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Chapter 17 I Want Justice.

I'm halfway down the street, wondering how on earth I'm going to find the Spanish gang.

If I do, what happens then? I beg for my parents back?

What if the Spanish gang aren't the kidnappers?

I exhale deeply, running my fingers down the space between my eyebrows to calm myself down. Whenever I was younger, Mum would stroke the exact same spot. It would calm me down instantly or make me fall asleep within minutes. I ached to have her affection back, no matter how old you get, you always need your mother.

The roaring of a bike catches my attention and I instantly duck, hiding behind a large bin. The roaring increases until it's directly next to me and then I hear the engine cut off. Without looking, I already know who it is.

"Ruby, come out."

"Shit," I mutter under my breath. I clench my jaw angrily as I figure Woody blew me up to Uncle Tobias. I make a quick mental note to punch him as revenge the next time I see him.