Chapter 1.3

                    Chapter 1.3

[The Diary Of Jeremy White]

*An reading of the diary of Jeremy White, found from his clothes close to his remains (1978-2022)*

*Reading done by the Historical Preservation Project, Museum Of Gal-Leo.*

*(23/8/22 Current Time 20:47 (?)*

*Day 1 of the End (Displacement)*

"I've always thought the collapse of civilization and of our own world would be slow, or at the very most, mildly fast. But this is different, there are no trumpets, no demons coming up from the ground, not even a grand and spectacular disaster (at least, not the ones that I escaped from). The way everything just started out, hundreds of lights and waves destroying the coastal cities… That's what they were saying on the radio— all those fights being caused by millions of unprepared people, but thankfully I'm beginning to get far away from the heart and all the chaos and destruction in Colorado."

"THIS, is not exactly what I told to Julie I̵̢͛ ̸̲̊w̸̮̅i̶̛̭ş̵̋h̴͗͜ ̸̮͒i̸̝͘ ̷̫̓ć̸͇ơ̶͓û̵̘l̵̥͠d̵̪̊'̸̠̈́v̵͎̽e̴̡̋ ̴͇͘ṣ̶̍ṯ̸̈́ȃ̷̞ỵ̸͂é̸̲d̸͔̍ ̵̼͂w̵̨̌i̶̩̓t̶͚̓h̵̹̿ ̵̹̈́y̵̯͑ö̵ͅǘ̸̥ ̴̞̐j̷̣͆u̶̪͂l̵͚̈́ỉ̷̮ë̵̻́ 

 what was going to happen, yes, the cities were destroyed and communication with the outside world has been lost and all, but I didn't expect it to happen so fast. I will check the radio, check the sky for any sign of air-vehicles, hide the van in a good spot and re-evaluate everything. I don't want my food and tools to be looted by some moron. This is not how the world was supposed to end…"

*(24/2/22 Day 2 of the Displacement - Current Time 06:32)*

"Everything is so wrong… I've been checking the night-sky for any kind of vehicle in the air. All the while, I too checked upon the constellations. That was when I got that weird feeling, Uncanny feeling, when I took a closer look, that's when I realised that the moon looked different. In fact, all of space is just wrong, there are no satellites, there are new constellations and new planets.

Everything is different, even the air, we've been teleported or displaced from our universe to a parallel universe almost different to our own. This is NOT how the apocalypse I thought would happen. But I don't care, I've prepared myself with all I could to face it, and I'm not going back to just die alongside a bunch of rioters…"

I wish I could've stayed with you Julie.

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*(7/03/22 Day 13 of the Displacement - Current Time 7:03)*

"Things are definitely getting weirder. Almost all the landscapes, as far as I've traveled, has changed and reshaped, now my maps are completely useless, thankfully the axis of this continent hasn't changed or else I would be going in circles; travelling now it's like going through an bizarre and surreal geo-labyrinth, there are pieces of land that I think are from other states, a lot of weird plants that I've never seen.

They look like plants from our own planet but I don't know how to describe it, like digital? Fleshy? Meaty?

I don't know but I know they are not from Earth, for the gods, at least I still have a lot of fuel, resources and faith to keep going, because for the gods I don't care about what kind of obstacles I will face. I will survive and adapt to this nightmare..."

(8/03/22 Day 14 of the Displacement - Current Time 19:58)

"This entire day has been horrible, I almost got killed, back in the morning, I've found like an entire and large gas station fused with a small hill filled with those weird plants of yesterday, I got to see if there was anything worthy just to resupply a little bit, bringing my pistol with me I wouldn't enter into a place like that without anything to defend myself.

I've entered to find it completely filled with those bizarres and colorful plants and some of its aisles covered in them, they looked like yellow vines with some leaves almost as big as my hand, covered with hundreds of small holes, I've tried to avoid them as much as I could but the entire station was filled with those weird-looking plants, sadly it wasn't the only thing that inhabited that place.

I heard a lot of strong and weak steps coming from the top of the hill, shaking the station a little bit. I hid myself behind one of the many product stands. Looking a little bit beyond the windows I saw horrible monsters, by the gods, they looked like someone took a bunch of wolves, coyotes, and robotic prosthetics and fused them into a horrible and demonic mess, most of them were as tall as a normal wolf but their alpha leader was almost as big as my own van.

They smelled and slammed into my van, I guess they thought it was one of their species. In those moments, I could only wait and pray for those horrific demons to simply go away, but those monsters took my van as their new home, and it was no use,  I told myself, I could fight back, but they outnumbered me 4 to 1, and even with my gun, I thought I could only barely inflict any damage to them, let alone kill them.

The only thing I could do is just hope that they could go somewhere else, but by the gods, I wish they had done that. As the night rolled around, those things were already sleeping around the van, and I couldn't just keep staring, doing nothing the entire time.  

So I decided to sleep in the bathroom, which surprisingly was pretty well ordered, compared to all I've seen across my journey, it was good to see something that wasn't nearly in ruins, fused or just straight up misshapen. I really wish Julie had joined me. By the gods, I'm really getting tired of just driving alone across all this chaos, at least now I was in another comfortable place that wasn't ruined, apart from my own van, but that sleep only lasted like a couple of hours, I was awoken by the howlings and roarings of those wolf-things.

From what I could hear from the bathroom, they were getting into some sort of fight. I could hear those inhuman screams, they became even more inhuman when I stepped out of the bathroom to peek.

What I was seeing left me perplexed. They looked like a giant duo of buff and tall gorillas, but their skin seemed to be rigged and covered completely in one unified layer of paper.

One of them looked like it was boxing and wrestling with the wolf-sized demons while the second one was being held on the ground, holding the alpha-demon's mouth open with its bare hands, unable to keep it from biting it.

In that time, I realised I was just running out of options, if I got out, I would either be killed by those demons, or by those gorilas. But, if I stayed here, either of them would stay or explore around to find me. I looked around the station and the bathroom to see if there was anywhere to remain hidden and unseen by those monsters, but it was too late. I heard some loud roarings coming from the outside, and it was from the two remaining small demons, they seemed copletely wounded, filled with blood and there were almost all sorts of damages done to their bodies, when they got closer, I could see their insides leaking out many difernt kinds of liquids, cables, and mechanisms.

They were lamenting in front of corpse of the alpha demon, when they finly stopped lamenting about the death of their alpha, they somow began to feel my presence. They slowly apoachd the station, I thought this was my end, I loed my gun and prepared to engage with those things. I knw this was going to end horribly, but I didn't wat to kill myself, and sin just like that, the gods wouln't simply accept it.

When they finally got close to the broken windows of the station, they quickly entered without any kind of problem. I could hear their inner mechasms working and clinching, becoming louder and loer, and when it was time to face those horrific demons, I stepped out from my hiding spot, shooting them. When I shot them, I saw and heard the vines covering the stations violntly releasing a dark orange cloud of gas, I could feel them cverig my clothes and skin, it just felt so disgusting. It was like someone took a spray paint and comned it with (pimienta en inglés). It slightly burned my skin, but for those demons it seemed like it was like acid for them. They got out of the staon roaring and making all sots of loud and heavy sounds comng from their mouth and bodies…

I saw them going diretly to the forest, passing the corpses of the demons and monsters. Meanwhile I was covered in that thing, thanks to the gods, I survived. Thankfully, cleaning myslf wasn't pretty easy….

(88/06/22 ¶ay 17 Of the displcement

cuent time 15:04 Pm)

"For the gods knew facing the apoypse woulnt be easy but this THIS is worse than i imagined, oh julie if only you were here you used to conform me and pray with me whenever w fiL| evrrythhg, goddammi i can: barely write with in the days afterwards when my when i clesed from that spore cloud whatever ive begun to feel strange... ive taken my medicine to take lff that feeling but it just increase it, it was in the next mornibg when i feeel and shaw them the holes, they seemed almost they seemed almost as the same from the vinesz it is clear spores or some sort of clelleus almost like a mean of defense and spreading, for tbe gods or 


st kwast anyone i've prayed and work in your names to all those gkds that have created from jinduust to the chrkstian, i saw and thought in alm the ends i could i tought i could save us, but now inm here alsone,J√ule you were right i was obsessinh with this but know i`be leff you whateve changès this thing is jorible 

Spoerwa are bringbg i don't care i don't lamrnt caeed if alll those gods thay we paryed wrtent noew my only  wihseed is rhatd i wasn't kettg alone zhpreadin{ mrVjens in tbe sibfje of mh bgan______





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