Chapter 20 Ruined Plans

Jane's POV

"Jane? Sweetheart is that you?" I heard someone ask from behind me as I was about to put the sausage roll in my mouth.

I retracted my hand and turned around to come face to face with Martha, Luca's housekeeper.

I grinned widely at her.

"Hey Martha." I greeted.

"Oh dear, you look beautiful." She said as she crushed me into a hug.

"Thank you." I replied as she pulled back.

"Are you here alone?" She asked.

"No. I'm actually here with my aunt, Mrs. Freeman." I stated.

"Oh my! You're Mrs. Freeman's niece? Who would've known." He gasped in surprise.


"Have you met Luca yet?" Martha asked hesitantly like she was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Is he okay Martha?" I asked.

It was her turn to sigh. "His father hurt him again but not as bad as before." She whispered so no one could hear.

Anger bubbled inside of me and I closed my eyes tightly, trying to calm myself.

That bastard!

I felt a hand holding my shoulder.