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Chapter 26 Fresh Lead.

After the hype of my live entertainment has worn off and I finish getting dressed, Tobias, Woody and I sit on the floor in a circle with three salads between us. I gingerly poke at it with my fork, trying not to appear disgusted.

"Why does this look like rabbit food?" I ask Woody, who's currently ploughing through his like he's in a food eating competition. He rolls his eyes at me, gesturing at it with his fork-

"It's healthy."

"I don't want health." I mutter, stabbing a cucumber before slowly placing it in my mouth. Beside me Uncle Tobias sighs and reaches into the bag, pulling out a pot of ramen noodles. I gasp and drop my salad, taking it from him immediately.

"You had this all along and gave me salad instead?!" I tell him. He hands me a fork, his eyebrow raised at me. "It was the backup plan if you didn't eat your salad." Tobias responds.