
Just to see your face

Oh my dear Nengi you're back, Abigail said. Come sit, you must be tired. I didn't mean to stress you-- I'm--

Oh Aunty please.. you don't have to say that. We'll do as much as we can for the family. I'm glad ibitein is getting married, she added. You don't have to worry. I will stay as long as you want me.., she smiled.

Abigail eyes were clogged with tears. She tried to hold it back and smiled slightly.

Still thank you my dear, pat her face softly.

Come on Aunty--

Come now, let me get you something to drink, Abigail said holding Nengi's hand.

I will be back, she mouthed to Rafael who was chatting with Calvin.

Just then Ayonadu met with Alfred, ibitein, Aunty Agatha and Agnes, just along the corridor to the ceremony hall.

Ayonadu! Alfred called with excitement. Where have you been all morning young man? he questioned him.

Um-- Uncle, Aunty, he greeted. I was at the big market to get something for ibitein. A gift, he added.

My dear, Agatha responded with a smile.

Oh i see. Very well then. For a moment i was worried you wouldn't come, Alfred said.

I wouldn't miss ibitein's--

Ibitein cleared her throat. I'm glad you're here, she smiled slightly.

You look beautiful in your dress, i mean, very breathtaking, Ayonadu said.

She just nodded and looked away.

Alfred chuckled. Come now let's get you married.

Ibitein nodded with a smile.

Agnes gave him a knowing look. Where

have tou been, she mouthed.

Come on, he whispered. Um--i will be right behind you uncle, Ayonadu commented.

I'm sure you're going to Ronald's room, Alfred chuckled.

Yes Papa.

Alfred nodded. Tell your friend to get down immediately before i loose my mind, Alfred said.

He has no manner or whatsoever! I will bring him down myself, Ayonadu said with a chuckle.

Alfred nodded with a smile.

I will also accompany him so Ronald will take it seriously, Agnes pointed out.

No Agnes you stay with me--

Agnes gave ibitein a look. She signaled her and then ibitein grasped.

O-- okay Agnes make sure everything is brought down and organized. Hurry up so you don't miss the best part.

See you soon.

Be careful not to slip okay, Agatha said and the three of them walked away.

Ayonadu and Agnes stood there until only their silhouettes was seen.

Agnes turned to Ayonadu and asked. Where have you been? I came--


Why are you shhhing me? I came to look for you at your house and found an empty..

Come on.. he waved his hand through his thick black hair.


Let's go, he dragged her slightly into a room.

What is it? There are so many things i want to ask you. I mean judging from your statement--

Ah! I mad a mistake!


How do you identify a ghost? he said

A ghost?, Agnes laughed. I've checked he's not a ghost. He's totally--

That's what i forgot to ask him.

You asked Calvin?

No! Heba. Who's Calvin?

Who's Heba?

Calvin is the groom. Heba is the witch doctor, they said in unison.

Uh? You met a witch doctor?

That's his name? Ayonadu muttered in distaste.

I had to.. he was suspicious. And Heba was of no help, he clearly valued money more than anything, he sighed. I was duped! he said with a slight chuckle.

Well i met with Mira, she spoke in parables, she sighed.

You met with thise things again? Ayonadu said in distaste.

Yes, she rolled her eyes at him and gave him a slight glare.

'If there was anyone who despised mermaids, it was Ayonadu. He hated them with every blood in his veins. Not for any particular reason though'.

"And then i met him, Agnes said with dreamy eyes. He was so beautiful and perfect".

You're falling for him too?

Why would i do that, she frowned slightly. He is a nice man that's all i know.

But how else can you identify a ghost? Ayonadu pondered.

How am i suppose to know that, I'm not a ghost, she huffed.

I know a few ways but they are long processes. We cannot begin to do that now.

But there must be another way t-

A way, she said snapped. Ghost don't walk on roads-

They always use the windows not doors, Ayonadu added.

No no.. there's no way we can convince Calvin to try out the window as a prank that he wouldn't suspect. Besides the man walked through that door without stress. But that's just by the way. I'm saying that we could use the road to identify, Agnes suggested.

How do we do that then?

Agnes sighed. I thought you knew this.

Well i don't, he raise his brows.

Your smartness does have limits, she murmured.


We use a native egg that hasn't touched the ground, she said.

Hmm interesting! So how do we do it?

We get the egg and throw it on his face, she said.

What? How do you think he's going to react, he chuckled. That's absurd.

You're absurd, she scoffed.

You should marry him already, Ayonadu chuckled.

Stop saying that! she warned.

Okay fine.

I'm sure there are lots of native eggs in the back but you have to get the one that hasn't been touched.


So you go get it! Make sure you're her first unless it's useless.


I will get going. Oh and you have to go now, clock is ticking.

I'm supposed to bring Ronald.

I will go get him. Don't worry about it.. she pat his shoulder playfully.