Chapter 1

"Tristan! Tristan!" Tristan heard a little kid's voice call him. He opened his strangely heavy eyes to see a blurry figure of an eight year old boy looking at him with concern. His first thought was to think that he didn't know the boy but then memories flooded his head like a torrent. His eyes cleared suddenly and he looked at the boy with slight panic.

"Tristan, how do you feel? You got his in the head by a rock," the boy asked him with concern.

"I feel strangely okay, Kyle, go back to sleep, you must have tired your body dragging me here," Tristan told the boy. Kyle sighed in relief before looking shy again.

"I am hungry, i haven't eaten from yesterday and all the trash cans have been emptied," Kyle shyly said. Tristan looked at the boy with pity before pulling him in for a hug.

"Don't worry, now that your elder brother is feeling nice, I will make sure you grow up like a young master. You will flaunt my name to everyone, eat everything any anyone you want, till then, I am going to ask you to bear with it for now," Tristan told the boy who was surprised by this gesture but did not hate it as he hugged back. Tristan let him sleep on his bed as he got up, wondering what he would do.

First of all, he was not the Tristan Kyle knew but a transmigrated person named Tristan. But with the memories he had gotten from the previous person, he could act like him a little because that Tristan was not quite sane. Any way, now that he was here, he had to find a way to make sure they are both clean, well fed and healthy. From the little sane memories he had gotten, he came to know they were in a town called Rainfall because of how frequent it rains here. He also came to know about the existence of martial arts but for such a small town it was not common to find martial artists here. But he knew the existence of families who had children in sects. Now, it came the matter of his golden finger. He was very excited to see what it was, especially if it is a system! They make the work load of their hosts very easy.

"Open for me, system!" he said normally for he did not want to shout in case he woke up Kyle. After a few minutes of staying in a Jojo stance and nothing happening, he gave up before looking all over the room for any ring or necklace for they were the ones with sealed grandmas, grandpas or revenge seeking beauties. He always found it quite maddening that no handsome man was sealed in one of these. But, he never found anything of that sort, making him panic. He knew if this world had martial arts then he was just a plebian even to the weakest martial artist so he HAD to find his golden finger, soon, and start cultivating.

An hour in and he was dispirited! He could not find anything that would let hi have his golden finger, even a weed he thought was extraordinary was just a mutated weed which everyone hated! So, he decided to talk a walk, hoping it would help him. He first went to the market place where he thought he would find a 'trash' artifact, trick the trader into buying it cheap then end up having a dragon bloodline or something. But, every merchant there was very competent and the prices they were throwing around he couldn't even afford 1% of it. He simply gave up on that and decided to try and find food for his little brother and himself.

The place he went was an inn. Due to his clothes, he couldn't just walk in through the front door. He found the back door and fiddling with the lock, he found lock picking it very easy, like he had done it hundred times yet he was sure he was doing it for the first time! He put that behind his head as he crept into the inn and made his way to the kitchen. He found a very plump man manning the fire oven cooking all various dishes by himself. This confirmed his suspicions that people in this world were faster and stronger than people from his previous world.

Tristan saw how mechanical his moves were and realized the chef must have mastered the whole kitchen for he barely looked at anything he was picking up yet he never second guessed himself. But, the kitchen was like a medieval large kitchen so there was plenty of space and with space came rodents. He searched for one with his eyes and saw a sucker chewing on some onions not far from him. He picked the rat up after sneaking up to it and the sucker did not protest, just looked at him quietly. What happened next was beyond its imagination as it found itself sailing in the air before landing on top of the chef's head. It's faith in humanity must have died because it squeaked as loud as it could before scuttling right into his clothes.

Nobody and i mean nobody like it when a small creature runs into their clothes and the plump chef was the same. He screamed out in terror, wiggling his body which really wiggled like jelly, to make the rat slide down and away. But he forgot about the leather belt he wore that supported his shirt and pants together and that's where the rat was stuck! The big man could tolerate rodents but when it was in his clothes, he could not let it go as he scream and ran out of the kitchen. Tristan took this chance to take a large pot filled with meat stew, two spoons and plated and bolted out through the back door.

He did not turn around until he reached home. His palms were seared due to the heat of the pot but he could not let it go till he reached their shanty. There, he quickly lit a fire and let the stew be done for he was sure it wasn't. The aroma wafting from the pot woke the hungry boy who started drooling like his mouth was generating too much saliva for him to swallow at once.

"Be careful or you will choke on your own saliva!" Tristan warned him with a small chuckle.

"Tristan, where did you find all that food?" the boy asked him as he sat next to him.

"I am capable of finding food now, Kyle. you won't go hungry again," Tristan answered, ruffling his blonde hair lovingly. After a few minutes of constantly reminding the boy not to start eating the stew while it was boiling, he removed the pot from the fire and served him some soup. This was to satiate his greed because he was sure he would choke while eating and to untangle his hungry stomach. They boy downed two plates before patting his belly. Tristan then gave him the chunky bits which were meat, some vegetables like potatoes and more soup. Tristan had underestimated just how hungry Kyle was for he ate three more plates before he had to literary carry him to his little bed. Now it was his time to eat and boy did he have an appetite. If Kyle was Luffy he was Goku! He had to stop himself from eating all of it because he was sure the boy would be hungry when he woke up. With no hunger pans, he had to could think about the future with a clear mind. The first thing that came in mind was how he had mastered lock picking with such ease it was unbelievable. He started thinking that it might be a clue of what his talent is so he decided to do another test.

He got out of the shanty and went to the town's practice arena. It was an arena where young people would go in order tot do all kinds of activities from sword practice, body building, boxing, archery and others. He did not know the way so he asked for help from a vendor and that surprised the man so much he nearly fell!

"Y...You can talk normally!" the vendor exclaimed.

"Well, yeah. Apparently all I needed was a stone to the back of my head to jumpstart my brain. So, can you show me where it is?" he asked.

"S...Sure. Uhm, head straight on and you will see the guardhouse. Take a left and you will see the gates to the place," the vendor answered, not quite believing that the person he was talking to was the crazy teenager everyone knew. Tristan nodded in gratitude before heading to the direction he was given.

"Hey, Lucas, was that Tristan the mad kid?" another vendor asked the first vendor.

"It's him! Can you believe it, he said that a stone made him become better!"

"That's obviously a lie, he must have faked his madness and now that something happened he can't hide it anymore!"

"Ahh, so that's how it is. Even Kyle, his little brother was in it, huh! Scoundrels, I will never give them anything for free again, if that's how they con hardworking people!"