Chapter 27 Enough Space

As soon as the words left Hugh's mouth, we all just sat there stunned and unable to react.

I don't get it. I don't get anything now.

Why would they make deals with serpents, our arch enemies? The specie that's been kidnapping and killing our kind ever since they existed.

Are they trying to betray and wipe out the whole werewolf race? But then again, why would they sell them broken weapons?

"Wouldn't the serpents know by now that the weapons aren't of any good?" I asked in confusion.

"They made it as such that they wouldn't fire twice. Only once and then it would jam." Freya answered.

"We're not really sure of the way yet." Hugh piped in. "But also, even if, the first bullet won't cause any severe damage to our kind."

"The bullets are of an iron interior and only the outside coat is silver. The silver percentage in a single bullet isn't enough to kill a werewolf." Freya finished.

I scratched the side of my head vigorously and groaned. This is giving me a headache.