
Chapter 39



Aria jumps off from the tree branches to another tree branches.

Her figure keeps flickering in the wood as her eyes are staring at a large falcon.

''Aria speed is faster than Kro in this kind of terrain, huh..'' Lin Feng commented while riding Kro as he is staring at his maid.


''She stopping her movement?'' Lin Feng muttered.

''Fierce Green Falcon...'' Aria muttered while looking at the falcon.

''Fifteen Thousand Years Old, Wind Element, and Hunter...''

Aria remembering the information she got from her master as she stares at her own hand.

(Ariel) Aria chanted in her heart as her body start transforming.

Aria's body shines a bit with a golden light as her appearance has slightly changed.

She is wearing a white dress as her hair has become longer and reaches her hip. Her face has become more beautiful with a pair of goldish-red eyes, slightly long ears.

''Spirit Form...'' Lin Feng muttered in awe by Aria's appearances.

(She become more refined and beautiful in this form) Lin Feng thought with a smile.

''Well, Normal Aria is also beautiful, though.'' Lin Feng praised his maid.

As if she can hear Lin Feng's voice, a smile appears on Aria's beautiful face.

''Master is praising me,'' Aria muttered.

(Mm, I'm doing my best!) Aria thought while staring at the falcon with a burning spirit in her eyes.

''Zephyr...'' Aria called her new weapon as a whitish-golden spear around six feet appears on her hand.

''Thirty Seconds,'' Aria stated while pointing her Zephyr into the falcon.


Aria's body dashed through the air as a breeze appears in the area.


Fierce Green Falcon realizes something is weird as he saw a female human in a white dress gliding toward him with a spear in her hand!


The falcon flapped its wing as a powerful whirlwind got created and flying toward Aria.

''Hmm...'' Aria stared at the whirlwind with an uninterested look as she charged forward.


The falcon sneered as he flies away with his prey on his claws.


Aria passes through the whirlwind as it doesn't affect her!


The falcon is staring at Aria with a weird look as he never thought that this female human survives his attacks!

But then the falcon coldly snorted while doing a u-turn and rushing toward Aria!


Fierce Green Falcon is releasing the wolves on his claws as he uses them for attacking Aria!

''Energy...'' Aria muttered while infusing her energy into Zephyr.


Aria is calmly thrusting her spear toward the incoming claws attack as a powerful burst suddenly appears and injuring the fierce green falcon!



The falcon cried in pain as his claw got injured by a mere female human!

He angrily averted his gaze toward Aria, and a bunch of small whirlwinds appears around its wings.

Without further ado, Aria suddenly disappear as she landed on the falcon back while stabbing her spear!



Zephyr passes through the chest of the falcon as Aria muttered, ''Burst.''



[Aria has killed a Fierce Green Falcon!]

''Ah, she becomes more powerful than before...'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at Aria.

(Fifteen thousand years old) Lin Feng thought.

The falcon and Aria are falling from the skies, but Aria could easily using the falcon body as a landing pad.


Clouds of dust and dirt are floating in the air when they fall.

''Aria?'' Lin Feng said while approached the falling site.

''Master...'' Aria replied as the clouds of dust disappear, showing Aria who is standing above the dead fierce green falcon as black spirit ring floating.

Lin Feng is dumbly staring at this scene as a wry smile appears on his face.

''Sigh, You can absorb the spirit ring,'' Lin Feng sighed, ''I will protect you...''

''Mm,'' Aria nodded as she is sitting cross-legged, and the black spirit ring got attracted to her body.

(Master is protecting me~) Aria thought while closing her eyes and meditating.

Aria could feel spirit energy rushing toward her body, and after a while, the spirit ring finally absorbed as her spirit power rank become level seventeen.

''Huu...'' Aria released a deep breath as a pair of green feathered wings appear on her back.

''Hmm?'' Aria tilted her head while looking at her back.

''Feathered Wings...'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at the pair of wings on Aria's back.

''What kind of spirit skill did you get?'' He curiously asked.

''Mm, Wind Spirit's Wings...'' Aria replied as the fathered wings on her back flapping according to her will.

''It increases my speed by 100%."

"An ability to fly and create small whirlwinds with a small amount of spirit energy as long there is a wind around me.''

''Oh, this skill is good...'' Lin Feng nodded.


(It become more natural to handle) Aria thought while feeling soft wind dancing through her skin.


Aria transforms back into her usual form.

''Ah,'' Aria dazed while feeling the spirit form augmentation disappears from her body.

''Of course, It won't last forever,'' Lin Feng stated while looking at his maid, making Aria nodded her head with a pout.

After taking the falcon corpse into his inventory, they're then exploring the outskirt area of the star dou forest.

''This place isn't suitable for training...'' Aria commented while looking at the tall trees around her.

''Well, next, I guess,'' Lin Feng replied while instructed Kro to keep exploring through the woods.

They keep exploring until finding a waterfall and a pond with clear water surrounded by tall trees.

''Hmm, this place...'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at his maid.

''Mm, this place is suitable,'' Aria nodded.

(We are not far away from the inner area of start dou forest) Lin Feng thought while looking at his mini-map.

''This place is also kind of hard to find if someone does not have a mini-map like me...'' Lin Feng commented.

''Even though I don't find any blue dots in here, which is weird.'' He added while looking at the mini-map.


''I will prepare lunch for us,'' Aria said while jumping off from Kro's back and walked toward the pond.

''Mm,'' Lin Feng nodded as he also jumped out.

''Kro, you can rest there...'' Lin Feng instructed.

''Woof!'' Kro's growled while nodded his head and wagging his tail.

(What a big doggo you are, Kro) Lin Feng thought with a smile.

''It's been a while since I summoned something...'' Lin Feng muttered.


''Open summoning!''


[Opening Summoning Function...]

A familiar screen with a white summoning circle and mysterious symbols appear in front of him.

''I already gathered so many summoning scrolls in a few days.''

''Hmm, Use five common and ten uncommon summoning scrolls!''


[Using common and uncommon summoning scrolls]


A bolt of green lightning crackling on the summoning circle, and the mysterious symbol is shining with gold color!

''Bless me with your luck...'' Lin Feng muttered.


[You have summoned...]

[1x Sugarcane]

[2x Gummy bears]

[1x Common Grass]

[4x Tree Bark]

[1x Pig Irons]

[10x Sweet Potatoes]

[2x White Sands]

[1x Healing Potion]

[2x Iron Wood]

[1x Basic Alchemy Book]

[3x Tempered Iron Ingot]

[1x Leather Gloves]

[1x Mango]

[2x Silver Ring]

[1x Stamina Recovery Potion]

''Hmm, not bad...'' Lin Feng commented while looking at the list of items that he summoned.

(Should I try the epic summoning scroll?) Lin Feng thought while remembering the reward he got after Aria's bond reaching 100%.

''Grey, Use Epic Summoning Scroll...''



[Using Epic Summoning Scroll]



''Goddes of Luck, Please...''

''Bless me with your luck...'' Lin Feng muttered.

Lightning crackling echoing from the summoning circle and the mysterious symbol is shining with a faint gold color!

''Ah!'' Lin Feng feeling a little disappointed while looking at the summoning circle.


[You have summoned...]

[1x Dungeon Core]
