
Chapter 7 (Edited)


In the bushes, Lin Feng and Kro were hiding their presence while observing the group of the one-horned cow.

''Hmm, This group at least has fifteen or seventeen one-horned cows…" Lin Feng muttered as his eyes scanned the group of cows.


[The group has sixteen one-horned cows]

''Well, I wasn't completely wrong.'' Lin Feng commented with a smile.

''The weakest cow is seven hundred years while the strongest is one thousand years...'' He added while setting his gaze toward Kro.

''They aren't your opponent, right?'' Lin Feng asked the big doggo with a smile on his face.

''Woof!'' Kro growled while proudly raising his head.

''Haha!'' Lin Feng chuckled because Kro doesn't look brave in his eyes. Shaking his head, he then focused his gaze towards the cows and keep observing them until a patch of grass catches his attention.

''Those grasses… Aren't they poisonous?'' Lin Feng muttered with a frown.

'There is information about those grass on the record of spirit beast, right?' He thought while taking the book from his inventory.

''Around these pages...'' He muttered while flipping a few pages, ''Ah, this one!''

''Purple spine grass; It has a very powerful poison that is enough to kill a one thousand years spirit beast.''

''But this grass is the favorite food of third-eyed black bull because it can temper their body from the poison!'' Lin Feng read the content of the book with a frown.

'That's means that this place is one of the food sources of the third-eyed black bull!' Lin Feng realized his situation and became a little annoyed.

''We will not have a problem if the third-eyed black bull is alone, but if the pack is near this place… Then this mission will be more annoying than I thought!'' Lin Feng muttered with a helpless smile.

Shaking his head before continuing to read the book, he found their strength and weakness, which brings out a satisfied smile on his face.

''They have a powerful poison immunity, but weak to fire...'' He muttered.

''The main problem of their weakness is I don't have any fire-based attack! Heck. I can't even create fire to boil water!'' Lin Feng bitterly smiled while remembering a few cups of ramen noodles on his inventory.


Lin Feng and Kro stared at each other before Lin Feng laughed.

''We are hungry...'' He said to Kro.

Kro nodded his head with a low growl.

Lin Feng laughed as he shook his head.

''Let's find the way to kill them.'' He said to Kro.

''Woof!'' Kro growled as it is raised its paw and pointed at the one-horned cows.

''Just attack? No, it won't work!'' Lin Feng facepalmed himself.

''But maybe, you're right....'' He added while looking at the one-horned cows.

''I don't have to think too much,'' Lin Feng muttered, ''As long we successfully hunt them with a fast rate, we can run!''

'Well, Kro's speed is fast.' Lin Feng added in his head with a vicious smile on his face.

''Grey, Notify me if something's close in our direction.''


''Kro!'' Lin Feng called.

Kro picks Lin Feng and put him again on his back.

''Go to the cows!''

''Woof!'' Kro jumped through the bushes and the one-horned cows were alerted by the duo's presence.

''Mooo!'' The oldest one-horned cow raised its head and warily looked at Lin Feng and Kro.

''Kro, use intimidation!'' Lin Feng instructed while closing his ears for the incoming howl.

Kro's suddenly puffed his chest and stared at the cows with a menacing gaze.


Kro's howled as a tyrannical aura released from his body, making almost all of the one-horned cow scared, except the oldest cow.

''Scratch!'' Lin Feng shouted while taking the fine iron dagger from his inventory.

Kro rushed toward the oldest cow as he swings his razor-sharp claw toward the cow's head.


The cow isn't ready to evade Kro's attack, so it tried to move its body a little to minimize the incoming strike, but it underestimated Kro's strength!


Kro's claws landed perfectly on the cow's body and a bloody cut wound appeared on its skin, making the cow mooing in anger and pain.


''Dark Scar!'' Lin Feng yelled and jumped down from Kro's body before observing the other cows, who are still frightened by Kro's aura.

''Grrr!!'' Kro growled as a black light appears around his body and gathered around his claw.

Dark energy then launched from his claw as he swung his paw towards the oldest cow and he successfully hit it.


The dark energy rushed into the cow's body that made it Moo in pain before collapsing on the ground. Dead.


[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Current progress: 1/10]

''Eh?'' Lin Feng was stunned by the power of Kro's dark scar.

''Shouldn't the attack weakens the cow, not killing it?'' Lin Feng muttered with a frown before revealing a smile.

'It's more compelling and potent than I thought!' Lin Feng thought with an excited smile.


The other one-horned cows started to panic as the oldest cow in their group was now dead.

When all of them were about to run, Lin Feng's eyes flashed in vicious light before commanding Kro.

''Kro!' Don't let any of them run!'' He shouted.

''Grrr!!'' Kro responded with a growl as his eyes stared at the cows, like a beast hunting its prey- No, a beast is hunting his prey!

[Host! There is a threatening presence approaching your direction!]

'God damn it!' Lin Feng thought with a solemn expression.

''Kro! Kill all of them faster!'' He hurriedly commanded Kro.

''Woof!'' Kro nodded as his eyes become cold and started killing the one-horned cows.

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Your summons has...]

[Current progress: 15/10]


''That's the last one-horned cow!'' Lin Feng said with a frown as a one-horned cow with red eyes stared madly at Kro.


''Madness?'' Lin Feng guessed the state of the cow before setting his gaze toward his summon.

''GRRR!!'' Kro coldly stared at the cow.


The cow suddenly rushed toward Kro as it horn landed perfectly on Kro's front leg.

''Roaar!!'' Kro's felt a numb pain on his leg as he angrily bites the cow's neck with his sharp teeth.

[Your summon has killed a one-horned cow!]

[Current progress: 16/10]

''Kro!'' Lin Feng shouted worriedly while looking at the limped Kro.

'The horn pierced his skin!' He thought with a frown as he can see a bleeding wound on Kro's front leg.


[The threatening presence is in 40-meter radius]

''Seriously?! What kind of timing is this!'' He complained before looking at Kro.

After looking closely at the wound, he then muttered, ''Healing potion should be enough.''


[You can apply it to the wound or drink the potion]


Taking out a bottle with red liquid from his inventory, he then opened the cap before pouring the red liquid to Kro's wound.

''Woof?'' Kro tilted his head as his wound started to heal.

''Open your mouth!'' Lin Feng hurriedly said.


"Open your mouth!'' He hurriedly said and Kro finally opened his mouth and Lin Feng poured the rest of the healing potion in it.

"Drink it!" After that, Kro drank the healing potion.

Lin Feng stared at the corpses of the one-horned cows, after thinking of what to do, he hurriedly took them into his inventory.

"Woof!" Kro suddenly appeared on his side with his wound healed.

''Let's go!'' Lin Feng instructed before he got picked up by Kro.

With a glimpse of seconds, Lin Feng's eyes could see that the purple spine grass got coated by one-horned cow blood.


Holding onto Kro's fur, Lin Feng heard an angry roar that came from behind.


[Name: None]

[Species: Three-eyed black bull]

[Age: 2000-3500 years old]

[Description: a powerful spirit beast with a sturdy physique, It also has a spiritual attack that comes from its third eye!]

[Skill: Spiritual Shock, Head Smash, Madness]

''Strong! Kro's strength is not enough to fight with that.''

''Haah, At least we left on time...'' Lin Feng muttered while hugging Kro's back and enjoying its fluffiness.


[Current progress: 16/10]

[Do you want to finish the quest?]

''Yes!'' Lin Feng eagerly replied.


[Your reward got raised!]

[You have received...]

[1x Cooking tools set]

[8x Common summoning tickets]

''Good!.'' Lin Feng shouted with a smile as he closed his eyes from tiredness even though he didn't fight.