Chapter 42 I Hate You

Jennie's POV

When I say Lisa needs to stay with Ella, I didn't mean 247. I didn't mean that she should be with her daughter all the time, every second, every minute, every hour and everyday.

Why does she have to be so stupid? She tends to push my limit every time she will have her chance. Not that I'm complaining that she spends her time with Ella and Lucas, but at least she should've known how to manage her time and spare me some.

I can't even remember when was the last time I sleep with her, she's always inside the nursery room with Ella and Lucas, she's always playing with the kids, bathe them, feed them, put them in nap and she'll nap too. I mean, she really took my words inside her big dumb head and I think she already forgot that she has me, the mom of our kids, her girlfriend, fianc茅e, soon to be wife or whatever I am in her life.

Lisa forgot the one and only Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, now tell me how fuck up was that?