Chapter 4

The main course for the Lawrence family tonight is spaghetti, and the main course is fish fillet and chicken stew, with creamy soup and green salad. It was quite sumptuous for a family of three with a modest income, and it may have been made specially for Zhou Qingfeng.

Prayers before the meal were led by Rachel, thanking God for the food.'I'm not sure if food is given by God, but I'm pretty sure an impending catastrophe is,' Zhou quipped.

During the meal, David. Lawrence casually chatted with Zhou Qingfeng about some bad things happening in American society recently. Since he was an insurance broker, the most he saw were bankruptcies caused by financial problems.

"New York is becoming more and more unstable right now. Brooklyn is in bad shape. Queens is suffering. Illegal immigrants continue to impact our society, security is becoming more and more chaotic. I would like to help those in distress, but I cannot ."

David Lawrence seemed to be full of complaints, and his words made the dinner a little more solemn.

However, Zhou Qingfeng knows that when the Great Cataclysm happened, the origin of the riots in New York was those illegal immigrants who had no fixed place and poor income. When restrictions were lifted, millions of illegal immigrants poured into Manhattan from Brooklyn, New York , turning one of the nation's most elite business centers into a living hell.

'David, don't talk about that at dinner.' Rachel Connor frowned.

"I'm sorry, dear. I won't say it." David Lawrence smiled back.

Angie dropped her knife and fork, said,'I'm full,' and trotted back to her room. Zhou Qingfeng called her and said, "Anji, wait for me for a moment. I have a favor to ask of you."

"Okay, let's go to the garage base in the back yard." With a wave of her hand, Anji led Zhou Qingfeng to her secret base.

Said to be'secret base', in fact is a little girl to decorate their own safe nest. David Lawrence built his daughter a loft in the garage as best he could, and Angie made it her own private space, off-limits to anyone without invitation.

The secret base is carpeted with a pile of plush toys, a set of small tables and chairs, a table full of electronics, and a small refrigerator in the corner. Angie took two cans of drinks out of the refrigerator and threw them to Zhou Qingfeng . She sat on the carpet and frowned. "I don't like Dad talking about his work every night at dinner.

Alas... American little girls are so self! I wouldn't even eat because I wouldn't be happy to do that.

Zhou Qingfeng took a sip of his drink and said, "Let's talk about something interesting. Do you know about dog meat?"

"Dog meat? Angie was interested. "You mean the new bionic robot dog Columbia University has developed for the military? I've seen their testing video and it's awesome! Just like a real dog."

I knew you were interested in this topic!

According to the movie, Angelina. Laurence is a genius with an IQ of 160. Apart from the common girl's hobbies, her greatest interest is to fiddle with some intelligent electronic devices. Her family's ET was reprogrammed by her and was said to increase its intelligence level by 20 percent.

"Yes, the robot dog. I want to get it. I want your cooperation." Zhou Qingfeng said directly, "I know you have been wanting to get some smart components and advanced batteries for internal use in the military, and I have a way to help you."

"Oh, that's a tough one," he said. Angie said with a laugh. Although the words are negative, but from the expression, it is obvious that she is very interested, waiting for Zhou Qingfeng to say the specific plan.

If Zhou Qingfeng said he wanted to steal a bottle of yoghurt from the supermarket, he would be looked down upon. But no matter how feasible he was about stealing a robot dog from one of the military's top intelligence LABS,

She thinks it's cool.

"Can you help me find out where the robot dog is?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"The Babylon Intelligence Lab at Columbia University." Angie taps her finger on the desktop and a virtual screen rises from it. She typed a string of characters on the light-screen keyboard to search, and soon what Zhou wanted appeared on the screen.

"Two months ago, I visited Babylon Intelligence Lab and even met the team that developed the robot dog. Unfortunately I didn't see the dog, but I did see the biological brain for the dog." Angie proudly showed off a few photos and whispered, "I took this secretly."

A virtual screen reveals a gleaming laboratory in which several robotic arms play with an artificial dog brain - the control hub for dog meat - in a sterile working room.

"Can you call up the exact location and internal structure of the Babylon Intelligent Laboratory?" Zhou Qingfeng continued to ask.

"You're not really going to steal that dog? You're one of my few friends, and I don't want you to go to jail. I hate it when there are so many violent crimes in the news these days." Angie asked.

"I promise not to use violence, but theft at most. If only I had stolen the dog and given it back."

Zhou Qingfeng shrugged his shoulders, he thought: I now this small arm and leg strength, who can I use violence with? It can only be opportunistic sneaking in to take advantage. When he stole the dog, New York was in a mess and no one was going to ask for it back.

For young Americans, where smoking marijuana is a pastime, stealing something is really no big deal. Anji made sure Zhou Qingfeng wouldn't mess around, so she clicked a few times on her computer's virtual screen.

"Babylon Intelligence Lab is located in Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The intelligent robot dog they worked on was originally a joint project with NASA. Late in the development the US military was also very interested and got involved.

I can show you the location of the lab and I can even show you how to solve the electronic door lock and activate the robot dog, but the security of the lab is up to you." Anji looked at Zhou Qingfeng with burning eyes and was expecting him to create a miracle.

Just then, there was a shout outside the garage,'Angie, may I come in?'

Damn it, that's the little stooge. Zhou Qingfeng soon came upon a young American hippie, with fluorescent hair, earrings, ripped clothes and a keen interest in fashion, who liked to jump around and express himself.

Tony Parker is nineteen years old. He is five metres tall. He is smart. He is said to be the son of David Lawrence's comrade-in-arms, who played the role of comedian, trouble-maker and assist in the aftermath of the Cataclysm. Lawrence's suitor, and they seem to have ended up as lovers.

Fuck... Zhou Qingfeng hated those who looked like gangsters. Especially now to see his cynicism, the appearance of the smiling face, I think this guy is very low.

But in the movie, this guy is known as a troublemaker and a lucky guy. Every time he makes it bigger than the sky, every time it's David. Lawrence came to wipe his ass, and every time he came out unscathed, he got the beauty.

Tony Parker gets permission and climbs into the attic. When he sees Zhou, he says, "Hi, Victor, how are you? What are you talking about? Oh oh... I think you're talking about dog meat, and I 'm here for this robot dog."

Tony Parker laughingly ignored Zhou and sat down in front of Angie. "I left you a message of'ET' a while ago, asking you to help me build a cracking program. I just had a chance to get the robot dog.

Think how cool it would be to beat all the hurdles, avoid all the dangers, and then get the world's only pet?"

Tony parker has a lot of facial expressions, UU read a book it's easy to make a girl laugh when he winks. But this time Angie was embarrassed and said, "Well... Victor wants me to help him, too. You two... ."

Tony Parker looked at Zhou Qingfeng again and said sarcastically, "Hey, my friend, you want to take care of that robot dog too? How do you break through multiple defenses? Trust me, if you show up in that lab, you'll be arrested right away. And only I can succeed."

"You don't need to worry about that. I can handle the security system." Zhou Qingfeng said with a cold face. He faced three main security forces: Columbia's own campus police, the military stationed to guard the lab, and the lab's own hired security guards.

Police and military personnel will disappear in three days, and Zhou Qingfeng will have to face only the laboratory's own security staff, which is not very large.

Tony Parker, however, laughed ironically. "You're kidding, that's impossible! The place is off-limits to all outsiders, especially with an Asian face like yours. Last week, military security officers caught an Asian spy trying to sneak into a lab and steal data. They'll never let you get near them."

"If you're so confident, why don't we have a competition?" Looking at the three-dimensional model of dog meat on Anji's computer screen, Zhou Qingfeng takes several deep breaths. He stared at Tony instead. Parker's eyes said, "Let's see who can make it!"

Zhou Qingfeng swore to himself: I must get the dog!