
The rite

Where on earth are they? Ibitein said worried. Her eyes darted around.

Are you okay? Abigail asked

Um.. yes i am okay mama, she nodded with a smile.

Okay then. Abigail looked at ibitein worriedly. If there is anything you want.. just say it.

I'm fine mama. Really I'm fine, i promise.

Abigail exhaled deeply. Go on then, sit by your husband.

Alfred cleared his throat. It's time for the marriage rites, Alfred announced.

The marriage rites began and the groom family paid the pride price. The both families exchange gift. The okrika traditional marriage comprises of the big dowry, small dowry and iya marriage. The small dowry is bokugbolo paying the bride price to her immediate family while the big dowry involves both the nuclear and extended families. Amongst all the iya marriage is the most sacred. The iya marriage binds the woman to her husband even until death. Unless her in laws releases her from her late husband. Before releasing her a ritual of separation is performed. Since the marriage is sudden, and the family agreed to it, the iya will be done a year after the bokugbolo marriage.

Are you okay? Calvin asked

Y-- yes, she chuckled, why is everyone asking me that? I'm fine, she exhaled. I-- it's-- Agnes is not here yet so I'm a bit worried.

She left?

No.. of course not, she chuckled slightly. Sh-- um she was going to get Ronald and-

Why are you so paranoid? Calm down, okay? Take a deep breath, relax.. he rubbed her hand tenderly.

I'm not paranoid-- she exhaled. Maybe i am..

She will be here. I'm sure she's trying her best to get your stubborn cousin out of bed.

Ibitein chuckled. How do you know he's stubborn?

I just know, he said with a smiled.

Hmm you know a lot of things, don't you? she smiled back.

So tell me how do you intend to explain yourselves when you finally hit him with the egg and it doesn't work? Ronald asked raising his brows.

What-- what are you talking-- it will work! Ayonadu responded.

Assuming you saw right, Ronald added.

Or not? Agnes added with uncertainty.

Exactly! At least for once you can understand my point, Ronald said with a gesture.

I wasn't certain it will not work, Agnes said.

But still..

Look i know what i saw. It's persistent.

But what if it doesn't? Ronald question again. What if you saw wrong?

Ayonadu contemplated for a fleeting moment. Then i will apologize, he responded.


That's the only thing that can ease ibitein's anger towards me. I guess, he waved his fingers through his thick hair.

Um.. at least you tried.. better to try than do nothing. I mean of course in a situation this complicated, Agnes sighed.

Terrific! I'm waiting to see that, Ronald nodded with a smile playing on his lips.

Ayonadu gave him a look. So nonchalant, he shook his head.

Oh no i trust you completely.

Just-- shut up, okay? Agnes said looking at him with the corner of her eyes.

Ronald just don't go about making it obvious, okay?

I'm a natural, he gestured.

Ayonadu exhaled. Let's go catch a ghost!

A possible ghost, Agnes corrected and they exited the room and headed to the ceremony hall.

[The ceremony hall]

I heard the iya would be done a year after the marriage, a lady commented.

Really, the other lady gasped. Janey are you sure about this?

Of course, Janey replied.

What is happening in these days?

I don't know. All i know in my days, a sacred marriage like that was never skipped, not for anything.

I mean why the rush?

I also heard the man is a prince, Janey said.

Oh.. the second lady gasped again. Oh i wished i married a prince.

You're not that pretty Deborah, Janey chuckled.

Don't look down at me you contemptuous--

Janey, Deborah, someone called

Oh Agatha they both said.

How have you been? Agatha asked going for a hug.

I'm okay, Deborah giggled.

I'm okay too, Janey responded.

It's been so long, and when i got the invitation early this morning i told myself i wouldn't miss this, Deborah said still holding Agatha's hand.

You decided to marry a man from another town, so i wouldn't be surprised if you came in a hurry, Janey rolled her eyes at Deborah.

Oh please--

You will never change, Agatha chuckled.

But I'm saying the truth.

"Truth" indeed, Deborah hissed.

Mm-hmm. Ah yes Agatha i heard you prepared the pounded yam and pepper soup yourself, Janey said.

Agatha smiled. Abigail and i prepared the meals.

Perfect, so let's go to the kitchen. I want to analyze the food with my mouth, Janey said and they laughed.

Agnes, Ayonadu, Ronald finally entered the ceremony hall.

How long did you take to find it? Agnes said slightly furrowing her brow.

Huh? Find what?

The egg, she said in a whisper.

I don't know, approximately two hours or--

Agnes turned slightly glaring at him. What?The rite is almost over, she sighed in frustration and cursed herself inwardly.

Isn't it th--

At least--

Don't say anything both of you! She gave them a look.

I'm so--

You, she pointed at Ronald, you took so long to wake up like you didn't know there was a wedding at hand, she sighed annoyedly.


And you, she chuckled. I will kill you if it says otherwise, i promise! She said and walked towards where ibitein was sitted.