A Girl near the Lake

Chapter 68


Lin Feng and Aria walked around the star luo city.

''I'm happy that you're able to survive, huh'' Lin Feng said while staring at the blue skies.

(If only she know that her grandson is already dead) He thought as he shakes his head.

''No, I can't...'' Lin Feng muttered while feeling a little bad.

(When she's looking at me, I can see her face become lively again) He thought while remembering Bai Yi'er pale face, which becomes vibrant and spirited after seeing that her grandson alive.


He sighed while taking a book from his inventory.

''She also giving me a book.'' Lin Feng stated with a smile on his face.

After saying that he doesn't want to stay on the lin clan, Bai Yi'er is suddenly giving him a book with a smile on her face.

Even though he feels a little weird, he decided to accept the book.

[Name: Dance of the Red Night]

[Type: Book/Sword Art]

[Grade: Rare(Peak)]

[Description: Dance of the Red Night is sword art created by Bai Yi'er, this sword art consisting five techniques, which resemble a dance]

''Sword Art, Eh?'' He said while looking at the information about the book in his hand.


(Uh, Ah, She gave me her technique) Lin Feng thought as he starts to feel uncomfortable.

''I thought this a book about Lin Feng's mother...'' He muttered in awe.

Grey's familiar notification then appears on his head.


[Do you want to learn Dance of the Red Night]


(Should I learn it) He thought while looking at the blue screen in front of him.

''Nah, It should be alright.''

''Yes,'' Lin Feng answered as new information about a sword art appears on his head.

''Uh...'' He closed his eyes while frowning a little bit.

''This sword technique is a little bit,''

''Wild.'' Lin Feng commented.

(So, the book is not disappeared after learning it, huh) He thought while looking at the book in his hand.


[That's because the book is not from the system]

''Oh...'' He nodded when hearing Grey's explanation.

''Hmm, what is this...'' Lin Feng tilted his head as a letter suddenly falls from the book.

When he opened the letter, he found a piece of paper.

''Engagement Contract?''

(An: yeah, yeah, I know, usual cliche like shit, stfu!)

(Writing three-chapter per day is hard, do you think ideas pop up from nothing, NO! I do research too, god damn it!)

Lin Feng then proceeds to read the contract as a deep frown appears on his face.

(Aah, that grandmother) Lin Feng thought while gripping his own hand in frustration.

''Zhu Clan...'' He muttered while continue reading the contract.

''When we respectively have kid, the youngest one will get engaged, but if both of them not willing or have a specific problem, then the next generation will fulfilling this contract.''


''What kind of contract is this...'' Lin Feng grumbled while his mouth is twitching. ''If the first generation can't fulfill it, then the next generation will finish it.''

''No, I don't have to accept this contract.'' He suddenly said, ''I'm not the original Lin Feng.''

(I can imagine her smiling right now) Lin Feng thought while imagining Bai Yi'er grinning at him.

''Lin Feng's mother is definitely the first generation and have a specific problem.''

''If I reject this contract, then the next generation would have to fulfill it.''

(But, this contract is between Zhu clan and Bai Yi'er) He thought.

''After knowing their relationship..'' Lin Feng stated while remembering Lin Jie and Bai Yi'er situation.

''I doubt that she wants to have another child.''

''Whatever...'' He shrugging off his shoulder while putting the book and the contract into his inventory.

Two of them keep walking around the city as they decided to rest in the small tea shop.

''Do you need something.'' said The servant while approaching Aria and Lin Feng.

''Tea.'' Lin Feng answered.

''Oh, Mm,'' The servent nodded, ''I'll take it for you.''

''Here is the money.'' Lin Feng said while giving a silver coin.

''This is...'' The servant is looking at the silver coin in his hand.

''You can keep the change.'' Lin Feng said while sitting on the nearby chair.

''Thank You!'' The servant is suddenly bowing his body.

''It's fine...'' Lin Feng answered.

The servent then goes to the kitchen as Lin Feng and Aria staring at each other.

''Aria...'' He said while staring at his maid.

''Mm, master,'' Aria responded.

''Did you become more beautiful.'' He smiled.

''I don't know...'' Aria quietly replied as her ears become a little red.

(I don't know why, but teasing Aria is enough to make my mood better) Lin Feng thought.

''Here is your tea, young master.'' The servant comes to their table and serving tea for them while giving a few sweats alongside it.

''Mm, Thank you...'' Lin Feng said as he enjoyed the tea.

Lin Feng and Aria then enjoyed their rest and continued their walk after a few minutes.

''Let's see...'' Lin Feng said while looking at the mini-map.

''Since, I've already come here.''

''Let's explore for a little bit.'' He stated as he searched for an unusual place in the mini-map.

(Hmm, there is a lake on the north of the star luo city) He thought.

''Aria.'' Lin Feng said while smiling at his maid.

''Mm,'' Aria nodded as their hand holds on to each other.

(Hmm, holding hands with Master) Aria thought while feeling happy.

Two of them then keep holding their hand as they enjoyed their walk.

''Oh, we arrived.'' Lin Feng said as the location of the lake is near them.

''If only I can keep holding master hands...'' Aria muttered.

(Hmm, there is blue dots around the area) He thought.

''This way...'' Lin Feng said while pulled Aria into the lake area.

They then entered the area as flower fields with green grasslands appear before their eyes.

''Who is there!'' A voice of a girl appears in front of them.

Lin Feng walked toward the voice and found a girl with wary eyes staring at him.

''Eh.'' Lin Feng dazed when looking at the girl.

The girl has flowing black hair scattered on her shoulder.

She has a very well developed figure, especially her imposing bosom, which is somewhat inconsistent with her young face.

''Who are you!'' The girl coldly said while staring at Lin Feng.

''Ah, Um...'' Lin Feng awkwardly wants to say something.

''You don't have to wary of me.''

''I'm not a bad person.''

''Ah, do you believe me that I come here because of curiosity.''

''No.'' She coldly replied.

''Haha...'' Lin Feng wryly laughed.

''Let's start with an introduction.''

''My name is Lin Feng...'' He said with a smile. ''What is your name?''

The girl keeps staring at Lin Feng until Aria comes from behind him, which somehow releasing pressure from her body.

(This woman is strong) She thought while staring at Aria.

''Strong...'' She muttered.


''My name is Zhu Zhuqing.''

''Eh, Zhu...'' Lin Feng stared at the girl with a dumbfounded expression.

''Can I ask you something.''

''...'' Zhu Zhuqing.

''I accept that as a yes.''

''Are you the youngest child in your family.'' Lin Feng asked.

Zhu Zhuqing is quiet when Lin Feng asked her this question.

(Why did he ask this question) She thought while staring at Lin Feng.

(Should I answer it) Zhuqing averted her gaze from Lin Feng to Aria.

But, after thinking about it for a few seconds, she then opened her mouth.

''...Yes.'' She answered while nodded. ''I'm the youngest child in my family.''

''Aah!'' Lin Feng shouted.

''What kind of encounter is this...''