
Chapter 70


Two hours after the meeting, near the lake, we can see Lin Feng calling Aurel as her appearances make Zhu Zhuqing shocked.

''Wha-,'' Zhu Zhuqing dazed as her eyes widened.

(Spirit Beast!) She thought while looking at the golden-winged beast in front of her.

''Calm down, she's my companion.'' Lin Feng said while gesturing something to Aurel.

''Kuuu!'' Aurel nodded while landed in front of them.

''Companion...'' Zhu Zhuqing muttered while looking at the winged-beast and Aria.

''But, is it okay for you to leave this place?'' Lin Feng asked as the zhu clan will become panic if their direct descendant is suddenly disappeared.

''It's okay...'' Zhu Zhuqing responded with a nod, ''I've already made a letter.''

''Letter?'' Lin Feng tilted his head.

''Mm, a statement letter, that I will start my training trip.'' She nodded, ''It should be okay.''

(Hmm, did she really want to become stronger) Lin Feng thought while staring at her with a little doubt.

He's a little bit wary of Zhu Zhuqing as her intention is too standard, in his opinion.

(Become stronger, huh) He thought while remembering about himself in his past life.

''Well, we can go then...'' Lin Feng said while carrying her in a bridal position toward Aurel's back.

Aria is also following them as her eyes are staring at Zhu Zhuqing.

(Hmph, another enemy) Aria thought with a pout.

''Aurel,'' Lin Feng said, ''To the sunset forest.''

''Kuuu!'' Aurel flapped her wings as her body ascending to the skies.

(A-Amazing) Zhu Zhuqing thought as she can see the view above the clouds.

''First time.'' Lin Feng asked, to which she responded with a nod while her eyes are wandering through vast white clouds.

(Golden Wind) Zhu Zhuqing thought while staring at faints goldish-wind around her.

''That's why I don't feel any pressure from the flight and heat from the sun.'' She muttered in wonder.

Aria pouted and suddenly hugging Lin Feng as she stared at Zhu Zhuqing.

''Master...'' Aria said to Lin Feng's ears.

(Don't tell me she jealous-. Yep, she is!) Lin Feng said while turning his gaze to his maid.

''Haha...'' He laughed as he softly patted Aria's head.

They then keep flying for a few hours as Aurel suddenly slowing her speed and descending from the skies.

In the center of the sunset forest, Dugu Bo is still looking at his medicinal herb as he feels a presence coming from the skies.

''Oh, young master is back.'' He said with a smile while seeing Aurel landed on the ground.

''We arrived.'' Lin Feng stated, ''Thanks, Aurel.''

''Kuu!'' Aurel nodded as she back into the summoning space.

''This place is...'' Zhu Zhuqing said while looking at the surrounding, which is very unfamiliar to her.

''Sunset forest.'' Lin Feng answered.

''We're on the heaven dou city.'' He added, which makes Zhuqing startled.

''Eh...'' She stared at Lin Feng, ''We already on the heaven dou empire.''

''Yeah,.' Lin Feng nodded, ''Follow me.''

Lin Feng and Aria then walked into Dugu Bo's medicinal garden as Zhuqing is still staring at him with a startled expression.

''I can become strong...'' Zhu Zhuqing muttered with a smile while gripping her fist.

She then followed Lin Feng and Aria toward a garden full of medicinal herbs that she doesn't know.

''Young master...'' Dugu Bo appeared in front of them.

He lightly smiled while bowing his head, ''Welcome back.''

''Mm, from now on, this girl will live with us.'' Lin Feng stated while pointing his finger toward Zhuqing.

''This subordinate understands,'' Dugu Bo nodded while examining Zhuqing.

(Hmm, She's a lucky one, huh) He thought while disappears for preparing something.

''Ah, by the way,'' Lin Feng said while turning back and staring at Zhuqing.

''That man is a titled douluo, and he's my subordinate.''

''Titled Doulou.'' Zhu Zhuqing coldly breathed with a shocked expression on her face.

''Black spirit rings, tamed spirit beast, and titled douluo.''

(How many secrets did he actually have) She thought while feeling very overwhelmed by Lin Feng's possession.

''Master...'' Aria suddenly said, ''It's time for lunch.''

''Well, let's eat before we started your training.'' Lin Feng stated with a smile on his face, ''Ah, yeah. Aria is the one who will supervise your training.''

''Aria...'' Zhu Zhuqing muttered while looking at the beautiful woman in front of her.

(He's also has a strong and beautiful maid, but training?) She thought as she stared at Aria with a little doubting.

Even though she can sense that Aria's strong, she doesn't really know about her, especially her training abilities.

(Should I tell her) Lin Feng thought as he guessed what Zhuqing is thinking right now.

When looking at her doubting face, He knows that she's doubting Aria's capabilities for training someone.

(Nah, I'll let her taste the bitterness of Aria's no mercy training) Lin Feng chuckled while walked toward a house inside the garden.

The house is not small or big, but it's enough for 3-4 peoples to live in it, and there is a small lake near the house, which is come from a waterway from the nearest waterfall.

Entering the house, Aria then walked into the kitchen while Feng and Zhuqing are waiting at the dining table as she is fidgetting while sometimes staring at his face.

(Hmm, she's nervous) He thought while looking at Zhuqing, who is avoiding making eye contact with him.

''Master, your lunch.'' Aria arrived while placing warm dishes on the table.

Aria then sits beside Lin Feng as she starts to feed him.

''You don't have to feed me, you know.'' Lin Feng smiled.

''Hmph...'' Aria pouted.


''Aaah.'' Lin Feng opened his mouth as Aria is happily feeding him.

(Mm, this is surprisingly good) Zhu Zhuqing thought while tasting Aria's cooks but feels a little weird as two people in front of her seem to release a repelling field.

''Their relationship is so close.'' Zhu Zhuqing muttered.

After the lunch is over, we can see Lin Feng waving his hand as Aria and Zhuqing is proceed to the outskirt area of the sunset forest.

''Here...'' Aria indifferently said while giving Zhuqing a dagger.

''Why did you give me a dagger.'' Zhu Zhuqing tilted her head while looking at a dagger in her hand.

''So, you can fight the spirit beast, even if you're running out of soul power,'' Aria answered while suddenly kicking her toward the liar of the spirit beast.

''Eh.'' Zhu Zhuqing feels her body got launched, ''Wait!''

She then falls to the ground as Aria's voice comes into her ears.

''You only have one goal in this training session.''
