
The festival 1

The evening arrived and Ibitein was dressed in a beautiful gown, it was a long green floral gown with flowers around the waist, the neck line was decorated with flowers and it had long sleeves, it was sewn and designed by her family tailor. Looking at her reflection, admiring herself "beautiful girl" she said to herself.

Ibitein was one of the most beautiful girls in her village and the kingdom, she was admired by not only men but females too, people would wish for her to be their daughter and to an extent she was said to be the most beautiful girl. She was the envy of the village, suitors would line up just to win her heart even the prince had interest in her, but as usual Ibitein would reject them, all in the name of looking for the man of her dreams, indeed "her beauty was getting into her head".

As usual her family would be disappointed by her behavior, however the suitors still came.

Ibitein was lucky, being born into a wealthy family and being the only child, she was groomed with love and she was humble.

Sweet nineteen her mother said admiring her daughter, look how beautiful you are my daughter.

"i know mama"

My daughter, please make up proud this time, okay?

Okay mama but am not promising you. ibitein and her mother were like best friends and she tells her mother everything that goes on but her father was the opposite, he was a well disciplined man and he does the same to her. Of course her father loves her and even more than she can imagine but her behavior of rejecting men was not sitting well with him, seeing the reputation of his family name being soiled was not something he liked.

She was he's only child after all and he isn't trying to push her away, he just like every other family man wants the best for his daughter.

I understand my child but do the right thing, even if you don't accept them in the festival, you can accept their invitation at least, hmm?

Mm-hm I'll try mama

"Don't try ibitein", you're nineteen and you're late, stop the delay she said slightly frowning at her.

Okay mama I will do as you say she said with a grasp.

That's my girl, do the right thing, Agatha said tapping her head. Hurry up before your father says something, her mother said before leaving the room.

Ibitein! her father called, what are you still doing in the room? "time wait for nobody" she heard her father said, that was her father's favorite saying, especially when he wants to discipline her behavior, he would tell her over and over again.

Yes papa, I will be there in no time, she said hurrying out of her room.

You better hurry up, he said

She hurried outside and sat in their family carriage with her parents who were already sitting inside, her father tapped the window for the coachman to start the carriage. It will take about an hour before they would arrive at the island.

The village square was already filled up with people and their beautiful outfits.

"I want to impress my parents" a maiden said with a wide smile.

"Me too, i will make sure to get enough suitors just like ibitein" another responded.

Of course Lydia, the first maiden said in response.

"I want to do the same but being like ibitein is not something am looking up to, I mean she's beautiful and everything and I love that but rejecting men is not something I would take from her", another maiden said in the midst of other maidens.

What are you even saying girl, Lydia huffed, blabbing nonsense talking about ibitein like that, how dare you? she glared.

What exactly is your point Florence? the first maiden asked with a glare.

Dorathy i- i was just saying what i see that's all, i mean everyone of us see it too, right? Florence stammered.

I still don't get your point but I'm going to pretend like i got it. First of nobody is asking you to be like ibitein or reject men or even get married, because i don't even see you getting married, Dorathy hissed.

Excuse me? Florence said in a low voice.

Exactly, i wonder who is giving you the idea that you are beautiful not to talk of having suitors, Lydia said rolling her eyes at Florence.

Florence who was cut of words couldn't say a thing, how could they talk to her like that? just one word against ibitein a million was thrown at her. How could you say that to me? "I'm beautiful too", Florence said trying to stand her ground.

"Oh yes you are" and they both laughed

In your dreams Florence, Lydia said with a stem look.

That's rude, she said glaring at them

That's right, they both said.

And you're rude, Florence said looking at Lydia.

"I know, Lydia replied and next time you will learn to keep your mouth shut and not to poke on other people", Lydia added with a steam look.

"No matter how you chase a goat away from the yam, it will still come eating on it" sometimes i wonder if you're a goat in human clothing, Dorathy said with a smirk and all the other maidens heard, some laughed while some were not pleased but what can they do? when it concerns Dorathy and Lydia, the bullies of their village.

The other maidens wanted to cry for Florence but even Florence could not cry for herself.