You're worthy

Chapter 66


''Huu...'' Lin Feng released a heavy breath.

He then opened his eyes while staring at the skies.

''She's already in the better place.''

(He really looks like her mother, but his body's growth is more prominent than I expected) Bai Yi'er thought while looking at her grandson's body.

''Is this because of his father's cursed blood...'' She whispered with a frown.

The letter they received said that the curse would give the nutrient to the unborn child, and it also stated that the child's body would have extraordinary growth if the child successfully birthed.

''He clearly should be around nine years old.''

Bai Yi'er still clearly remembers when her daughter is pregnant, so she knows about Lin Feng's age.

(But, he looks like around 12-14 years old) She thought.

''Lin Feng...'' She stared at his grandson, ''Did your mother ever tell you about us.''

''No,'' Lin Feng answered, ''I know about the lin clan around two years ago from mother's friend.''

''Lin Rou's friend.'' Bai Yi'er tilted her head.

''Mm, Zhou Yin.'' Lin Feng nodded.

(Ah, that brat, huh) Bai Yi'er thought while remembering a certain black-haired boy with coward appearances.

In the small house behind the green mountain academy, we can see Zhou Yin suddenly shivering while his back is full of cold sweat.

''What is this feeling...'' Zhou Yinmuttered while remembering a scary demon in his life.

(There is no way she is thinking about me, right) He pondered while his hand is trembling.

He tried to calm himself while averting his gaze to the direction of the lin clan, ''Demonic Sword Woman.''

Back to the wooden house behind the lin clan compound, we can see Aria is calmly staring at Bai Yi'er and Lin Jie.

(Master's grandmother and grandfather) She thought while thinking about something.

''Hmm?'' Bai Yi'er tilted her head a little and see Aria is calmly staring at her, ''This girl is...''

''Aria's my maid.'' Lin Feng answered while taking a sip of tea.

''Maid...'' Bai Yi'er muttered.

(She's beautiful and certainly has a unique aura around her body) She thought while examining Aria.

''Aria, right.'' Bai Yi'er asked.

''Mm,'' Aria nodded.

''Do you like my grandson.'' Bai Yi'er asked as Lin Feng spurt out his tea.



''What kind of question is that.'' Lin Feng retorted while coughing a little as he stared at his grandmother.

''Mm, Master is the most important person in my life...'' Aria straightly answered.

She then smiled beautifully, which caught Bai Yi'er off guard.

(Hmm, She has potential) Bai Yi'er thought while staring at Aria's smile.

''Okay...'' She nodded, ''I'm going to test you to see if you're worthy enough to my grandson's maid.''

''Eh, Huh?'' Lin Feng got stupefied by his grandmother's words.

(Worthy!) Aria thought while staring at Bai Yi'er burning spirit.

''I'm worthy.'' She stated.

''Well, I need to test you,'' Bai Yi'er said while walked out from the house toward the depth of the bamboo forest. ''Follow me.''

''Hmph.'' Aria pouted.

(I'm Worthy) She thought while following Bai Yi'er to the bamboo forest.

''Uh, well, that's escalated very quickly.'' Lin Jie commented with a smile while also followed two of them.

(Aria, you fell into my grandmother's trap) Lin Feng thought while staring at the back of his maid.


Lin Feng sighed while shaking his head.

''Our relationship, huh.'' He muttered while touching his lips.

''What a sly grandma...''

Lin Feng then followed them into the bamboo forest as Aria and Bai Yi'er are staring at each other.

After a few seconds, they then arrived at the flat ground field with green bamboo surrounding it.

''What is grandmother's spirit power level, right now?'' Lin Feng asked as Aria and Bai Yi'er walked toward the middle of the field.

''She's level 89 spirit douluo with eight spirit rings.'' Lin Jie stated.

''But, her battle power at titled douluo realm.''

''Her battle power is exceeding her realm.'' Lin Feng tilted his head while looking at his grandmother.

''Yeah, even though I'm a titled douluo, she can easily bully me with her sword.'' Lin Jie muttered with a low voice.

''Hmm, you're a titled douluo.'' Lin Feng stared at him with doubt.

''Haha...'' Lin Jie laughed, ''I'm a titled douluo with spirit power level 93.''

''My title is white saint douluo,''

''Even though I only an auxiliary spirit master, my strength is strong enough if you compare it with an average titled douluo.''

''But, you're grandma is abnormal.'' He stated with a wry expression.

(Abnormal, huh) Lin Feng thought.

Aria's spirit power level is around level 42, and her battle power at the peak of the spirit sage realm.

''She also still has innate skill.'' Lin Feng muttered while thinking about Ariel.

Ariel is increasing Aria's fighting prowess based on her feeling and the wind around her, so Lin Feng doesn't really know the limit of her strength.

''Are you not afraid that your maid will get hurt.'' Lin Jie suddenly asked his grandson.

''No, I'm confident with Aria's ability.'' Lin Feng honestly replied while staring at the field.

In the field, Aria is calmly staring at Bai Yi'er as Zephyr appears on her hand.

''Hmm, you're using a spear, huh.'' Bai Yi'er said.

''Well, let's see...'' She added while making a black sword appears on her hand.

''Sword.'' Lin Feng said in surprise.

''Yeah, that's your grandmother's martial soul.''

''Lone Black Sword.''

Aria is grasping Zephyr in her hands as she dashed forward with a fast movement.

''Fast...'' Bai Yi'er commented while raised her sword.


The first contact between their weapon has happened as they keep attacking each other.

''Not bad.'' Bai Yi'er smiled while eight spirit rings floating around her body.

(2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 3 Black, 1 Black with a slight red tint) Lin Feng thought with a surprised expression.

''Grandma's eighth spirit ring.''

''Haha, I already said that she's abnormal, right.'' Lin Jie stated with a weak laugh.

(Her eighth spirit ring is almost at one hundred thousand years old) Lin Feng stated in his head.

''Hmph.'' Aria stared at Bai Yi'er without any reaction as four black spirit rings appears around her.

''Huh?'' Lin Jie and Bai Yi'er stared at Aria with a dumbfounded expression.

''She's a soul ancestor, but she has four black spirit rings.''

''How...'' Lin Jie muttered in shock while averting his gaze toward his grandson.

But, Lin Fen is ignoring him while staring at the fight, which becomes more heated.

''What a surprise...'' Bai Yi'er smiled, ''Four black spirit rings.''

(Not only her spirit rings configuration is Bizzare her strength is also exceeding her realm) She thought.

(Ariel) Aria calmly chanted, and a soft breeze is dancing around her body.

Aria's body shines a bit with a golden light as she entered her spirit form.

She is wearing a flowing white dress as her hair has become longer and reaches her hip.

Her face has become more beautiful with a pair of goldish-red eyes, slightly long ears.

(Hmm, her strength is increasing) Bai Yi'er thought while looking at Aria's appearances, which become more refined and beautiful than before.

''Demonic Soul...'' She muttered as her eighth spirit ring shining a little bit.

Bai Yi'er white hair suddenly changing into black while her eyes turn into crimson red.

''Attack,'' Aria stated while pointing her spear toward Bai Yi'er.

Small whirlwinds appear in the air and flying toward Bai Yi'er at a fast speed.




Bai Yi'er calmly slashes out every whirlwind in her path as she dashed toward Aria.


Aria placed Zephyr in front of her chest and successfully defending Bai Yi'er vertical slash.

Two of them are staring at each other eyes, and a sharp glint appears on Bai Yi'er eyes.

''Energy Burst...'' Aria said while slightly leaning Zephyr, and a burst appears in front of her.


''Hoho.'' Bai Yi'er laughed while got launched by the sudden outburst.

''Not bad, not bad.''

''Your strength is remarkable.''

''What about we settle this in one final attack.''

''If you're successfully hurting me, then I'll admit that you're worthy as my grandson's partner.'' Bai Yi'er stated while giving Lin Feng a sly smile.

Maybe Lin Jie and Aria are not aware that Bai Yi'er is changing her word.

But, Lin Feng knows that she's changing her words from maid to partner.

(Hmph, I'm worthy) Aria thought while nodded her head in agreement.

''One Sword, One Heart, One Stroke...'' Bai Yi'er chanted as her black sword shining with a dim red light.

''Tempest,'' Aria said as a wild breeze appears in the area and forming a typhoon.

''Red Night.'' Bai Yi'er slashes out her sword.

(Oh no) Lin Jie thought while looking at the two attacks with a frightened expression.

''This place will get destroyed.''


(I know what she's doing right now) Lin Feng thought while releasing a sigh and looking at his grandmother.

''But, isn't this a little bit too much.'' He stated while materializing golden lotus in his hand.

''I-Is that the golden lotus,'' Lin Jis shouted in awe.

(For 5.000 years, there is no golden lotus martial soul in the clan) He thought while staring at the golden lotus in Lin Feng's hand.

''But, I never thought that my grandson would have it...''

(Boiling Blood) Lin Feng said in his head as four black spirit rings appear on his golden lotus.

A golden light appears from the golden lotus, which showering his body as he feels his strength, defense, and speed got increased by 2.5 times.

''Black spirit rings...'' Lin Jie muttered.

Lin Feng then dashed as two sword birth appears on his hands.



Two illusory figures then appear beside Lin Feng.

The first one is an avatar with silver lightning dancing around its body, and the second avatar has golden wind whirling around its body.

''Stop these attacks...'' Lin Feng instructed while looking at the typhoon and the red energy slash.

Raijin raised his hands while silver lightning gathering around his palm and launched a powerful palm attack toward the typhoon.

Fujin is staring at the red energy slash and golden winds dancing around his arms as he launched a set of golden punch.



(Heh, what a surprise) Bai Yi'er thought while looking at the cloud of dust in front of her.

''Hmm...'' She tilted her head as a breeze touching her face.

A small cut appears on her face, which brings out a smile on her face.

After the cloud disappears, Bai Yi'er can see Aria hugging her grandson, who's staring at her with a confused expression.

''Haha...'' Bai Yi'er chuckled, ''You win.''

''Mm,'' Aria nodded, ''I'm worthy.''

''Yeah,'' Bai Yi'er smiled.

''You're worthy to be my granddaughter in law.''