Spirit Soul and Spirit Emperor

Chapter 83


''Um...'' The Dryad sheepishly asked, ''Who are you.''

(Ah, shy creature, but don't anger them) Lin Feng thought while staring at the dryad.

''This place is my training base.''

''As for who I am, I'm the one who summoned you here.'' He's truthfully responded while making a friendly smile on his face.

''Um, so this is not the eldris forest...'' She muttered while trying to sense the nature around her.

A wooden stick with three leaves appears on her hand as a green glow shining on the leaves.

(Nature, eh) Lin Feng commented while staring at the wooden stick, which brimming with natural energy.


The dryad is releasing a cute yelp as crystal clear tears running from her eyes.

''Hic, this place is not eldris forest...'' The dryad cried while lowering her head.

(Ah, I need to calm her down first) Lin Feng thought while shaking his head and walked toward the dryad.

''There, there...'' Lin Feng patted her head while releasing natural energy from his body.

''Please don't cry, and it would be a waste if a beautiful girl like you crying and wasting your tears.'' He added as the dryad raised her head and staring at his eyes.

''Un, I'll stop crying...'' The dryad responded, ''But, can I ask you something.''

''You can.'' He replied as he continues to flowing natural energy from his body to make her not too nervous around him.

The dryad nodded and inhaling his body's scents for a little bit, ''Why do you have the same fragrance as the great dryad ancestor?''

''Eh, huh...''

''Scents.'' Lin Feng is tilting his head in confusion.

''Mm, you had the same exact scents as the great dryad ancestor.'' The dryad replied while once again nodded her head.

''You also have the same pure natural energy as the dryad saint.'' She added.

''Um, I'll explain about my kin, dryad.'' The dryad suddenly stated as she sees Lin Feng confused.

''We are born as a tree, which gained a spirituality and ability to perceive the nature.''

''In other words, we're tree spirit, fairy or nymph.''

''The great dryad ancestor is the first dryad, who is born on the eldris forest and after she's died, her body, which is a great tree, still remained on the eldris forest.''

''Her essence is enriching the eldris forest and makes the second generation's dryad born.''

''The first descendant of her is the dryad saint, which has a powerful ability to control natural energy, and the legend said his wood control is capable of creating a pillar of woods that can reach the star.''

(Pillar of wood that can reach the star, what an intriguing ability) He commented.

''Is there any level of strength on the eldris forest, and what is your level.'' Lin Feng curiously asked.

''We dryad has five castes of power level, weak dryad, normal dryad, big dryad, great dryad, and the saint dryad.''

''Um, about my strength, I only have the strength of normal dryad...'' The dryad's beautiful face is blushing in shame while averting her gaze from Lin Feng.

(Maybe the world purifying rainbow lotus has a connection with her ancestor) Lin Feng thought while making his golden lotus appears on his hand.

''I don't know about your ancestor.''

''But, my golden lotus should answer your question.''

(Eh, The great ancestor) The dryad's eyes widened in shock while trying to touch the golden lotus.

''This is the same as the great ancestor.''


''This place is not the eldris forest.'' She stated with a shocked expression.

The golden lotus is suddenly releasing a brilliant golden light that's covering the dryad.

''This is...'' She said while feeling warm around her body.

The dryad body is suddenly developing at a fast- rate.

Her short green hair becomes long as its reaches her waist, her figure becomes refined, and her green eyes become goldish-green.

Her clothes are also transforming into a dress made by leaves and vines covering her body. Tiara of flowers appears and blossoms on her head.

''The legendary great dryad ancestor's blessing!'' She franticly shouted in excitement.

''My strength increasing to the great dryad.''

''Y-You're the great dryad ancestor...''

''Thank you for the blessing, ancestor!'' She hugged Lin Feng with her refined body as her soft bosom pressuring his body.

''H-Huh, why are you calling me, Ancestor.'' Lin Feng responded while pushed her away.

''Eh, B-But...''

''You had the ability of the ancestor...''

''Doesn't that mean you're my ancestor because only the ancestor had this ability.''

''Don't tell me...''

''Hic, you're not the ancestor...'' She lowered her head while starting to cry.


(Ah, Damn it, what kind of situation is this) He thought as he sighed while staring at the dryad.

Lin Feng is confused by the situation as the dryad's crying like a child, but her adult body is tightly hugging him.

(It's not as supple and soft as Aria's, but, n-no, it's not the time for that) He thought while shaking his head.

''Please stop crying...'' Lin Feng whispered while raised her head.

He's gently wiping the tears from her eyes as he's calmly staring at her.

''Because?'' He said.

''It would be a waste if a beautiful girl like me crying and wasting my tears.'' The dryad answered while stop crying.

''Do you have a name.'' Lin Feng asked.

''Mm, No.'' The dryad shook her head.

''What about I give you a name...'' He proposed with a smile on his face.

''Really.'' She said while eagerly staring at him. ''I want one.''


''You have green eyes and hair like a camellia's leaves.''

''Combined with your face, which beautiful like camellia's flower.''

''I'll give you a name.''

''Mellia.'' Lin Feng said with the confidence of his naming sense.


''Mellia.'' The dryad mumbled. ''I like it.''

''Hmm, can I stay at your side...'' She suddenly asked, which caught Lin Feng off guard.


[The Dryad, Mellia, willingly to perform a contract with you]

[Do you want to perform a contract]


''Uh, Yes.'' Lin Feng answered.

[Performing a summoning contract]




''An error, how could there is an error.'' Lin Feng startled while staring at the blue screen in front of him. ''This never happened before?''

[Golden Lotus interfering with the summoning contract, host]

''Golden Lotus...'' He muttered while looking at the golden lotus on his hand.

[Searching for another solution...]

[Performing Summoning and Spirit Soul Contract]

[Stabilzing connection between the two contracts]


''Mmph....'' Mellia suddenly releasing a moan as her body shining with a faint green light.

[Mellia Contracted]


A smoke appears as Mellisa's body disappears from the scene.

''Where is she.'' Lin Feng's eyes wandering around the room as Mellia's voice appears in his ears.

''I'm here,'' Mellia said while waving her hands.

''Ah, your body becomes small.'' Lin Feng stated while looking at mini Mellia on his shoulder, but somehow she has translucent green wings on her back right now.

''Mm, I suddenly feel connected with you, Master,'' Mellia said while staring at Lin Feng's face.

''Why are you suddenly calling me, Master?'' He tilted his head while rubbing his finger on Mellia's cheeks.

''Mmph, because I can't call you, Ancestor, then I'll call you Master.'' She stated while proudly raising her chest.


''It's fine, I guess.''

''You can call me, Master from now on.'' Lin Feng while releasing a sigh.

He's suddenly feeling his energy surging like waves as his spirit ranks breakthrough at a fast pace.

''My spirit energy...''

''Level 64.''

''I'm spirit emperor now.'' He said as six black spirit rings floating around his body.

[Name: Mellia]

[Species: Spirit Soul/Mystic Dryad]

[Gender: Female]

[Age/C. Age: 120/42.000 years old]

[Battle Power: Spirit Emperor]

[Innate/Spirit Skill: Wood Element Control, Nature's Blessing, Drain]

[Description: Mellia is a mystic dryad because of the unknown blessing of the golden lotus, which performs indirect connection with her soul]

[Because of the indirect connection, she need to perform a special contract where her soul and essence connected to the host's soul and golden lotus martial soul]

[But her physical body still appears on the outside like all of the host's summons]

[But, because of that, the host could access and gain all of her skill]

(An: Yeah, Yeah, I know)

''Okay...'' Lin Feng nodded.

''Well, it seems, we're going to be a family from now on.'' Lin Feng stated while teasing Mellia's cheeks with his finger.

''Mmph, We're family from now on.''
