
Chapter 18


(An: I'm very sleepy, the last chapter before I sleep!)



''This place?'' Lin Feng muttered as he opened his eyes.

''Really,'' He said while staring at the familiar dark abyss, ''Again!''


''Hmm, It's you.''

Lin Feng could feel someone staring at him and averted his gaze to the skies, and he can see a pair of eyes staring at him.

''...Spectral dark void dragon,'' He said while a familiar dragon appears in front of him.


The dragon landed in front of him, but it doesn't make him scared at all.


The spectral dark void dragon roared, which Lin Feng ignored without really care much about it.

(I'm an idiot!) Lin Feng thought as he let his body floating in the abyss.

''Why don't I finished all of my summon and examine it later!'' He shouted in his head with a wry smile.

''Sigh, I will have more time if I do so...'' He added with a defeated sigh.

''Am I too greedy?'' He muttered with a frown.

(I also had to train my body) He thought as he is never use his body tempering pills.

''Grey?'' Lin Feng muttered, but there is no response come from his system.

''I can't communicate with grey in this abyss, huh...''


The spectral dark void dragon roared once again while staring at Lin Feng.


''Do you need something?'' Lin Feng responded with a little annoyed!

''...'' Spectral Dragon.

''...'' Lin Feng.

Two of them keep staring for an unknown amount of time until the black abyss starts to crumble.

''It's time...'' Lin Feng said while looking at the darkness, who about to swallow him.

''Goodbye, and I hope we won't meet each other in a short time!'' He added with a smile as he opened his eyes in real life.

(Hmm?) Lin Feng frowned as he can feel a soft and bouncy sensation on his head.

''This isn't pillow texture...'' He muttered as a shadow covered his face.

''...Master,'' Aria said while staring at Lin Feng's face.

''Aria?'' Lin Feng muttered.

''Uugh, my body...'' He added as he tried to move his body.



[You're lucky, Host]

[Even though you're receiving backlashes, your condition is stable enough for a moment]

''What kind of backlashes did I get?'' He asked as he still feels the connection between himself and his sword birth.

[After diagnosis...]

[You received a few internal injuries, but all of them aren't fatal]

[Your spirit power got dropped into level one]

[And lastly, your sword birth ability got sealed for two years, but you still able to summon the standard form of sword birth]


''It seems there is a remaining effect from the sword of fortune...''

''Two years...'' Lin Feng muttered with a wry smile, ''I can bear it, I guess.''

''I can train my spirit power.''

''As for my internal injuries,''

''...can healing potions heal it?'' He asked while tilting his head.


[You can only slightly heal your internal injuries and not a full recovery]

[You at least need one month of recovery time before you could train your spirit power]

''Got it.'' Lin Feng nodded with a wry smile.

''Let's heal my injuries first, even though only a little...'' He said as he tried to take a bottle of potion from his Inventory, which ended poorly.


''My body feels like a jelly without any strength.'' Lin Feng muttered.

Lin Feng's hand trembling every time he tried to move it, and after a few struggles, Aria then opened her mouth.

''Master, do you need my help,'' Aria asked with a poker face.

''Haha, yeah,'' Lin Feng nodded.

''Open inventory...'' He said as a blue screen with a few grids appears in front of him.

''Please take a healing potion for me...'' He instructed with a smile.

''Un,'' Aria nodded as her hands touching the blue screen and entering the Inventory while creating a water ripple effect.

Aria is taking back her hands from the Inventory and could see a healing potion appear on her hand.

''Pour it slowly into my mouth,'' Lin Feng said while opening his mouth.

''Un,'' Aria nodded while opened the bottle and slowly pouring the healing potion into Lin Feng's mouth.

*Gulp!* *Gulp!*

''Uugh,'' Lin Feng groaning in pain as the effect of the healing potion washing through his body.


Lin Feng's finger moves a little as he starts to gain his strength back and ability to move his limbs, and he can feel that his injuries are recovering, even though it's only a small part of it.

(But, if I think about it) Lin Feng thought.

''I never got a lap pillow in my past life...'' Lin Feng muttered while feeling the impressibility of Aria's thigh.

''Hmm, how long did I fainted?''

(Morning?) Lin Feng thought as he can see sunlight entering the window, which brings out a wry smile on his face.


''Yes, master?'' Aria tilted her head.

''Aren't you tired?'' He curiously asked.

''...'' Aria stared at Lin Feng, and calmly replied, ''...No.''

(Hmm, Is it because she was a homunculus?) Lin Feng thought as he suddenly realizes he never sees Aria's full information.



[Name: Aria]

[Species: Enhanced Homunculus]

[Age: Meaningless/6 years old]

[Grade: Rare(Peak)]

[Class: Battlemaid]

[Innate Skill: Housekeeping]

[Skill: Close Combat(Master), Spear Mastery(Master), Energy Burst]

[Description: Enhanced homunculus, an artificial existence created through a specialized alchemical technique]

[Power Level: Spirit King]

''Eh?'' Lin Feng was stunned by Aria's information.

''Six years old?'' He whispered in his heart while looking at Aria as her body is a full-grown woman.

(Maybe because she was homunculus!) He thought while inspecting Aria's status.

''...Battlemaid, housekeeping,'' He muttered with a little speechless, ''no wonder she is wearing maid outfits.''

''close combat, spear mastery, and energy burst.'' Lin Feng's eyes brightened when he sees Aria's skills.


''Spirit King!'' He muttered with a frown.

''Uh, she's more powerful than I thought.'' Lin Feng stated in his heart as he stares at Aria.

''Grey, show me the information about Aria's skill.''


[Skill 1]

[Name: Close Combat(Master)]

[Type: Active/Pasive]

[Grade: Rare(Low)]

[Description: This skill achieved when the user profoundly mastering close combat, it increase the effectiveness of using own power when fighting close-range battle]

[Skill 2]

[Name: Spear mastery(Master)]

[Type: Active/Pasive]

[Grade: Rare(Mid)]

[Description: This skill achieved when the user highly understanding the art of spear, as long they had spear on their hand, the user could enhance their strength into another level]

[Skill 3]

[Name: Energy burst]

[Type: Active]

[Grade: Rare(peak)]

[Description: This skill can use the energy in own body to infusing a weapon or own body and instantly expelling it, which creates a burst effect]

''Woah...'' Lin Feng opened his mouth with a shock.

''Her skills are great. All of them are great...'' He muttered with excitement in his eyes.

(I should use synchronization and gain one of her skills!) Lin Feng thought.

''Ah!'' Lin Feng suddenly realizes he doesn't know how many percent is Aria's bond with him.

[Aria's bond: 90%]

''W-What!'' Lin Feng shouted in shock.

''How can her bond is so high, and I don't even do anything to increase her bond with me!''

(Don't tell me, it because of giving her a name!) Lin Feng thought.

''Aria, are you happy when I give you a name?'' He asked.

''...Un,'' Aria's nodded her head.


''Then...'' Lin Feng chuckled while shaking his head wryly.

Closing his eyes, Lin Feng then said,
