
Chapter 35


After roaring to the skies, the darkness starts dissipating from Lin Feng's body as he back to his usual self.

''What just happens...''

Lin Feng is staring at his own hand with shocked and confused expressions.



''Cold...'' Lin Feng muttered while remembering the feeling when his body got wrapped by the abyss.

He still remembers the feeling when his body got filled with power and darkness, but at the same time, he seems to lose himself in the abyss.

''Spectral Dark Void Dragon!'' Lin Feng said with a solemn expression while remembering a humongous grayscaled dragon in the abyss.

''Master!'' Aria appears on his side with a worried expression on her beautiful face!

''I'm okay...'' Lin Feng quietly replied as he feels a little unsure.

Aria is fastly checking Lin Feng's body as she releases a sigh of relief because she doesn't find anything wrong with her master body!

(Master is fine) Aria thought while releasing a small breath of relief.

''Phantom Dragon spirit ring,'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at the purple spirit ring in front of him.

''Should I absorb it?''

Lin Feng is feeling a little weird as the phantom dragon got killed by him in a matter of seconds.


[Do you want to absorb the spirit ring from the phantom dragon!]


''Yes,'' Lin Feng responded, even though it's a little weird, but this spirit ring is very suitable for his spectral dark void dragon martial soul.

Lin Feng is sitting cross-legged as a gray flame appears from his chest.




[Absorbing success!]


''Um, this spirit skill?'' Lin Feng muttered with a weird expression on his face.

''Master?'' Aria tilted her head, ''Did something is wrong happens?''

''No, It's nothing...'' Lin Feng replied while shaking his head.

(I can search for the spirit bone later, I guess) He thought while looking at the burned phantom dragon corpse and put it into his inventory.

''Let's go out of this forest first.'' He added as his dragon roar before seems making too much attention!

''Woof!'' Kro growled!

''Mm.'' Aria understandably nodded.

Three of them then proceed to go out of the spirit hunting forest.

Lin Feng and Aria walked out from the gate as the guards seem to have a scared expression on their faces, but it's not because of Aria.

Two of them then advance toward the spirit hunting town only to found many peoples running in panic.


''Hey, What happens?'' Lin Feng asked while touching one random guy.

''D-Didn't you heard it!'' the guy said with a scared expression.

''Heard what?'' Lin Feng tilted his head.


''There is a dragon roar come from the core area of the spirit hunting forest!''

''They said it was ten thousand years spirit beast!''

''T-Then, I need to run!'' the guy said while running away.

''Err...'' Lin Feng is standing while staring at the running guy.

(Dragon roar, It was me, isn't it) Lin Feng thought with a wry smile.

''Aria,'' Lin Feng said while whispering something into his maid's ears.

''Mm,'' Aria nodded while disappearing.

After a few seconds, Aria appearing again beside Lin Feng as they proceed to walk arrived outside of spirit hunting town.

With the help of his big doggo, Lin Feng and Aria could fastly arrive at the nuoding city as the rumor about cold maid goddess slaying a dragon already spreading at a fast pace.

(Hmm, we need to leave this place) Lin Feng thought while walking beside his maid toward the inn of the sleeping beast.

''Master, do you want to eat something?'' Aria suddenly proposed.

''Hmm, what about soup?'' Lin Feng answered as he really wants to eat something warm.

''Soup...'' Aria muttered.

(There is no ingredient to make a soup in the inn) Aria thought with a frown.

''Master,'' Aria said, ''I need to buy some ingredients first.''

''Well, we can go together then,'' Lin Feng replied with a smile.

(Shopping with Master!) Aria thought!

''Mm, Let's go!'' Aria said while slowly walking toward the green market with Lin Feng.

Aria is deliberately slowly walking as she really wants to enjoy her time with Lin Feng.

After a few minutes of walk, they finally arrived at the green market.

''Fresh Lettuce!''

''Hey, come here!'''

''Do you want red tomatoes!''

''Fresh and Big Carrots!''

''You can buy it!''

''Just three copper coins per four carrots!''

"It's more crowded than I thought...'' Lin Feng commented with a smile as he sees the crowds green market.

(Even though It's already noon) Lin Feng thought.

Aria is fastly purchasing every ingredient that she wants to buy as Lin Feng's eyes wandering through the market.

''Is that Tang San?'' Lin Feng thought while looking at the familiar kid in the market.

''It's been three weeks since the last time I see him,'' Lin Feng stated while looking at Tang San.

Unbeknownst to Lin Feng, Tang San also knew his existence as his eyes already become purple.

''Is that Lin Feng?'' Tang San muttered.

''Hey, Tang San!''

''Are you already buying carrots for me!'' said a girl with brown hair.

''Ah, Xiao Wu, not yet,'' Tang San replied with a wry smile while looking at the girl in front of him.

The girl has long brown hair combed into a scorpion braid hanging past her buttocks!


''How can you don't buy this older sister a carrot!'' Xiao Wu said while placing her hands on her hip.


''Why are you keep looking in that direction?'' Xiao Wu said while averting her gaze where she could see Lin Feng standing firmly in the middle of the market.

''Hmm, Do you know him?''

''Err, yeah...'' Tang San replied.

''Oh, then let's meet him!'' Xiao Wu said while dragging Tang San toward Lin Feng, only to be greeted by emptiness because Lin Feng and Aria already walked away from the market.


''He disappears!'' Xiao Wu stated while trying to find Lin Feng.

''This way...'' Tang San said while his eyes already become purple.

Tang San and Xiao Wu keep walking toward small alleys until they arrived at the inn of the sleeping beast.

''Inn?'' Xiao Wu tilted her head.

''Who are you?'' Aria coldly said while staring at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

(Two of them have following me, and Master from the market) Aria thought.

''Oh, Tang San!'' Lin Feng said while waving his hand.

''It's been a while...'' He added with a smile.

''Yeah, It's been a while,'' Tang San responded with a nod.

Xiao Wu is curiously staring at Lin Feng and Aria as the situation has become awkward because no one starts another talk.

''...'' Aria.

''...'' Lin Feng.

''...'' Tang San.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng staring at Xiao Wu.


''Eh?'' Xiao Wu got startled, ''How did you know!''

''Nothing, I'm just guessing...'' Lin Feng stated with a smile.

''Oh.'' Xiao Wu nodded.


''Tang San, is your friend strong?'' She whispered.

Tang San is startled by Xiao Wu's question while remembering how Lin Feng easily defeating the guard with a fast movement.

''He was strong, but I'm not sure how strong he was.'' Tang San answered.

''Hey, what is your name?'' Xiao Wu asked.

(She's a straightforward person, huh?) Lin Feng thought while looking at Xiao Wu.

''Lin Feng.''

''Mm, you have a good name...'' Xiao Wu nodded.

''What about a spar?'' She suddenly proposed, making a frown appears on Aria's face.

''Xiao Wu...'' Tang San muttered while staring at Xiao Wu with a little speechless.

(This girl) Lin Feng thought while looking at Xiao Wu but then nodded his head as he wants to try something.

''Okay, but we need to end it in one minute!'' Lin Feng stated as Aria already releasing a cold aura around her body.

''One minute?''

''No problem!'' Xiao Wu smiled.

Xiao Wu then activates her martial soul while a pair of fluffy ears appear on her head and a tail appears on her buttock.

''Okay, You can attack me from anywhere...'' Lin Feng stated while a purple spirit ring is floating around his body.

''Eh, purple spirit ring!'' Tang San and Xiao Wu shouted at the same time with a dumbfounded expression on their face.

''H-How!'' Tang San muttered as his teacher already said the limit of the first spirit ring is 423 years old!

''Hmph, so what if you have a purple spirit ring!'' Xiao Wu placed her hand on her hip.

Xiao Wu's figure then disappears as she dashed in front of Lin Feng while launching a powerful kick!

''Waist Bow!'' She shouted with a victory grin.

(Let's see) Lin Feng thought as the purple spirit ring on his back shines a little bit.

Xiao Wu's attack already reach Lin Feng's chest, but instead of feeling solid!

Her leg is pass through Lin Feng's body like he was a ghost, and a powerful punch got launched toward her stomach.



Xiao Wu got launched toward a wall!

Lin Feng is calmly staring at Xiao Wu while a smirk appears on his face.

''I won.''