
The village in the year 1918

It was early this morning, the cock crowed and she heard the town criers from a far but the girl laid on the bed still with her eyes slightly opened. Soon the sun rose and the roads market places were busy with people walking here and there, buying and preparing for the Iria festival. People from different villages will come to buy things in the big market which was located between the main Landers and the Islanders of George kingdom. Men ,women, youths and children were gathered in the market square preparing for the big day, while at the other side some dancers were practicing, people were buying clothes, wrappers and shoes.

The iria festival was a big festival and has been there since the 1600s. Young maidens who are ripe for marriage would prepare themselves for suitors. Each family would prepare their [virgin] daughters for the competition, [the maidens were put in fattening room and well taken care of, to prepare them for the due day] where they would dance with their bare breast while their lower part would be covered with feni wrappers.

This year iria festival will be hosted in Dakar village and so will the next. Dakar was one of the biggest village in George kingdom, located on the island, which makes it easier to the attract the attention of people from other small villages and towns. Most people prefer to come to the island to celebrate the iria festival. Tourist from big towns come to Dakar for tourism mostly because the place was serene and full of adventures. It's indeed a wonderful time of the year, where people make different delicacy, playing music and dance.

Ibitein!!! She heard her mother called.

"Yes mama!"she answered, she stood up sluggishly walking to the kitchen where her mother was...Good morning mama, she greeted her mother.

Good morning my daughter, her mother responded, come and help me in the kitchen, before that go freshen up quickly, five minutes!

Okay mama! she said. Ibitein's mother was a strict woman, she doesn't play with time, five minutes it is. Walking out of the kitchen she heard her father and uncle talking outside, she headed out to greet them..

Good morning papa! good morning uncle.

Good morning my daughter, they both answered.

Heading back inside she heard her uncle ask her, tokuma! he called, I hope your preparing yourself for suitors? her uncle Christopher asked.

Yes uncle! she nodded with a smile

I hope you won't be rejecting any suitor this time?

Uncle it depends on the kind of person i like, she said politely.

That's what she says all the time, rejecting men..her father complained

But papa-

Go inside, he said and she walked in quickly without hesitation.

Alfred take it easy with her, she will understand, Christopher chuckled.

But for how long? her mates are in their husbands house and she's still in my house doing nothing.. Christopher i am tired of her behavior in rejecting men proposals.

Your daughter is a very beautiful and attractive young girl and it's getting into her head that's all.

That's the more reason she has to get married, the earlier the better, said Alfred.

..and the fresher the sweeter, added Christopher and they both laughed.

ibitein hurried into the bath and dressing up as quick as she could, avoiding her mother's query she went back to the kitchen, and started helping her mother. "Quickly knead the dough" Abigail said

Okay mama! kneading the dough as quick as she could, she made bread.

She helped her mother chop the vegetables, while her mother was making their delicacy, "pounded yam and pepper soup" ibitein's favorite of course.

"Ibitein, I don't want to force you to get married or accept any man's proposal. But still you have to do the right thing..and rejecting proposals is not the right thing to do, your father and i want the best for you, we're not punishing you, so you have to make us proud", her mother advised.

"Okay mama", that's all she could say, because exchanging words with her mother was like "using a pin to prick a rock"

"Make your family proud" her mother said,

she nodded, and continued her work.

"Everyone keeps telling me to make them proud, "get married" without caring if i was happy, she sighed, of course i will make them proud, and I will get married too, all i ever wanted is to marry the man of my dreams and not an arranged marriage, she thought to herself"

"Today is another iria festival mama and I'm hoping to find the man of my dreams" she said with a smile and her mother smiled back.

This year ibitein won't be joining the other maidens because she has grown past that age. Although it bothers her parents, it was surprising how those men would still line up just to beg for her hand in marriage every single year.

Ibitein was from the island, but she and her family lived on the Mainland.

The island was the place of the water people, it is known as the fishermen's home, the population there was much more. All islanders were exceptionally good swimmers, it was a taboo to not know how to swim. On the other hand, the mainland was popularly known as the gate of the dead. The few people who knew about the stories of the land didn't dare to talk much about it.