September 19th, 2021

"They have it all wrong." Estral said as we let my final class of the day, History class with Mr. Sveer. "You see, George Washington did cut down a cherry tree."

London smiled to themselves as we met up with Hailey and Jacob. "Estral, were you even born yet?" They asked.

Estral tilted his head. He scoffed and looked away. "You do realize I'm over 100 centuries old, right?" London shrugged their shoulders. "Anyways, they're wrong. He did cut down a tree."

"Estral, no offense, but my History teacher is probably way more wise than you." I said. Hailey and Jacob raised their eyebrows. I sighed and explained our situation. "Basically, Estral says George Washington did cut down a cherry tree."

Hailey sighed and this turned into a small laugh. "You do realize Estral was probably there when it happened, right? Mr. Sveer wasn't even born." She said. Estral smiled at her as a thanks. I rolled my eyes and Hailey pushed me gently. "Don't underestimate angels. Especially the archangel's kids." We walked out of the building and walked to London's car.

Estral looked at Jacob, who nodded his head. "Richie, I should tell you about me. About having a guardian angel." We all got into London's car as Estral continued. "There is one rule. If you lose trust in me, I lose my wings and I can't be with you anymore. I'll be sent to Hell and you won't get another angel."

I felt my heart speed up. Would that seriously happen? Why would they do that? Sweat dripped down my forehead. I felt like the world was closing in on me and that I had nowhere to hide. My palms started sweating and i felt like I would pass out. If I lose his trust one time, he'll be sent to Hell? That's just not fair!

My legs started wobbling, then everything went black.

I woke up and noticed my ceiling. I groaned and sat up. London was sitting on the edge of my bed. "London? What are you doing here?"

London jumped and ran to me. They sighed and felt my forehead. "I was told to stay with you. Estral, Hailey, and Jacob went to get McDonald's." They frowned. "You're warm."

I groaned and lied back on my bed. I closed my eyes again. "Am I sick?"

London shook their head. "I think you just panicked. You think that you'll accidently lose Estral's trust in you and you'd feel guilty for like ever. You'll have to explain to your kids and wife why you don't have an angel." They stood up and knelt beside me. "It'll be okay. That's not going to happen."

I opened my eyes and looked at them. "How do you know all of that?"

London winked at me as the door opened. "I just know you."

"We got food!" Hailey said happily. Jacob rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. "Let's get this party started!"

Hailey was holding two bags of food from our local McDonald's and Estral walked in behind them, carrying 5 drinks. I ran to him. "You need help?"

He shook his head as the drinks started floating. "I got this."

I glared at him. "Angels always get it easy." Everyone laughed as Estral set the drinks down. I walked towards them. "Where's my drink?" Estral pointed to a cup and I took a sip. Oh, I love Sprite. I watched as Estral stared at his drink and food. "Es, have you ever tried human food?"

Estral glanced at me, shaking his head. "No." He looked at Hailey. She's stealing my angel, I swear. "Is it any good?"

Hailey groaned and flopped onto my bed. She smirked at Estral. "Of course. Here," She reached for his hamburger and picked it up. Estral looked at her as she held it up. "This is a hamburger. You put it in your mouth." She handed it back to Estral, who unwrapped the paper it was in.

He looked at it, looked at the bottom of it, then the sides, and shoved the whole thing into his mouth. Jacob was the first to leap to him, pulling some of it out. "Dude, you gotta take bites, not down the whole thing at once."

Jacob looked at me for help. I coughed awkwardly and sat beside Estral. "Look, Es, you gotta..." I held my hand out. Jacob placed the soggy burger on my hand. I almost gagged, but gulped it down.

I raised the burger to my mouth and took a bite. I chewed slowly so Estral could understand. As I did, I felt the mixture of tomatoes, saliva, and bread fill my taste buds.

I handed the burger to him. "Then, you swallow." I said with a mouth full of food. I hesitated, this being the grossest thing I have ever done, but I swallowed.

Estral stared at the burger, copied my movements, and smiled. I let out a sigh of relief as everyone laughed. "Oh my-" Hailey said through chuckles. "Your angel is hilarious."

I shook my head. "That was disgusting. I am never eating off of anyone again." I stood up and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Hailey gave me a disappointing look and I sighed. "I know, I-"

She held her hand up and I stopped mid-sentence. She looked at London, then Jacob, then Estral, and hung her head. "Just go. I'm done trying."

I went to say something when Jacob shook his head. I sighed and left the room.

I made my way downstairs when my dad stopped me. "Hey, kiddo," He said softly. I smiled at him as he continued. "You have friends over?" Before I could answer, he smirked. "Is London here?"

I rolled my eyes and continued to go out the door. "Yes, they are. I'm going outside for a smoke." My dad went to say something, but I shut the door on him.

I didn't want to, I'll admit that, but he knew how I liked London. He knew that London and I have chemistry. I knew he would pick on me for it. I shook away those thoughts, or now, and put a cigarette into my mouth.

I lit the top and sighed. I let the feelings I had, stress, confusion, curiosity, wash away. I looked out in front of me.

My driveway was beautiful. Everyday, I would go out and watch the sunset. I loved how the mixtures of purples, blues, pinks, oranges, and sometimes greens gave me a feeling.

A feeling of hope. A feeling that someday, maybe not today or tomorrow, it may even be a week.

But I knew, that no matter what happened, I would be okay.

I would make it out of here with no problems.