Chapter Three

"What do you want from Drew?" Erin asks, snapping me out from my shock. How on earth does the bad boy know my name? And what does he mean that he's here for me? Have I done something wrong? Is he going to kill me? Oh my God he's going to kill me!

"We saw the way that she was treating Clarke's wounds and we were wondering if she could look at Kayden's wrist, I think he might have broken it," Seth informs us all, making me frown. If Seth has the ability to know what a break would look and feel like, why would he want me to check it out?

"Well go to the hospital then because she is not touching you," Tom interjects before anyone can say anything. I hear him groan in pain and turn to see him trying to get up from the sofa. I rush to his side and gently push him back down, trying not to hurt him more.

"Tom, you need to rest, do not move from this seat or you are going to cause yourself worse injuries," I scold him before turning back around to face the boys. "I-I w-will look at your wrist," I stutter quietly, walking over to where Kayden is stood and hold out my hand shakily for his. He stares at me for a second, causing my hand to visibly shake. He slowly places his left hand in mine and I can't help the blush that creeps along my face at the skin on skin contact. I look up at him nervously through my lashes and take a small intake of breath at finding him staring down at me with an intense and heated gaze. I quickly turn my gaze back to his wrist and instantly I can tell that it is not broken. The wrist may be swollen but there is no redness around the skin and no disfigurement of the joint. I turn his wrist around a couple of times and bend his hand up and down, but I find no forms of disruption so I assume that it is only sprained.

"I-It seems that yo-you have just sprained it, if you ap-apply ice to it to-tonight and rest it for the next week the-then it should be fine," I whisper quietly, not having the bravery to look up at him as I step back, next to Erin again, clasping my hands together to try and stop them from shaking so much.

"How did you learn how to do that?" I shiver at the deepness of Kayden's voice and I realise that this is the first time that I have ever heard the bad boy speak. His voice is low and vibrates through me as he speaks, his tone confused yet demanding information. I open my mouth to reply, succumbing to the commanding tone, but Tom speaks before I am able to answer him.

"You said you wanted her to check your wrist, not to have a little chat, so leave," Tom grunts out, showing his discomfort in the boys being here.

"I wasn't talking to you, Clarke so keep your mouth shut like a good little boy, yeah?" Kayden growls out clearly angered at not being able to hear my answer.

"I swear that if you don't shut up, West, you are not going to have a jaw to shut," Tom threatens. What is it with men and thinking that violence is the only answer. I silently look back up at Kayden, and he is still staring at me, with the same intensity as before, only there is anger lying behind the dazzling shades of blue swirling around in his eyes.

"I think you were going to say something before you were rudely interrupted, Drew. Would you like to continue?" Kayden asks, authority radiating off of him, making my eyes shy away from his and look down at my hands, my fingers fidgeting against each other in a nervous state. Kayden is clearly used to being in charge, and doesn't like it when he gets interrupted.

"She's done what you've asked her to West, so just leave her alone, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you," again Tom interrupts and I can practically feel the anger coming off of Kayden in waves that suffocate the room. I gulp nervously, not knowing what is about to happen, but I can feel the beginnings of a fight coming on. I glance over at Erin for help, but she is just openly staring at Seth, who is openly staring at her, and I know that I have lost her, she has succumb to the spell of one of the bad boys.

"I am sure that Drew is able to talk for herself, so I suggest you keep your nose out of our business. Look at you, you can't even stand up, so shut your mouth before I come over there and do it for you," throughout his entire threat to Tom, his eyes never leave mine, his scorching gaze continuously seeks out mine, but I can't bring myself to meet his eyes.

I hear a loud groan of pain coming from the sofa to my right, but before I am able to stop him, Tom is storming over to where we are all standing and pulls me by the arm so that I am behind his back. I yelp at the harsh grip that he has on my arm, already knowing that there is going to be bruising. I'm just glad that he doesn't have the strength right now to break any bones.

"You will not talk to her, West," Tom growls, gripping my arm a little tighter as if to warn me just as much as he is warning Kayden.

"Let go of her," Kayden says through gritted teeth.

"Tom, please let me go," I whisper to him, making him pull me out in front of him, pulling a shriek of pain from my throat.

"You want to talk to him? Instead of me? Is that what you're telling me?" Tom snarls at me. I shake my head, turning to look at Erin with a pleading look, but she is just looking at Tom with scared eyes.

"Look at me!" I jump at the volume of his voice, turning to look at him with tears of fear leaving my eyes.

"Tom, please," I cry, more tears leaving my eyes, leaving my cheeks to be stained by their trails.

"Fine," he spits at me, shoving me away from his body, making me trip and fall into a hard, warm chest. "I'm walking home," he snaps to Erin, who just nods her head silently, her own eyes collecting with unshed tears. Tom storms past the four of us, slamming the door, making me flinch into the chest that I have fallen against. Warm arms wrap around me, making me still, not realising I was flush against someone until this very moment..

"Hey it's okay, he's gone now," a deep voice whispers into my ear, but I can't help the tears that are still running down my cheeks as I clutch my bruising arm. "Are you hurt?" the voice asks as a hand reaches for my arm, but I pull away, stepping out of their reach and over to a shaking Erin.

"Erin? Are you okay?" I ask quietly. She tilts her head up slightly so that she is looking me in the eyes and all that fill them is fear.

"He was acting like my dad, Drew," she sobs out, finally letting the tears fall. I pull her into a hug, shushing her as she cries into my hair, hugging me to her tighter.

"Is she okay?" Seth asks, looking at Erin worriedly. I nod my head mutely.

"Are you?" Kayden asks next, looking at me expectantly.

"I'm fine," I tell him quietly.

"Don't lie, Drew, I know that he has hurt your arm the childish bastard," he growls. Erin suddenly pulls herself away from me and rushes up to Kayden, punching him in the nose before he can blink.

"This is all your fault! Why couldn't you just leave when he told you to?!" Erin screams at him whilst Kayden just looks at her in shocked confusion, his nose now staring to gush with blood.

"Erin!" I exclaim, shock covering my face as I watch blood trickle down Kayden's chin, I wouldn't be surprised if she has broken it. Erin turns to me with a murderously angry look, her eyes still flowing freely with tears, but they are now angry tears instead of fearful ones.

"You're taking his side? After all we have done for you and you take his side?!" Erin screeches at me, but before I can answer, she storms out the door, making me jump when she also slams the door. I sigh and fall back into the sofa, running my hands over my face.

"Drew?" I jump at the sound of Kayden's deep voice echoing through my ears. I look up and see the two boys looking at me, Seth with sorrowful eyes, and Kayden with a guarded look, not letting me read him. His nose is still openly bleeding, dripping onto his chest and I cringe at the sight.

"Sit down and I'll fix that for you," I whisper, pointing to his nose. Getting up from the seat, I move silently over to the first aid kit in the cabinet on the far corner of the room. I hear Kayden sit down on the sofa with a sigh of annoyance, and it baffles me how he is not groaning with pain when he could have a broken nose, which is one of the most painful places to have a break.

I take a deep breath, collecting the little bravery that I have and turn around, walking back over to the sofa where Kayden is now sat on; his back straight and his eyes boring into mine. I blush and look down at the first aid kit in my hands, grabbing out the necessary equipment to assess and clean his nose up. After setting everything out carefully on the table in front of the sofa, I look back up at Kayden, and flush at the fact that he hasn't taken his eyes off of me, his eyes following my hands as they expertly find what they need.

"Where did you learn to do this?" he asks his earlier question, but softer this time, almost like he is trying not to scare me away. Or maybe he is just calmer now that Tom has left the room. Suddenly I am aware that it is only Kayden, myself and Seth that are left in the room and my nerves return, making my hands shake as I sit up on my knees in front of Kayden. I reach out to touch his nose, trying to feel for any breaks. I twist his nose gently from side to side, but I don't feel any cracks, which means it isn't broken, but he is going to have one hell of a bruise. I let go of his nose, and Kayden lets out a soft sigh, the sudden rush of minty air invading my space, makes me shake a little harder, finally realising how close we really are to one another.

"My Aunt is a doctor," I begin to answer his question, trying to distract myself from our close proximity. I reach over to the table and grab some sterilising wipes before moving closer to Kayden, so that I can clean the blood off of him.

"I moved in with them when I was six, and my Aunt taught me everything I know. My Uncle was a boxer, and would always come home with all kinds of injuries. Sometimes, My Aunt would take me to his fights so that I could help tend to him on his worse fights," I smile a little at the memory of ten year old Drew bandaging up her Uncle and chuckling at the stupidity of the other fighter who thought he would have a chance. But my smile is short lived as I remember that they are gone, moved to New Zealand so Aunt Emma could run the hospital over there, it was an opportunity they couldn't refuse. I miss them so much.

I frown down at Kayden's naked chest as I clean the blood off of him, lost in thought, not realising that I am willingly touching this boys naked body.

"You don't live with your parents?" his question brings me out of my thoughts, and I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as I grab some more wipes, leaning further up onto my knees, focusing on wiping the blood around Kayden's chin and nose. I need to clean before I am able to strap it up. My hands never stop shaking as I can feel his questioning eyes on me, never leaving my face, but I don't have the courage to look up at him.

"You're lucky she didn't break it," I mumble quietly, avoiding his question as I wipe the blood off of his lips. They move slightly under my touch, creeping up into a smirk at my comment.

"It felt like being hit by a fly," the arrogance of his answer makes me roll my eyes, before turning around again to grab the straps for his nose.

"You never answered my question," his tone is still soft, but there's an underlying tightness to it, as if he is warning me to not ignore him again. I look down at my hands, fiddling with the strap in between my fingers, my entire body beginning to shake slightly at the intrusive questions.

"My parents left me the second they thought I was old enough to fend for myself," is my short reply, my voice quiet and shaky. I shake the thoughts out of my head, not wanting to think about the people who brought me into this world. I push myself up on my knees again and begin to strap Kayden's nose carefully, making sure that I don't cause him anymore pain.

"Are you and Tom Clarke together?" Kayden asks tensely, his whole body stiffening at the question, as if preparing itself for the answer. My hands still in their efforts to secure his nose and I turn my gaze up to his eyes. They are filled with apprehension and anger, the commanding undertone back into his stare, forcing me to answer his questions.

"No, Tom and I are not together, he is just Erin's brother who I give first aid to after his fights," I left out the part of me being Tom's trainer, I mean, why should I have to explain myself to someone that I frankly don't even want to be in the same room as anyways?

"So why would he get all possessive like that?" I jump at the sound of Seth's question, completely forgetting that he was here. I have been so caught up in Kayden that I forgot that we weren't alone.

"Tom is not possessive of me," I mumble, flushing at his question. I pull away from Kayden slowly, checking that the strap is in place properly before nodding my head and collecting everything back into the first aid kit and putting the blood covered wipes in the bin next to the sofa. I stand up on shaky legs, walking over to the cabinet to put the first aid kit away, taking a deep breath to try and calm my beating heart.

"Then what do you call that? A friend telling another friend that they are not allowed to talk to another boy? I don't think so," Kayden scoffs.

"I-I don't know what that was about," I frown at his question. "He has never done anything like that before," I answer honestly, almost drawn to give him more information, to defend Tom even though I know that he was out of line doing what he did.

"He's hurt you, Drew. How can you stand here and defend him?" he questions, quickly walking up to me, grabbing my arm forcefully which is tainted by the faint bruises forming in the shape of Tom's fingers.

"He-he," I can't seem to form any answer as I stare down at my arm, in disbelief that Tom would hurt me.

"He doesn't deserve you, Drew," his voice is just above a whisper, his deep voice vibrating through my bones, making them shake as I stand trapped against the cabinet. My eyes stay focused on my arm, not being able to look into Kayden's as he stands so close to me.

Suddenly, the felling of fingers grabbing my chin makes me gasp, and I am forced to look into Kayden's scorching eyes, the heat back in them again.

Electricity seems to run from Kayden's hands into my skin making me shiver and gasp as I look straight into his eyes, willingly for the first time ever. He's leaning in close to me, his eyes suddenly glancing at my lips, and then back to my eyes. Is he going to kiss me?

"Kayden, you can't," Seth's voice suddenly breaks Kayden out of his thoughts and he quickly steps away from me, running a hand through his hair, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opens his eyes again, they are impassive and blank, giving nothing away into what he is thinking.

"Leave," his voice is quiet, but threatening, daring me to fight against him, but why would I? I don't want to stay with this boy any longer than necessary, so as quickly as I can, I scramble past him and Seth and run out of the door faster than you could say 'boo'.