The Heavens Warrior: Chapter Two

Chapter Two

— "So... you finally decided to show up again" — said the boy who was about to say his name, with an expression of disgust on his face.

— "The same can be said of you, bastard" — said the entity that interrupted the young hero just before he revealed his identity with a smile and with a cigarette in his right hand — "And I see that you come with that stupid ghost as usual".

— "I see that you haven't kicked your bad habit of smoking" — said the Guardian Angel.

— "What I do is none of your business, treacherous bastard" — said the entity as he smoked a little and threw the cigarette on the ground.

— "Your entrance was not bad, but you ruined it with your rude language " -said the hero boy.

— "Well, let me tell you that at least it had some personality, not like the ten-page speech you were going to dedicate to these useless heroes".

— "...Sorry for interrupting on your talk, but could any of you tell me who the hell both of you are?" — One Hand asked, who was confused by what was happening. The young hero noticed and immediately proceeded to answer him.

— "Oh, sorry, I almost forgot, heheh" — said the young man as he scratched his head, pointed to himself and said — "My name is Punch Boy, the Heavens Warrior".

— "...What?" — One Hand asked, not believing what he had heard — "What kind of name is that?".

— "Ha! I told you it was a stupid name" — said the evil entity.

— "You have no right to an opinion!" — said the young hero named Punch Boy, a little annoyed — "You call yourself 'Dark Destructor'!"

— "And? At least it's a way much cooler name than... whatever you call yourself" — said the evil entity named Dark Destructor. The appearance of said entity was that of a teenager of about 17 years old who only wore beige shorts which were torn from the knees, which suggests that they were previously pants. His hair was green and messy and his eyes were red. Behind his back he had a demonic tail and black demonic wings, with which he could fly without complications. A tumor can be seen on his right pectoral which ran down his arm to the back of his shoulder. And in his hands he had chains around them. One Hand and Crazy Wand just stared at them and One Hand let out a laugh. Dark Destructor noticed this and with an angry expression asked — "What the hell are you laughing at?".

— "Oh, boy! Those are the most ridiculous names I've ever heard!" — One Hand said with a smile and wiping away tears of joy — "Weren't there other names available? Like, I don't know, Blind Boy and Tumor Guy? Or Fist dude and Flying Man? But noooo, you both decided to keep the most pathetic ones, hahahah!".

— "They are pretty funny, not gonna lie" — said Crazy Wand with a giggle.

— "Ugh, both of you are bloody bastards, I'll really enjoy killing you first" — Dark Destructor said as he pointed his middle and index fingers at One Hand like a gun, and fired what looked like a bullet of purple fire. One Hand managed to get out of the bullet's path with ease.

— "Hah! You weren't even close to hitting me!" — One Hand said with a tremendous confidence portrayed on his face, but Dark Destructor let out an evil smile on his face.

— "Heh, you weren't the target...".

— "What-?" — when One Hand asked that, he heard a sound of pain behind him, he turned and saw Crazy Wand on the ground, with a wound on the right side of her chest — "Crazy Wand!!!". One Hand walked towards her quickly, putting her body on his legs and her head on his arms. He put his fingers to her neck to check her pulse and was relieved to find that she was still breathing.

— "Leave them out of this, Dark Destructor!" - said Punch Boy angrily — "Your fight is with me and with no one else!"

— "Don't look at me, they're the ones who got involved into this" — Dark Destructor said.

— "...You sons of b*tches..." — One Hand said quite angry and looking at the ground — "Don't worry, Crazy Wand, I'll take care of these bastards". Suddenly, two entities appeared out of nowhere at One Hand's sides. These entities were clones of One Hand created by himself.

— "Ah, I see that you are also a monkey with circus tricks" — Dark Destroyer said with a grimace.

— "Why don't you stick that monkey up your as-".

— "Hey, hey, hey, there's no need to use vulgar language" — Punch Boy said, interrupting what One Hand was about to say.

— "...F*ck you" — One Hand said, with difficulty speaking due to the exhaustion of having created two clones at the same time — "Go get them... Clone Hand one and two... I'll call... Charles to take…Crazy Wand to the infirmary…"

— "Very well, you take care of the one with the stupid name, I'll go for the other one" — said Clone Hand one.

— "¡No seas mamón!(Don't be a sucker!)" — Clone Hand two expressed with a Mexican language — "If they both have stupid names, how am I supposed to know which one to go for?"

— "Hey!" — said Punch Boy and Dark Destructor at the same time, somewhat annoyed.

— "Euh, bon point(Eh, good point)" — said Clone Hand one with a French language — "You go for the one that flies, and I'll go for the blind one".

— "Now you are talking". Both Clone Hands headed towards their respective targets, while One Hand contacted Charles to inform him of the situation.

— "I told you not to go to the place alone" — Charles expressed somewhat annoyed — "But no, they decided to ignore the caretaker advice".

— "This is not the time to remember mistakes of the past, Charles" — One Hand said, upset — "Crazy Wand is seriously injured and I don't have the necessary energy to continue fighting!".

— "Ugh, okay, I've prepared the teleporter and I'll send reinforcements to the location". As Charles prepared the teleporter to transport One Hand and Crazy Wand to their base, the Clone Hands prepared to attack Punch Boy and Dark Destructor.

— "Hey, wait! I am not your enemy!" — Punch Boy said as he dodged Clone Hand one's attacks.

— "I don't give a damn, I was given an order to attack you" — Clone Hand one said, throwing punches only with his right hand.

— "Oh, are you approaching me? Instead of running like a girl you approach me?" — Dark Destructor said — "After you saw what I did to your little friend, you should be dying of fear".

— "I can't kick your as* if I don't get closer"— Clone Hand two said, slowly approaching Dark Destructor.

— "Ho, ho! Then come as close as you want" — said Dark Destructor, also slowly approaching Clone Hand two.

— [...Why do I feel like I've seen this before somewhere?] — One Hand said in his mind, somewhat confused. Charles activated the teleportation and Crazy Wand and One Hand disappeared from the scene unseen. Dark Destructor pointed at Clone Hand two with his fingers, but as he was about to fire, Clone Hand Two disappeared from Dark Destructor's sight and appeared behind him.

— [He's fast!] — Dark Destructor said in his mind. Realizing this, Dark Destructor tried to stab Clone Hand two with his demonic tail, but the clone grabbed the tail before it pierced him and lifted Dark Destructor up into the air, or that's what Dark Destructor thought. What Clone Hand two actually did was slam him into the ground. Not knowing that he would be thrown to the ground instead of into the air, Dark Destructor did not prepare well for the impact and spat out blood after being thrown to the ground.

— "Argh... Damn you..." — Dark Destructor said with a frown. He stood up and again pointed at Clone Hand two with the fingers of both his hands this time. When he did this, Clone Hand two tried to do the same strategy as before and went straight for his back, but Dark Destructor had already anticipated that so he kicked backwards, managing to hit Clone Hand's right leg, which made him lose his balance. Dark Destructor took advantage of this to land a right punch to the clone's left cheek, followed by a left to the chest, sending him flying a couple of meters in a straight direction. Clone Hand two managed to stop before hitting a wall or a vehicle that was close to the path he was heading to. But when he managed to stop, Dark Destructor appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye and when he was about to shoot him with a bullet of purple fire, his body came to a complete stop. "What the-".

— "Got you!" — Punch Boy said pointing his gun fingers, having shot a fire bullet which completely immobilized Dark Destructor. But while he was distracted, Clone Hand one threw a right punch at Punch Boy which sent him flying a couple of meters.

— "...Heh, this is timely" — Clone Hand two said with a smile on his face.

— "... Ah shi-" — Dark Destructor did not manage to finish what he was going to say since he received a tremendous punch to his face, followed by several more to his stomach. When five seconds were up, making Dark Destructor being able to move again, Clone Hand two grabbed Dark Destructor by the neck and threw him towards a building, crashing against it.

— "Heh... For a clone, you're pretty strong" — Dark Destructor said with difficulty speaking and wiping his mouth of the blood he spilled — "But it will take much more to knock me out, bastard." Dark Destructor's injuries seemed to have completely disappeared.

— "¿¡Pero qué cojones!?(What the hell?!)" — Clone Hand two expressed amazement with a Spanish language.

— "Well? Ready for round two?" — Dark Destructor said, taking off from the wall and with a sinister smile on his face. Meanwhile, Punch Boy seemed to be having trouble with the other One Hand clone.

— "Damn... those blows have an effect which makes me receive an extra blow after having received a direct one" — Punch Boy said thinking aloud.

— "Huh, apparently you're not such an idiot after all" — said Clone Hand one.

— "What is your problem with me? I literally saved you- I mean, the original you and your friend from being killed!".

— "As far as I know, you could have done that to gain the trust of One Hand and Crazy Wand and thus take advantage of them".

— "One Hand and Crazy Wand are their names?".

— [Oh shit, I think I screwed up] — Clone Hand said in his mind.

— "Those are cool names!" — Punch Boy expressed with a gesture of joy — "Original and catchy, I like it!"

— [...There is no doubt that he is an imbecile]. Clone Hand one walked towards Punch Boy to land another tremendous punch, but Punch Boy managed to block the attack with his right arm, which transformed into some kind of metallic material. "Huh, this is new" — said Clone Hand one a little astonished — "Is this material tungsten by any chance?".

— "You are right, the most heat-resistant metal of all. It automatically activates when someone or something attacks my arms or legs."

— "I see..." — Clone Hand one moved a little away from Punch Boy — "But I imagine that the duration is not long and it must be a bit exhausting to bear the weight of the tungsten".

— "..." — Punch Boy had no words since, as Clone Hand one said, the effect was not very long lasting since it only lasted a few seconds and it took others to be able to activate again.

— "And since you noticed my aftershock effect of my punches, you should be able to know what will happen next."

— "...Oh no..." — When the tungsten deactivated, the after blow effect of Clone Hand one hit activated, hurting Punch Boy's forearm. This caused him to lose focus, which Clone Hand one took as an advantage to attack him head-on. But, just before he launched the blow, a new horde of demons appeared and rushed towards the heroes to attack them. "Ugh... Here they come again".

— "Heh... Just in time" — Dark Destructor said with a smile.

— "What the hell!?" — Clone Hand two said in surprise. While he was distracted by the demons, Dark Destructor stabbed him in the back with his tail. Clone Hand two completely disappeared.

— "Huh, so they disappear with a deadly attack" — Dark Destructor said — "Too bad they don't shed blood when they die".

— "Damn it! That bastard already took out Clone Hand two!" — Clone Hand one said noticing what had happened while fighting Punch Boy.

— "And I'm about to do the same to you" — said Dark Destroyer suddenly appearing behind Clone Hand one.

— "I don't think so, doc" — Punch Boy said as he threw fireballs towards Dark Destructor and Clone Hand one. But, without thinking twice, the demons decided to block the fireballs from damaging Dark Destructor, causing them to disappear due to contact with the fire.

— "Wow, finally these useless demons are of some use" — Dark Destructor said as he pierced Clone Hand one's chest with his right hand, making it disappear. "Very well, 'Warrior of the Heavens', it seems that there is nothing standing between you and me anymore."

— "Dark Destructor, it is not too late to redeem yourself, you can still repent from your sins!" — Punch Boy said trying to convince Dark Destructor.

— "Ha! Don't make me laugh, I'm not interested in redeeming myself or repenting my sins, this sh*t is my life now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!"

— "Very well, if you don't want to give up in the easy way..." — says Punch Boy as he lights his hands on fire — "...You'll do it the hard way, even if I don't want to".

— "Let yourself come, you f*cking Christian boy!" — said Dark Destructor who also lit his hands on fire. This angered Punch Boy, who was the first to make a move by lunging at Dark Destructor to land a blow, but Dark Destructor managed to dodge and kneed Punch Boy in the stomach, followed by an elbow attack to his back, which made him hit the ground. Dark Destructor then grabs Punch Boy's left leg with his tail and lifts him up, but Punch Boy fires a fire bullet which stops Dark Destructor. This gave Punch Boy time to free himself from Dark Destructor's tail, grab it and send him flying into the air. He then released several fireballs towards where Dark Destructor was headed, which managed to regain its balance and flew up to avoid the fireballs that Punch Boy kept throwing. Dark Destructor started shooting fire bullets at Punch Boy, who ran in zig zag to avoid them.

— "This is going nowhere!" — Punch Boy said as he ran — "At this rate I'll be exhausted due to the aerial handicap!"

— "You should use the new weapon you have then" — said the Guardian Angel.

— "Are you talking... about the secret weapon?" — asked Punch Boy, to which the Guardian Angel only responded by nodding his head. "But I'm still practicing with it, I don't have it perfected yet".

— "Well, now is the ideal time to perfect it."

— "Hm... okay, but the weapon is close range, so I'll have to get close to him, but I don't know how. Also, these demons are chasing me as well".

— "I'll take care of them" — the Guardian Angel began to eliminate the demons that were chasing Punch Boy while he prepared his secret weapon.

— [Hm… What is this guy planning?] — Dark Destructor said in his mind as he kept shooting — [It seems like he's creating some kind of firearm]. Punch Boy hid behind a building to finish creating his weapon. "Oh no, you won't" — Dark Destructor stopped shooting and headed towards where Punch Boy was hiding. As he was about to cross the corner of the building, something brushed his left cheek, leaving a scar from which a little blood came out. He immediately stepped back so he could analyze what had just happened. When he looked at what attacked him, he noticed that Punch Boy was holding some sort of cross of fire in his right hand. "What the hell!?"

— "Dark Destructor, I present to you the demon slayer, the ender of evil, The Purifier!"

End of Chapter Two