Chain of Conflict

Chapter 77


The next morning, in the bedroom inside of the base, we can see Lin Feng opened his eyes while feeling his face got pressed by soft cushions.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng blinked for a little bit.

(Aria and Zhuqing) He thought while staring at two females who were hugging him.

Aria is wearing a white silk sleeping gown, which showing her curves and body figure. She looks like a beautiful fairy with a beautiful smile on her face.

As for Zhuqing, She's wearing black silk pajamas, which doesn't really show her body curves but enhances her imposing bosom.



''I know that two of you are awake'' Lin Feng said with a smile on his face.

''Mm, Good morning,'' Aria opened her eyes while softly yawning and giving her master a kiss on his cheeks.

''G-Good Morning...'' Zhu Zhuqing quietly said while blushing.

(Even though we don't do anything. Why I feel so embarrassed!) She thought while trying to hide her face from Lin Feng.

''I-I'll change my clothes first...'' She said while hurriedly come out of the bed and running out from the room.

(I Won) Aria thought while staring at the door.

''Master,'' Aria said while also come out from the bed, ''I'll prepare breakfasts for us.''

''Mm, please made a warm soup for me.'' Lin Feng replied with a nod as he sees Aria walked out of the room.

''Mm, Warm Soup.'' Aria nodded.

After Aria walking out of the room, we can see Lin Feng adjusting his breath while entering a meditation.



''I found a new way to use my silver lightning.'' He muttered as every day when he wakes up from his sleep. He will review his ability to improve them or find a new way to use them.

''I need a metal coin.'' Lin Feng said while lifting his body from the bed.

(It will become a little dangerous, I should find a deep lake) He thought while taking out his pajamas and then wearing his clothes.

''Hmm, it looks okay.'' Lin Feng commented while looking at himself in the mirror.

He's standing on the floor while wearing black pants and a white shirt, which got covered by a black parka.

The parka has a symbol on the back, a purple-eye with a black cross like the tyrant onyx dragon's eyes.

Lin Feng then walked out of the room as a pleasant scent of soup entering his nose.

''Oh, good morning, Artamiel.'' He greeted while looking at the archangel.

''Mm,'' Artamiel nodded and then closed his eyes.

(Did he sleep?) Lin Feng thought but decided not to ask about it.

''Master, your breakfast...'' Aria said while bringing the breakfast to the table.

(Hmm, She already wearing her maid uniform) Lin Feng thought.

Zhu Zhuqing is walking to the room with a blush on her face. She's already changing her pajamas to her usual outfits.

After enjoying their breakfast, they then walked out of the base and found two piles of spirit beast bodies in front of them.

''Uugh, You won,'' Sorang said while falling to the ground.

''Woof!'' Kro proudly raised his chest.

(I don't expect them to do a competition, and it looks like both of them did this all night) Lin Feng thought with a faint smile.

''Hmm, the spirit beast age is around 1000-10000 years old.'' He muttered while staring at the piles of the spirit beast's corpses.

''Well, of course, Kro will win the fight, even if Sorang is a great hunter.''

(But, they need to rest now) He thought while shaking his head.

After instructing Kro and Sorang to rest, he then took the spirit beast corpse into his inventory.

(What happened, they usually already wake up?) Lin Feng thought while looking into the summoning space and found Noel, Silvy, and Aurel are still sleeping.

''Should I wake them up...'' He muttered, ''Nah, I'll let them for a few hours.''


''Artamiel, can you hide your wings.'' Lin Feng asked as his angel wings are too eye-catching.

''Mm, I can.'' Artamiel nodded as his halo and wings disappear. He looks like an ordinary man wearing a white robe now.

''Okay...'' Lin Feng smiled, "let's go!''

They then moved into the inner area of the star dou forest.

On their way, they found many spirit beasts, which is not suitable for Lin Feng's martial soul, and even after a few hours of searching, they found nothing.


''Am I too picky?'' Lin Feng muttered while frowning as there is not spirit beast that suitable for him. Even after searching for three hours.

Zhu Zhuqing is fighting a spirit beast on the other side as she's calmly dodging every attack from the spirit beast.

Her enemy is a black panther with purple eyes, which seems to have an agile movement.

''Hell Shadow Dopleganger.'' Zhu Zhuqing muttered as her second spirit ring shining a little bit.

Two clones appear beside her as three of them charge from three different ways while gripping a dagger.

''Shadow Slash.''

Three slashes are flying toward the black panther as it's covering every way to run.

So the black panther decided to jump into the air only to found Zhuqing's eyes staring at him.

''Hmph.'' Zhuqing stomped her leg toward the black panther's head and launched the beast to the ground.


''Shadow Slash...'' She once again slashed her dagger to the ground.


''Hmm?'' Zhuqing landed on the tree branch and found the black panther lying motionlessly on the dirt.

(I can defeat a seven thousand years old spirit beast without killing it) She thought while approaching the black panther.

''Finally.'' She muttered as she's feeling a little happy.

''Not bad, you can control your energy better than two months ago,'' Aria commented while looking at Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing only nodded her head as she stared at Aria.

''But, you forgot something,'' Aria stated while pointing at the black panther. ''Are you really sure that you have defeat your enemy.''


The black panther suddenly roared and rushed toward Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly raised the dagger in her hand to block the incoming attack.

''Ah, there is a spirit beast flying with a fast speed to our place.'' Lin Feng stated as a snake with a wing appears.


Her dagger flies away toward the air and hits the body of the winged-snake body, but the snake keeps flying away as its senses danger from Aria, Artamiel, and Lin Feng's body.

''My dagger!'' Zhu Zhuqing shouted in panic.


The black panther tried to attack her again.

''Shut up.'' She coldly said while kicking the black panther's head and instantly launched it to a big tree.


(My dagger) She thought while chasing the winged-snake spirit beast.

''Tch, this spirit beast speed is too fast.'' She muttered while jumping from one tree branch to another tree branch.

Lin Feng, Aria, and Artamiel are following her.

''Aria, why don't you help her?'' Lin Feng said while looking at the panicked Zhuqing.

''I can't,'' Aria replied as she stared at the snake.

''Ah, don't tell me the dagger she used when fighting is my gift.'' Lin Feng suddenly realized why Zhuqing is so panic.

(Hmm, we already out from the inner forest) He thought as two people appear in their path.

A teenage girl and a middle-aged woman appears in their path,

Lin Feng can feel that their strength is better than average spirit master.

They seem to throw something toward the winged-snake spirit beast and successfully hit its left eyes.

But, the winged-snake keeps flying and increased its speed two-fold.

''My dagger...'' Zhu Zhuqing coldly staring at the winged-snake as a cold aura comes out from her body.

''Grandma, they chasing the spirit beast.'' The teenage girl said while looking at the glimpse of Lin Feng's face.

(He's handsome) She thought.

''Hmm, I can't sense their strength,'' The middle-aged woman said while looking at Aria.

(But, we're safe as long my husband is around here) She thought.

''Hurry up, Yiran.'' She stated, ''That spirit beast is suitable for you.''

''Mm.'' The teenage girl nodded.

They keep chasing the spirit beast until another group appears in their path.

But, this group has members that have a familiar face, which is Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai.

''Xiao Wu.'' Tang San shouted, ''Be careful.''

''Hehe...'' Xiao Wu laughed as she appeared in front of the winged-snake.

''Waist bow!'' She said while launching an attack toward the spirit beast.

''Eh.'' She suddenly dazed as Zhuqing appears behind the winged-snake.

''My dagger...'' Zhu Zhuqing coldly said while kicking the winged-snake and grab her dagger at the same time.


The winged-snake falls into the ground and creating a hole with the shape of the winged snake body.

''Ah.'' Lin Feng appears on the scene as Tang San staring at him.


(Something troublesome will happen in this place) Lin Feng thought while sighed, ''What a drag.''

''Z-Zhuqing!'' Dai Mubai shouted with a shocked expression on his face.

Tang San stared at Lin Feng with a bewildered expression, ''Lin Feng...''