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Chapter 41 Probing Parents.

Hours pass by and I remain by my parents side, too scared to walk away from them again. Dad has been sleeping for hours, his chest rising and falling steadily. I rest my head on the mattress of Mum's bed and feel my own eyes grow heavy with sleep. The sky is beginning to darken outside and I breathe heavily, my body slumping against the mattress.

Now that I'm reunited with my parents, all of the weeks exhaustion and sleepless night catches up to me. With my hand in theirs, I drift away into a deep slumber.

I dream Woody and I are running through the forest. He's chasing me because I teased him about his dimple that's simply adorable. My laughter echoes through the trees and into the sky as he catches up close behind me.

"You won't catch me Cowboy, I'm faster than you." I giggle, throwing my head back and laughing. My dark hair tumbles past my shoulders and I finally feel free again. Woody's hands circle around my waist and he lifts me effortlessly, pinning me against his chest.