Chapter 39

Eva's POV

"No! Don't put too much!" I yelled as Chloe put too much salt instead of only a pinch.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how much you needed." She said as she stepped back.

The recipe said that for our chocolate cupcakes to taste good, we should add a pinch of salt. Chloe however, added about two table spoons or something.

I tasted the batter and grimaced at its taste.

"This won't do. We'll have to throw it out." I sighed.

"You should've told me before." Chloe said, trying to defend her actions.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It's not my fault that you can't read." I retorted sarcastically. She in return, narrowed her eyes actions me and scowled.

"Let's just do some more." Claire said as she continued stirring the chocolate on the stove.

We decided to make small valentine cupcakes along with the chocolates since us shifters like to eat a lot. Plus, they'd be a nice plus.