Chapter 5 Abuse

Jane's POV

That night my parents didn't spare me from the very long lectures. Talking about how I should be careful around boys. How I can't just trust anyone and a lot of other crap. They didn't trust Luca, just like everyone else, but he was my friend, even if it was for a short time. We had fun together. He won me the teddy that I wanted and even got me a necklace. I was cheap, yes, but the gesture itself made me happy.

The whole night I wasn't able to sleep. My mind kept on drifting to Luca's father. He looked like a very important and intimidating man. A look from him sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to know if Luca was alright since he probably fell into trouble because of me, and so, I wanted tomorrow to come faster.

I wish I never proposed the idea of us ditching school.