kinds of strange equipment, and helped her father solve many difficulties after the Great Disruption.

"Hi! Good evening, Angie." Zhou Qingfeng also tried to say hello. After he had made the first move, he did not know what to talk about, so he asked casually, "Well... How do you call me 'Victor'? Is that my name?"

Hearing Zhou Qingfeng's question, Anji's beautiful big eyes immediately smiled into two curved crescents. "Victor, we've known each other for years. Of course I know your name."

"Is that so? We've known each other for so long! So my name is Victor now." Zhou Qingfeng scratched his head, thinking that he seemed to have a background identity. "I'm sorry," he said with an embarrassed smile. "I just lost my way. I can't find my home.

Ha ha ha... "This time Angie laughed even louder. She couldn't be happier. And behind her came a woman with a slender figure, also said hello to Zhou Qingfeng: "Hi... Victor, what were you and Angie talking about? Make my baby smile so happy?"

Rachel Connor, aged 32, 1.75 cm tall, weighs 62 kg, blonde hair, blue eyes, F cup. She was the wife and mother of the Lawrence family, a devout Catholic.

She is a devoted housewife. She is good at cooking, and likes planting flowers and plants. She is gentle and strong. But when she was angry, she would blast her graupel gun into the heads of her enemies, and on several occasions she had saved her husband from encirclement.

'Hi, Mrs Laurence,' I said. Zhou Qingfeng felt like he was meeting someone important in the movie. "I... ."

Zhou Qingfeng doesn't even know how to explain his current state of teasing, which is really too humiliating. "You can call me Rachel. Mrs. Lawrence would make me look too old," she said with a calm smile.

"Hehe hehe... ." Zhou Qingfeng laughed at himself.

Angie, on the other hand, picks up Zhou's wounds, Shouting, "Mom, Victor says he's lost. God, I can't believe he said he was lost."

"Is that so? What kind of person would get lost on their own doorstep?" Rachel Connor also looked at Zhou Qingfeng with amusement, her smile on her face with a mischievous touch, as if she were watching a performance.

Door? Zhou Qingfeng looked left and right, but he really didn't know where his home was. Unluckily he this uncomprehending appearance is really a little silly, the mother and daughter both give tease laugh uncease.

"What's the matter? I heard your joyful voices a long way away. To be honest, UU read I feel my head swell after a tired day, but I feel so happy to hear your laughter." A distant voice came from the road, and at last the man of the Laurence house appeared.

David Lawrence, the hero who saved the world, this guy is just a macho guy. In the film's happy ending, he worked against all odds to find a large grain storage bank for millions of New Yorkers, saving many lives.

He's 37 years old, 5-foot-7, a halfback on his college football team, and picked up Rachel while she was still in high school on her first date. Connor's got a baby bump. He served in the 75th Ranger Regiment, and the movie's motto is' Go ahead, never back down. '

Well, that's the kind of hero Hollywood is used to.

David now works as an insurance broker but earns no more than sixty thousand dollars a year. And he was the family's sole source of income, barely keeping them alive in the New York market. This guy has a pretty high military profile, and he keeps a few guns and a lot of ammunition at home.

When the riot starts in the movie, this guy shoots the guy who tried to rob him without mercy. That's why the Lawrence family was able to survive the first three months of the catastrophe. In front of him, Zhou Qingfeng felt that he was the war five slag, the task of saving the world is not really anyone can do.

Now that a family of three has emerged as the main characters, the wheel of history has begun to slowly move. But Zhou Qingfeng felt a little bitter. He thought to himself: New York will become hell on earth in three days, and the wheel of history will start. But don't crush me to death!