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Chapter 34 Sweet Cheeks.

"Should we rip it out?" I suggest, tugging gently on the wire in my hand. Woody's dark eyes widen and he stares at me like I've grown another head. He reaches forward, batting my hand away.

"No, that's not even an option." He says firmly, giving me his one eyebrow raised look. I roll my eyes at him, secretly grateful that he didn't agree. I may be tough but I don't think I'd be able to willingly pull out a wire that's embedded into my hand. Woody grabs his phone and begins furiously scrolling through it, a look of concentration on his face.

"I'm Googling how to take it out safely." Woody mumbles, letting me know what he's doing. I nod my head slowly, glancing around the hospital room. It feels wrong to be here when we're so close to finding my parents. Now that the dizziness has wore off, I'm itching to get going again, desperate to see their faces.